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Starred repositories
OpenGovernment -- a project of the Participatory Politics Foundation
Mail-in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box.
Default Community Health/Policy Files for the Microsoft organization on GitHub
A binary static analysis tool that provides security and correctness results for Windows Portable Executable and *nix ELF binary formats
Run multiple open source security static analysis tools without the added complexity with OSSAR (Open Source Static Analysis Runner).
cpplint / cpplint
Forked from google/styleguideStatic code checker for C++
Combination of multiple linters to run as a GitHub Action or standalone
github / super-linter
Forked from super-linter/super-linterCombination of multiple linters to install as a GitHub Action
Marks issues and pull requests that have not had recent interaction
A GitHub Action for detecting vulnerable dependencies and invalid licenses in your PRs
Rudimentary ieee1275/OpenFirmware Rust environment similar to uefi-rs.
A collection of scripts & configuration files to quickly and easily format your code (by calling clang-format, for instance)
Aero is a new modern, experimental, UNIX-like operating system following the monolithic kernel design. Supporting modern PC features such as long mode, 5-level paging, and SMP (multicore), to name …
[DEPRECATED] A tool for managing multiple Rust installations
a Rust library implementing safe, lightweight context switches, without relying on kernel services
Fullstack app framework for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
Zero-cost ultra-high-performance declarative DOM library using FRP signals for Rust!
A comparison of some web frameworks and libs written in Rust
Minimal example of animating the HTML5 canvas from C++ using SDL through WebAssembly
Open-source and installable PWA terminal powered by WebAssembly, WAPM, and Wasmer-JS 🖥
Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
Simple, lightweight, and magic-free static site/blog generator for Python coders