Web application for live metro map and UCSC dining menu.
- Live Metro Map: Real-time Santa Cruz metro map, including all bus lines going through UCSC, and other lines too!
- Toggle bus lines comparing each route and fastest arrival.
- UCSC Dining Menu: Quick menu lookup for all UCSC dining halls.
- Quick lookup between all dining halls.
- Allergen filter for those with allergies.
- Look up for menu ahead of time, or in the past!
- I am tired of the slow and clunky UCSC dining menu website, so I create a faster and more user-friendly one.
- The live metro map does already exist, but it can be improved for faster lookup (The mobile UI kinda gives Pre-iOS7 vibes, check it out!), so I clone the app and improve the UI.
- Static Next.js pages are generated every midnight
- scraping every dining hall's menus today from the website generating a page based on the menu
- getting all bus waypoints and stops data from the website's API (there is no official one, but look at the network tab!)
- Static pages are served along with Next.js API calls
- calling API more for looking up the menu other than today
- getting every bus's live location from the website's API and updating every 5 seconds