JQuery Mobile widget plug-in for easy use of the iScroll scroller in JQuery Mobile projects.
iScroll is a javascript that can scroll content in a window within a web browser with very similar behaviour to native scrolling on mobile devices such as iPhone and Android. This means you can scroll a window within the browser using native-like scrollbars and physics.
jquery.mobile.iscrollview adapts the iScroll javascript to the jQuery Mobile environment.
It is an implementation of a JQuery Widget Factory widget. It follows the widget-factory-mobile Widget Factory Pattern.
Please see releaseNotes.txt for information on changes in this and prior releases.
This widget is not yet compatible with iScroll version 4.2.1 through 4.2.5. Please stick with iScroll 4.2 for now. Some investigation and testing is needed due to changes in iScroll event code.
Also, iScroll 4.2.1 introduced and change that may not be desirable. Scrolling continues when your finger leaves the wrapper. While this is a nice feature for small scrollers, this is not always desirable. It is very odd on desktop browsers, as scroll continues when you drag with the mouse, even outside of the browser! It should be optional. (It will be in iScroll5).
1.4 - Fully implement usejQueryEvents
? - Option to un-enhance widget temporarily (and optionally hide headers/footers) during virtual-keyboard input on select devices (iOS first), to eliminate all form input problems when using a virtual keyboard.
? iOS keyboard handing for inputs. Guess keyboard height based on device/orientation/fullscreen. Resize wrapper to fit page in space above keyboard, center focused element.
? - Better support for collapsible content (scroll on expand if expanded content below window)
This plugin works best when used with jquery.mobile.simultaneous-transitions
It puts back the old, simultaneous, non-scrolling transitions that everybody knew and loved from jQuery Mobile 1.0. It's an ideal companion for jquery.mobile.iscrollview! Stop fighting the goofy transitions in jQuery Mobile 1.1. If you're using iScroll, you probably don't need them.
This widget is intended for use in any jQuery Mobile project, but it was designed to be especially useful for some specific uses.
First and foremost are native mobile applications that use HTML/CSS/Javascript in a webview for their user interface. It is especially desirable that such applications reproduce a "native" look and feel. A native look and feel is impossible to achieve without an embeddable scroller with native-like physics and scrollbar action.
While iScroll4 is useful to help achieve this goal, it is difficult to use along with jQuery Mobile. It is not an easy task to integrate iScroll4 with jQuery Mobile - at least not correctly and efficiently.
My intention is that this widget will handle 80% of use cases with very minimal effort.
The most common need for iScroll in jQuery Mobile projects is to have a fixed header and footer with a single vertically-scrollable area in-between.
This can be accomplished by simply including the required files in the <head>
and adding a
single data-iscroll
attribute to your content <div>
If you need to do something different than this, this widget will probably work for you, but you will probably have to set some options and dig into the documentation a bit.
Because the primary target for this widget is native mobile applications, it has a large number of configurable options, which may be usable only in certain target environments. I want you to be able to tailor the widget to your specific needs when you are using it in specific, known environments.
Secondarily, it is intended to support websites that will be viewed on mobile browsers, and "full-screen" websites and "web apps" for mobile devices (i.e. "Add to Home Screen" in Mobile Safari).
Finally, it supports desktop browsers, and is regularly tested using current versions of FireFox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera. It generally works well in these browsers, and fortunately hasn't needed a lot of work to acheive compatability.
This widget is not well-tested on Android devices, and I very much appreciate assistance in ferreting-out Android issues. It is tested regularly in all three modes (Mobile Safari, full-screen, and UIWebView) on iPad 1(5.1), iPad 3(5.1), iPhone 4 (4.3.5) and iPhone 4S(5.1).
The most basic usage of this widget is simple: just add a data-iscroll
attribute to a container. All content inside this container will be scrolled.
Note that iscroll.js
itself scrolls only the first child of it's wrapper. However, by
default, this plugin automatically creates a protective <div>
around all
children of the wrapper, and so unlike iscroll.js it will scroll all of the children of the
wrapper element - not just the first.
As well, you may have no content in the wrapper initially. You might do this, for example, if
you will be inserting dynamic content later. In this case, the plugin will create an empty
for you.
