- The project is about creating a single page application for the old arcade Pong game
- The backend is written in NestJS
- React is used for the frontend
- Postgresql is our database, it is managed with TypeORM
- Tailwind is used to handle CSS
- Turborepo is used to create a monorepo
- The project is dockerized
- To access the application, one must login with 42 API
- The application has friend and ignore lists, match history and a chat with the possibility to create public and private (protected) channels. The game has basic customization. A user can change username, avatar and enable/disable two-factor authentication
- For two-factor authentication it is required to have Google authenticator to scan a QR-code
- Jérémy Vander Motte (42: jvander- / git: JeremyVanderMotte)
- Hadrien Dony (42: hdony / git: hdony640)
- Aleksandr Buzdin (42: abuzdin / git: baltsaros)
- Arthur Demurger (42: ademurge / git: ademurge)
- Elsa Joo Thomson (42: ejoo-tho / git: ejt22)
- build - normal build
- silent - installation with less messages and silent launch (without logs)
- start - start containers
- stop - stop containers
- down - stop containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up
- clean - remove all unused containers, networks, images (both dangling and unreferenced), and optionally, volumes
- fclean - force clean
- apps - folder for frontend and backend parts
- docs - folder for some documentation
- pics - folder for screenshots
- node_modules - contains necessary modules for Turborepo, NestJS and React. Should be in .gitignore
- turbo.json - config for turborepo
- package.json - contains commands for turborepo
- auth - module that is responsible for 42 and local authentication; it also has getProfile() function 6BCE that receives a frontend request, does security checks and, if everything is fine, returns a user data
- user - module that is responsible for manipulation with user data (including creation, update and possible removal)
- channels - module that is responsible for handling a chat
- messages - not currently used?
- uploads - a folder for received files (like user avatars)
- helpers - a folder for helper functions; data-storage.service.ts is not used, since it is a not reliable way to store data
- types - a folder for defining interfaces
- main.ts - entry file for the backend
- api - a module that is used to make axios requests to the backend; it creates an axios instance with the stored access token
- assets - a folder for images and similar files used by React
- components - contains frontend components
- helpers - a folder for helper functions; localstorage.helper.ts is currently not used, since it does not work perfectly
- hooks - a folder for hooks functions; for example, useAuth() checks redux data to determine whether a user is logged in or not
- pages - contains main pages
- router - router.tsx contains links to all used pages that is used later by react-router-dom; inside it is possible to define a default index page, error page, protect pages
- services - a folder for services; auth.service.ts handles authentication and related calls to the backend
- store - a redux folder that is used to store data
- types - a folder for interfaces
- main.tsx - frontend entry file
- App.tsx - out main page; all other pages are injected in it; check authentication
- index.css - file where many tailwind parameters are defined
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