8000 GitHub - blakelapierre/relational_modeler: minimal logical models w/ export to postgres
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Try the web interface at: https://blakelapierre.github.io/relational_modeler

Sample Models:

  schema_name {
    table_name {
    } -> foreign_table

    foreign_table {
      attribute? boolean

experiments { @id, inserted_at timestamp } {
  binary {
    coin_flip {
      outcome { 'H', 'T' }

  cats_on_pants {
    cat { name }
    cat_position { position { 'pants1', 'p
ants2', 'both', 'neither' } } -> cat

dist  {
  accounts {
    accounts {key}

  features {
    features {description}
    accounts_features -> accounts.accounts -> features

  billing {
    transaction {amount numeric} -> features.accounts_features

dist {@id, inserted_at timestamp} {
  accounts {
    account {key}

  features {
    feature {description, unlocked boolean} -> feature (parent_feature)
    account_feature -> accounts.account -> feature
    feature_cost {cost numeric > 0} -> feature
    feature_schedule {global_unlock_value numeric} -> feature
    feature_progress {contributed_value numeric} -> feature

  transactions {
    transaction -> accounts.account
    transaction_detail {amount numeric} -> transaction
    transaction_account_feature -> features.account_feature -> transaction_detail

dist {@id, inserted_at timestamp} {
  accounts {
    account {key}
    account_feature -> account -> features.feature

  features {
    feature {description} -> feature (parent_feature)
    feature_cost {cost numeric} -> !feature
    feature_schedule {global_unlock_value numeric} -> !feature
    feature_progress {contributed_value numeric} -> !feature

    // NOTE: this syntax is not currently available
    feature_unlocked : feature_progress.contributed_value >= feature_schedule.global_unlock_value

  transactions {
    transaction -> accounts.account
    transaction_detail {amount numeric} -> transaction
    transaction_account_feature -> accounts.account_feature -> transaction_detail

For the full grammar, please see its definition.

 @ - Indicates the attribute is part of the table's PRIMARY KEY
 ! - Indicates the attribute is part of a UNIQUE constraint
 ? - Indicates the attribute may be NULL
-> - Indicates a foreign key attribute REFERENCES the primary key of another table


npm install -g relational_modeler

###Command-line Interface (CLI) Usage

relational_modeler sample.model

This will generate two files: 1) sample.sql and 2) sample.import.

sample.sql will contain a script that will create a database and schema for the model on a PostgreSQL database (other database engines can be easily added, but are not currently supported).

sample.import will contain a script that can be used to import data from character-separated-values (CSV) files. The characters used to delimit and quote values in the file may be passed as parameters.

All parameters:

relational_modeler [model file] [import file delimiter character] [import file quote character] [database engine]

###Web Interface Usage

The web interface is available at: https://blakelapierre.github.io/relational_modeler

The web interface can also be accessed by making the .dist/web_interface directory available to a web server and then accessing the index.html file.

Models can be typed or copy-pasted into the model text field and the corresponding SQL and import scripts may be copy-pasted out of the browser into any application you want.

###API Usage

import {api, GrammarError} from 'relational_modeler';

const modelText =
  schema_name {
    table_name {
    } -> foreign_table

    foreign_table {
      attribute? boolean

try {
  console.log(api(modelText, 'postgresql', '^', '~').schema.join('\n'));
catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof GrammarError) {
  else console.log(e);


minimal logical models w/ export to postgres






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