- animejs ⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Animate.css
- Lottie-web
- 🔗 Vuex
- 🔗 Tour
- 🔗 internationalization
- 🔗 ui
- localforage
- nuxt
- next
- 🔗 module
- 🔗 plugin
- nyc
- karma
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter
- avoriaz
- jest
- vue-jest
- jest-canvas-mock
- babel-jest
- ts-jest
- polly.js http api testing helper
- sinon
- 🔗 validation
- jsonwebtoken
- serialize-javascript
Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions, dates and functions.
- fs-extra
- globby
- pigy Promisify a callback-style function
- webpack 4: mode and optimization
- webpack 4: migration guide for plugins/loaders
- Webpack 4 Tutorial: from 0 Conf to Production Mode
- Creating themes in Vue Storefront
- Deploying Vue apps to heroku deploy
- Large-scale Vuex application structures
- Composing computed properties in Vue.js
- Vue.js Drag n’ Drop Concept
- Six random issues and their solutions in VueJS