Apache CloudStack is an Apache project, see <http://cloudstack.apache.org> for more information.
These guides can be viewed online at http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/
Clean the build
make clean
Generate the .pot files
make gettext
Generate the .tx/config files with:
sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --pot-dir source/locale/pot --transifex-project-name apache-cloudstack-installation-rtd --locale-dir source/locale
Push the .pot files to transifex with:
tx push -s
Download the translated strings, for example Japanese (ja):
tx pull -l ja
Build the translated docs:
sphinx-intl build --locale-dir source/locale make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html
Please send feedback to the mailing list at <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>, or the JIRA at <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK>.
In your browser, navigate to: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-documentation
Fork this repository by clicking on the 'Fork' button on the top right hand side. The fork will happen and you will be taken to your own fork of the repository. On the right hand side of the page of your fork, under 'HTTPS clone URL', copy the URL to your clipboard by clicking the the clipboard just right of the URL.
On your computer, follow these steps to setup a local repository for working on the documentation:
$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR_ACCOUNT/cloudstack-documentation.git
$ cd cloudstack-docs-install
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-documentation.git
$ git checkout main
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/main
It is important that you create a new branch to make changes on and that you do not change the main branch (other than to pull in changes from upstream/main). In this case I will assume you will be creating a branch called dev to make your changes in. This dev branch will be created on your local repository and will then be pushed to your forked repository on GitHub where you will create a Pull Request for the changes to be committed into the official documentation.
It is good practice to create a new branch each time you want to contribute to the documentation and only track the changes for that pull request in this branch.
$ git checkout -b dev
(make your changes)
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m "commit message for your changes"
The -b specifies that you want to create a new branch called dev. You only specify -b the first time because you are creating a new branch. Once the dev branch exists, you can later switch to it with only git checkout dev.
It is important that you maintain an up-to-date main branch in your local repository. This is done by merging in the upstream/main (the official documentation repository) into your local repository. You will want to do this before you start working on a feature as well as right before you submit your changes as a pull request. You can also do this process periodically while you work on your changes to make sure you are working off the most recent version of the documentation.
This process will do the following:
- Checkout your local main branch
- Synchronize your local main branch with the upstream/main so you have all the latest changes from the official docs
- Merge the latest changes from the official docs into your dev branch so it is up-to-date with the latest changes
$ git checkout main
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/main
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull . main
Now your dev branch is up-to-date with all the recent changes in the upstream/main.
When you are happy with your changes and you want to contribute them, you will be creating a Pull Request on GitHub to do so. This is done by pushing your changes to your forked repository (usually called 'origin') and then initiating a pull request.
Make sure you have merged upstream/main into your dev branch before you do this.
$ git push origin main
$ git push origin dev
Now that the dev branch has been pushed to your GitHub repository, you can initiate the pull request.
To initiate the pull request, do the following:
- Navigate your browser to your forked repository: https://github.com/YOUR_ACCOUNT/cloudstack-documentation
- Click the new button called 'Compare & pull request' that showed up just above the main area in your forked repository
- Enter a good description of the work you have done and then click 'Send pull request'
If you are requested to make modifications to your proposed changes, make the changes locally on your dev branch, re-push the changes and submit the pull request again.
Once the dev branch has been committed into the upstream/main branch, your local dev branch and the origin/dev branch are not needed anymore. If you want to make additional documentation changes, restart the process with a new branch.
Make sure that your changes are in upstream/main before you delete your dev and origin/dev branches!
You can delete these deprecated branches with the following:
$ git checkout main
$ git branch -D dev
$ git push origin :dev