A simple nbtlib Schema for reading or writing Schematic files for MCEdit and other world editors.
Python 3.8 or higher is required. You should probably create a new virtual environment before you install. Once you have activated your virtual environment, run
pip3 install nbtschematic
To load an existing MCEdit or other schematic file from disk, run:
from nbtschematic import SchematicFile
sf = SchematicFile.load('tests/test_schematic/simple.schematic')
print("The block at Y=%d, Z=%d, X=%d has block ID %d" %
(2, 3, 0, sf.blocks[2, 3, 0]))
To generate a schematic file in python, run:
from nbtschematic import SchematicFile
sf = SchematicFile(shape=(10, 8, 4))
assert sf.blocks.shape == (10, 8, 4)
sf.blocks[2, 3, 0] = 42
The size of the schematic should be defined at construction time. Resizing it will clear the blocks and block data.
Other fields of interest include:
: Block data for each and every blockentities
: Everything that is not a blockblockentities
: Extended metadata for blocks
For more information about the underlying objects, see nbtlib
's excellent
License - MIT