Placeholder for Python, Bash and PowerShell material, and other CLI snippets that I want to keep track of, for future reference and educational purposes.
Some of the resources were used for:
- Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate.
- Network Automation Professional Certificate by Arista Networks.
Multiprocessing (CPU-bound tasks):
from multiprocessing import Pool
Thread and process pool executors:
from concurrent import futures
Asynchronous I/O:
import asyncio
async def main():
print('Hello ...')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print('... World!')
from guppy import hpy
h = hpy()
print h.heap()
Beautiful Soup:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
MSTICPy (>v3.8, if working on local, create a virtual environment first):
import msticpy as mp
NumPy ("pip3 install matplotlib" on virtual environment):
import numpy as np
PyTorch (>v3.8, if CUDA support is needed with NVIDIA GPUs, check the Tensors documentation):
import torch
Pandas (>v3.9, use Anaconda to install the PyData stack. This includes Matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy, etc):
from memory_profiler import profile # Memory profiler
@profile # Don't forget the decorator
from tqdm import tqdm # "Te quiero demasiado" progression bars
import zimply # RIM reader, for Wikipedia
import zimply.zimply