Run the following in $dotfiles
to setup all symlinks:
The dotfiles contain configurations for:
- alacritty
- audamo
- bash
- bat
- black
- conda
- darkman
- distrobox
- dunst
- electron
- emacs
- envvars
- fish
- flake
- fontconfig
- foot
- gammastep
- git
- gtk-4.0
- hyprland
- i3
- i3status
- ideavim
- ipython
- kanshi
- latexmk
- mattermost
- nvim
- paru
- pdbpp
- picom
- profile
- pylint
- redshift
- rofi
- sketchybar
- skhd
- sway
- tealdeer
- tmux
- vim
- waybar
- Xresources
- xsettingsd
- yabai
- zathura
- zellij
- zsh