My nickname is bovino and my name is Marcelo Bezerra (but people have usually and consistently called me by my nickname in the last 20 years or so). I am a software engineer who started programming in 2002, and in the last years i focused my career on backend development and API-related stuff, including API design, API Gateways, Microservices architecture and system integrations.
I am a winner of the Kong 2022 Hackaton (, i am a member of the Kong Champions program ( and i had the honor to speak in conferences like Kong HQ "Destination:Scale" ( and TDC - The Developers Conference ( Well yes, i enjoy the topics "API" and "API Gateway" :-D
📚 Some of the tools, clients and utility software i like to use during development (it´s not the full/complete list, these are just the ones that i have used more frequently in the last years)
- IDE: VSCODE, IntelliJ, GoLand, Notepad++, Eclipse, Spring Tools
- Build and artifacts repository: Gradle, Maven, NPM, Lua Rocks, GitLabCI, Jenkins, Nexus, Artifact
- Containers: Podman, Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Compose Generator, Docker Hub
- Load test: JMeter, K6, LoadMill
- Contract testing: Pact, Pact Broker, Spring Cloud contract
- API: Postman, curl, Insomnia, Stoplight, OpenAPI Generator (, OpenAPI tools (, Swagger Editor
- Kafka: Kafka Drop, Offset Explorer / Kafka Tool, Kaf, Spectre Kafka GUI
- Metrics, logging and monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK, Log4J, SLF4J
- Database: DBeaver, Oracle SQL Explorer, SQL Server Studio, PgAdmin, MongoDB Compass, MySQL Workbench
- Caching: Rebrow, RedisInsight
- Profiling and debug: JProfiler, Wireshark, Java Visual VM
- Docs and communications: Confluence, JIRA, Slack, MS Teams, Google Meet, Google Docs, Zoom, Miro
- OS: Linux Ubuntu, Arch Linux and Windows 10
- GRADUATION: During my graduation i studied at UnB (University of Brasilia) and UniEuro (Brazil)
- POST GRADUATION: I have a post graduation at IGTI (Brazil), where i studied BigData and topics related to data engineering
- API design (specially using the specs OpenAPI and Async API)
- API gateways (specially Kong API Gateway)
- Open innovation (specially with public APIs involved)
- Distributed architectures (including but not limited to microservices)
- Data streaming (specially using Apache Kafka and Kafka Connectors)
- Event-driven architecture
- Automated testing and quality assurance for APIs
- API governance
- APIOps (specially when combined with an API-First approach)
- (under construction, i will have a few others in this list soon....)
- Winner of Kong 2022 Hackaton with the award "Top Overall Contribution" ( and and
- Member of Kong Champions program
- Java 8 Oracle Certified Associate
- SCEA - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for JEE 5 (Part 1/3)
- Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Developer
- Former member of Team Macromedia for ColdFusion (later renamed for Adobe Community Experts)
- Speaker at KongHQ "Destination:Scale" in 2021 with a session named "MAKE IT EASY: AUTOMATING TESTS AND DEPLOYMENT OF CUSTOM PLUGINS"
- Speaker at TDC 2020, at the Kotlin Track with a session named "Using SpringBoot 2.3.0 with Kotlin and Gradle"
- Speaker at TDC 2021, at the JavaScript and NodeJS Track with a session named "Writing consumer driven contract tests in Pact for an API client in NodeJS"
- Speaker at TDC 2022, at the JavaScript and NodeJS Track with a session named "Evaluating and improving performance of APIs written in NodeJS"