Fall: stable operators of fall.
Exponentiation, paradox & repetition based functions in python.
Seeks & destroys paradoxes with new recursions, proofs, sequences, formalism, principles.
Project on Github Readme Documentation
Current State: 1 stable function: define() only accessible from SageMath console.
a paradox & based function from which can be built 2 paradigms.
always repeats it's entry, then print something else.
always has 3 consecutive values equals.
always hides an important information: one value is never returned.
Build on repetition this function is a, very, interesting liar ...
- Debian Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer.
- Python Python 3.8.2
- Sagemath SageMath version 9.0 (testing/dev)
$ git clone https://github.com/bourinus/Fall.git
Open a terminal at the location of the the file fall.py and load sage:
$ sudo apt install sagemath
$ sage
this gives access to the sage console:
sage: load("fall.py")
sage: define((6/5)*(4/3))
##### List of the Python modules used:
- Fire automatically generates command line interfaces (CLIs) from any Python object.
- Mock test library, allows you to replaces parts of your system under test with objects.
- Sphinx automatically generate intelligent and beautiful documentation.
- Virtualenv tool to create isolated Python environments.
- To install, open a terminal in the Fall folder: After installation a 'venv' is visible in the Fall folder.
$ make install
- Options available: open a terminal in the Fall folder:
$ make help
make reset reset the virtual environment
make clean remove temp files & virtual environment
make install install dependencies & environment
make install_dev install additional dev tools
make test run tests
make run run Fall
make doc build the documentation
- Executing from terminal & python (not working)
$ make run
First understanding: define() is a paradox & repetition based function.
always repeats it's entry, then print something else.
always has 3 consecutive values equals.
always hides an important information: the 6th value is never returned.
- default test command n°1:
sage: define(1) sage: define(I) sage: define(0) sage: define(2)
1 I 0 2
------- ------- ------- -------
1 1 1 1
1 I 0 2
------- ------- ------- -------
1 I 0 2
1 I 0 2
------- ------- ------- -------
1 -1 0 4
returned: returned: returned: returned:
1 I 0 2
- test command n°2:
sage: A = Matrix([[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8]])
sage: define(A)
[0 3 6]
[1 4 7]
[2 5 8]
[1 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 1]
[0 3 6]
[1 4 7]
[2 5 8]
[0 3 6]
[1 4 7]
[2 5 8]
[0 3 6]
[1 4 7]
[2 5 8]
[ 15 42 69]
[ 18 54 90]
[ 21 66 111]
This gives access to other class of functions based on principles: counting/processing differently. And because this gives an error management based on the complex number j
contradiction: i=i ... lvl 1
Oops! i^2=-1 Trying again...
Oops! i^3=-i Trying again...
Oops! i^4=1 Trying again...
Result check A: 1/2 Green
contradiction: -1=1 ... lvl 3
Oops! j=1/j Trying again...
Oops! j^2=-1/j^2. Trying again...
Result check B: 3/4 Green
check C++
check A+
contradiction: -1=1 ... lvl 2
Oops! j=1/j Trying again...
Oops! j^2=-1/j^2. Trying again...
Result check B: 1/4 Green
check C+
check A++
hello: test test_hello (__main__.MenuTest)
python hello.py # Hello World!
python hello.py --name=David # Hello David!
python hello.py --help # Shows usage information.
Ran 1
test in 0.000s
Studying repetition and global behavior gives faster computation using principles.
1/2 5/10 2/5 0.2 2/10 1/10 1/100 100/100 1/10 10/1 10 1/10
1/3 5/3 30/5 6 6/10 3/10 9/100 90/100 9/10 10/9 10/9 9/10
1/4 5/7 70/5 14 14/10 7/5 49/50 98/100 1/50 50/1 50 1/50
The Glass Bead Game Hermann Hesse, 1941. A book about the arithmetic of God.
The Redemption game New type of proof & Prime number structure & Proof of God's Existence. On causes & consequences, value & judgment.
On hell ... and paradise aka 'corruption & perfection are twin concepts', 'if one get the part undoubtedly it will get the whole'.
On repetition & sorting How repetition can hide schemes and how to leverage them to achieve to see the scheme instead of his echoes.
On the Euler’s theorem on polyhedrons Maths are too corrupted folks.