8000 GitHub - bourinus/Fall: Stable operators of fall.
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Fall: stable operators of fall.

Exponentiation, paradox & repetition based functions in python.

Seeks & destroys paradoxes with new recursions, proofs, sequences, formalism, principles.

Project on Github Readme Documentation

Current State: 1 stable function: define() only accessible from SageMath console.

Example: define()

a paradox & based function from which can be built 2 paradigms.

always repeats it's entry, then print something else.
always has 3 consecutive values equals.
always hides an important information: one value is never returned.

Build on repetition this function is a, very, interesting liar ...

Getting Started

  • Debian Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer.
  • Python Python 3.8.2
  • Sagemath SageMath version 9.0 (testing/dev)
Clone this project:
$ git clone https://github.com/bourinus/Fall.git

Run with SageMath:

Open a terminal at the location of the the file fall.py and load sage:

$ sudo apt install sagemath 
$ sage

this gives access to the sage console:

sage: load("fall.py")  
sage: define((6/5)*(4/3)) 

Run with Python:

##### List of the Python modules used:

  • Fire automatically generates command line interfaces (CLIs) from any Python object.
  • Mock test library, allows you to replaces parts of your system under test with objects.
  • Sphinx automatically generate intelligent and beautiful documentation.
  • Virtualenv tool to create isolated Python environments.
To install :
  • To install, open a terminal in the Fall folder: After installation a 'venv' is visible in the Fall folder.
$ make install
  • Options available: open a terminal in the Fall folder:
$ make help

   make reset            reset the virtual environment
   make clean            remove temp files & virtual environment
   make install          install dependencies & environment
   make install_dev      install additional dev tools
   make test             run tests
   make run              run Fall
   make doc              build the documentation
  • Executing from terminal & python (not working)
$ make run


testing: define()

First understanding: define() is a paradox & repetition based function.

always repeats it's entry, then print something else.
always has 3 consecutive values equals.
always hides an important information: the 6th value is never returned.
  • default test command n°1:
sage: define(1)    sage: define(I)      sage: define(0)      sage: define(2)
1                  I                    0                    2
-------            -------              -------              -------
1                  1                    1                    1
1                  I                    0                    2
-------            -------              -------              -------
1                  I                    0                    2
1                  I                    0                    2
-------            -------              -------              -------
1                  -1                   0                    4
returned:          returned:            returned:            returned:
1                  I                    0                    2
  • test command n°2:
 sage: A = Matrix([[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8]])
 sage: define(A)
 [0 3 6]
 [1 4 7]
 [2 5 8]
 [1 0 0]
 [0 1 0]
 [0 0 1]
 [0 3 6]
 [1 4 7]
 [2 5 8]
 [0 3 6]
 [1 4 7]
 [2 5 8]
 [0 3 6]
 [1 4 7]
 [2 5 8]
 [ 15  42  69]
 [ 18  54  90]
 [ 21  66 111]

Why this paradox based function is interesting:

This gives access to other class of functions based on principles: counting/processing differently. And because this gives an error management based on the complex number j

contradiction:   i=i            ... lvl 1
Oops!            i^2=-1         Trying again...
Oops!            i^3=-i         Trying again...
Oops!            i^4=1          Trying again...
Result check A:                 1/2 Green
contradiction:   -1=1            ... lvl 3
Oops!            j=1/j           Trying again...
Oops!            j^2=-1/j^2.     Trying again...
Result check B:                  3/4 Green
check C++
check A+
contradiction:   -1=1            ... lvl 2
Oops!            j=1/j           Trying again...
Oops!            j^2=-1/j^2.     Trying again...
Result check B:                  1/4 Green
check C+
check A++
hello: test test_hello (__main__.MenuTest)
	python hello.py  # Hello World!
	python hello.py --name=David  # Hello David!
	python hello.py --help  # Shows usage information.
Ran 1
 test in 0.000s


How to deal with paradox based functions:

Studying repetition and global behavior gives faster computation using principles.

1/2   5/10  2/5     0.2  2/10  1/10     1/100   100/100  1/10   10/1   10    1/10
1/3   5/3   30/5    6    6/10  3/10     9/100    90/100  9/10   10/9   10/9  9/10
1/4   5/7   70/5    14   14/10 7/5      49/50    98/100  1/50   50/1   50    1/50


  • The Glass Bead Game Hermann Hesse, 1941. A book about the arithmetic of God.

  • The Redemption game New type of proof & Prime number structure & Proof of God's Existence. On causes & consequences, value & judgment.

  • On hell ... and paradise aka 'corruption & perfection are twin concepts', 'if one get the part undoubtedly it will get the whole'.

  • On repetition & sorting How repetition can hide schemes and how to leverage them to achieve to see the scheme instead of his echoes.

  • On the Euler’s theorem on polyhedrons Maths are too corrupted folks.

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