本仓库为 scoop 的一个 bucket,backit 是对 bucket 的一个转写(其实是因为我是个取名废啦)。
本 bucket 主要目的是自用,所以说我可能不会遵循 scoop 的一些规则,如使软件尽可能 portable、对软件 homepage 的严格区分。另外由于我懒得切换分支,因此可能会在某段时间内产生大量的无意义(如:update
- 对官方(main, extras)中的描述文件不满意,进行了少量修改的
- 对官方更新速度不满意,直接复制过来的
- 自己发现的软件,兴致所至写出的 manifest,暂且未给官方提 PR 的
- 由于软件本身问题,不适合提交至官方的
如果你在使用过程中遇到了什么问题,欢迎提 issue、发 PR。当然也欢迎给我点个 star 啦(
scoop bucket add backit https://github.com/batkiz/backit
scoop bucket rm backit
This is a scoop bucket, backit is a transformation of bucket.
I create this bucket for my personal use at the very first, so sometimes I won't follow the official guideline(e.g. portable, homepage url, etc.). Also I may create many useless commits.
The manifests in this bucket would be as listed below:
- not satisfied with the official manifest, modified a little
- not satisfied with the update/PR accepted aging
- wrote by myself, not PRed to official buckets
- the apps not satisfied with official rules
Feel free to make a star, issue or pull request.
install this bucket:
scoop bucket add backit https://github.com/batkiz/backit
remove this bucket:
scoop bucket rm backit