Sport Cross-Platform Mobile App für Mobile Anwendungen
- Install H2
- Install TomCat 9
- Install Flutter and add flutter to environment variables
- Install Node (required to install node packages/modules)
- Install Cordova using
npm install -g cordova
(Make sure you've installed Node first!) - Install Gradle and add gradle to environment variables
- Install Eclipse Enterprise Edition (Normal Edition doesn't support servers!)
- Install Android Studio or Text Editor of your choice
Database - H2
- Create local H2 Database
- Create Table using the existing Script (SQL-init.txt)
- Create Tomcat Server in Eclipse
- Import WAR File (Weblexikon_Server.war)
- Change the references of the EintragDAO File to local H2 Database
- (Optional) Setup Tomcat Ports to avoid getting used ports error
- Launch the imported WAR as Tomcat Server in Eclipse
- import/open cordova Project
- install dependencies using
npm install
- add platform using
cordova platform add android
orcordova platform add browser
- run cordova app using
cordova run android
orcordova run browser
- import/open flutter Project
- install dependencies using
flutter pub add get
- Select desired platform (recommended: API 29)
- Press run in Android Studio
- Ensure that H2 is closed when running TomCat and executing requests
- Ensure that Android SDK Version matches Gradle Version
- Ensure that you're running TomCat version 9
- Eclipse Enterprise Edition doesn't support Java Version 8
- Gradle won't build using Java 16 - Make sure you're running Java 8 or 11! (can be defined using the environment variables)
- Ensure you're logged in the google calendar in the emulator to ensure you can add events to your local calendar!