If, for some reason, you do not want the widget to create
this protective container, set the createScroller
option to false
The widget does not use the typical JQuery Mobile data-role="something"
because a common use case would be to use a data-role="content"
as the
container, and, of course, you can't have two data-role
attributes on the
same element.
The widget will (normally) re-size the container to take up all available height
within the viewport after fixed headers/footers are taken into account. This behaviour can be
disabled using the resizeWrapper
option, which should be se true
for no more than one widget
on a given page.
The widget has been designed to support multiple scrollers on a page - for example, you might want a second, gallery-like horizontal scroller. So, all data related to a scroller is stored in the scroller's container, not the page. Feel free to experiment with multiple scrollers - I just haven't had the need so haven't put the effort into testing and supporting that scenario.
Support for data-position="fixed"
headers/footers is limited, but improved over previous
versions. Since this widget resizes the scroller to fit the page, there is no need for fixed
positioning of header/footer. Resizing is fast enough that the footer stays "glued" to the
bottom of the page fairly well.
Additional fixed-height elements (which are not headers or footers)
outside of the scrolling region should be given the data-iscroll-fixed
attribute, if they
would add to the height of the page. (Do not add the data-iscroll-fixed
to sidebars.)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"/>
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.mobile.iscrollview.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.mobile.iscrollview-pull.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="additional-site-specific-styles.css"/>
<script src="jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="iscroll.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.mobile.iscrollview.js"></script>
<script src="additional-site-specific-scripts.js"></script>
<div data-role="page" class="index-page">
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false" data-transition="none" data-id="header">
<h1>INDEX PAGE</h1>
<div data-role="content" class="example-wrapper" data-iscroll>
<p>some content that will be scrolled</p>
<p>Some more content that will be scrolled</p>
<ul data-role="listview">
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<p>Even more content. It will scroll whatever is in the data-iscroll div.</p>
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false" data-transition="none" data-id="footer">
<h1>My Footer</h1>
This plugin now works fairly well with both fixed and persistent toolbars, as long as you use jQuery Mobile 1.1.1 or later.
Make sure you use data-tap-toggle="false"
if you don't want goofy disppearing tolbars when the
user taps on the toolbar!
Note, however: do not use data-tap-toggle="false"
for Navbars! This is an apparent bug
in jQuery Mobile. data-tap-toggle
is not possible for NavBars in any case, because the buttons
cover the entire toolbar surface. There isn't anywhere for the user to tap-to-toggle.
If you add data-tap-toggle="false"
to a Navbar, the Navbar will fail to
work in certain circumstances when using certain browsers (Mobile Safari/iOS 5.1.1 on iPhone,
but not on iPad or iOS 4.3.5). After a window resize (for example, orientation change), the Navbar
will become non-responsive if data-tap-toggle
is present. In this case, just leave this option out
You can also use persistent toolbars. The JQM documentation has in the past been ambiguous as to whether these can be used with toolbars other than Navbars. They can: at least with jQuery Mobile 1.1.1. The demo now uses fixed, persistent toolbars for both header and footer.
To use a persistent toolbar, assign the same data-id
value to the toolbar in each page in
which it appears. jQuery Mobile will move the toolbar out of the page temporarily during
transitions, so that it will appear fixed. A "none" transition is used to transition the toolbars,
so that elements that are positioned in the same place within the toolbar will appear to not
change during the transition.
Because the page height is restricted to the viewport height (at least by default) when using this plugin, jQuery Mobile (1.1.1) will not fade the toolbar during transitions.
Bear in mind, though, that the combination of fixed toolbars and a page size that equals the viewport height (the default when using this plugin) may cause unwanted results in some enviroments. In particular, in Mobile Safari, this will cause the browser's navigation bar to show during page transitions. So, fixed toolbars are most appropriate only in a native environment (such as when using a WebView with PhoneGap.)
I am seeking feedback on how well fixed and persistent toolbars work (or don't) in different
browsers and environments. So, I have enabled fixed/persistent toolbars in the demo. If this causes
issues in your environment, please try with data-position="inline"
In the demo, you can use see the difference between how jQuery Mobile 1.0.1 and 1.1.1 handle this. You can see that the header is fixed with 1.1.1 but slides with the page with 1.0.1. JQM tries to keep the footer fixed in 1.0.1 but is not completely successful. You will see that sometimes it stays fixed and sometimes it slides with the page transition. Ths seems related to queued transitions.
