FastLED Effect Webserver on ESP8266 with multiple effects and configuration options
- Provide a simple webserver to switch between effects and change parameters like effect speed, fade speed, colors, direction and more
- Most effects are modification from existing demos, but improved especially for long LED Strips (tested on 300 LED strip with 5m)
- Serial interface to define WiFi SSID/PW
- WiFi AP in addition to serial to enter WiFi credentials (IP:, should however now invoke a captive AP on connect
- Save function to remember WiFi and Effect Settings
- Includes a DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor, but that can be excluded with #undef ENABLE_DHT11
- Install the Arduino IDE and add the ESP8266 Board Manage (File->Preferences, under "Additional boards manager URLs" add
- To use the DHT11 Sensor part, add the library "DHT sensor library for ESPx by beegee_tokyo" (tested with 1.19)
- For the LED add "FastLED by Danial Garcia" (tested with 3.6.0)
Have fun
Current web frontend:
How to connect on a breadboard:
Additionally you can place a button between D4 and GND that can be used to toggle through the effects without using the webinterface. Pressing the button in AP Mode will exit AP mode to run the device without WLAN (then you just have 15 programs to switch through with the button)