Additionally, you may notice that the footer is shown briefly in the wrong position during transitions. If this is a problem in your environment, you can use an inline footer, and the plugin will insure it always appears in the right place. However, you cannot implement a persistent toolbar in JQM 1.1 with an inline footer.
If you will be adding dynamic content that you want to have scrolled, you first need to understand the HTML structure that the plugin creates for you.
If you supply initial content, the plugin will create two <div>
s around that content.
The outermost <div>
is called the scroller, and contains everything that will be scrolled
by iScroll. It is given a class of iscroll-scroller
If you supplied pull-down and/or pull-up blocks, they are moved to inside the scroller, after the scroller is created.
An additional <div>
is also added around the scrolled content, sandwiched between the
(possibly absent) pull-down and/or pull-up blocks. This <div>
is given a class of
. This contains everthing that the scroller scrolls, other than any
pull-down and/or pull-up blocks.
When you add dynamic content, make sure to add it inside the <div>
that has class iscroll-content
What you wrote:
<div data-role="content" data-iscroll>
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some more content</p>
What the plugin produces:
<div data-role="content" data-iscroll class="iscroll-wrapper">
<div class="iscroll-scroller">
<!-- If you included a pull-down under the wrapper, it will wind-up here -->
<div class="iscroll-content">
<!-- If you included no content above under the content div, then this div is empty -->
<p>This is some content that I want to scroll</p>
<p>This is some more content</p>
<!-- If you included a pull-up under the wrapper, it will wind-up here -->
Any time you alter the content of a scroller, in such a way that the dimensions of the scrolled
content might be changed, you need to refresh the scroller widget using the refresh()
The refresh()
function has optional pre and post-refresh function arguments that can be used
to perform some action before and/or after the refresh. For example, you might also refresh some other
widget, such as a listview, prior to refreshing the scroller, or you might want to scroll to
a particular position after the refresh has been performed. The callbacks are necessary because
refresh is not performed immediately, but after a timeout that insures that the DOM has been fully
updated with your new content.
Please see the section on the refresh()
function for full details.
Alternately, you can trigger an updatelayout
event on the element whose dimensions you changed.
The widget listens for any updatelayout
events triggered on elements inside a scroller and
refreshes automatically. updatelayout
is triggered by jQuery Mobile on certain jQuery Mobile
widgets, such as, for example, collapsibles. So, it is not necessary to call refresh()
collapsibles are expanded or collapsed.
Previous versions of this widget had some issues involving the way jQuery Mobile standard CSS applies padding and margin to content divs and listviews. The widget now handles this for you in the most common use cases.
By default, the widget removes any padding from your wrapper. It then adds a <div>
inside the
scroller, around your content (exclusive of any pull-down/pull-up block) and adds the padding
that was removed from the wrapper. This provides correct padding for both normal and inset
The padding needs to be moved to inside the scroller (and to not include pull-down/pull-up) so that you will not see padding around the scroller itself.
There are two options that allow you to override this default behavior: removeWrapperPadding
and addScrollerPadding
This widget supports "pull-to-refresh" functionality. You can have a block of HTML that is positioned above the top or below the bottom of the scroller that the user can pull down or pull up. These blocks can be revealed by scrolling, but the scroller will "snap back" after the user stops scrolling to again hide the block. If the user pulls past this block by a certain amount, (1/2 the height of the pull block) and then releases, some action that you specify will be performed. That action can be anything, but typically will be to perform some AJAX action to retrieve data from a server and refresh or add some content within the scroller.
In order to implement pull-to-refresh, you need to add a small amount of HTML markup to your page and either supply a function as an option value or else (recommended) bind or delegate to a jQuery event callback function.
You also need to include the file jquery.mobile.iscrollview-pull-css
in your
. Finally, this CSS file references an image file that contains an arrow icon and a
spinner icon. You can replace this with your own image file. If you rename or move this file, make
sure to edit the CSS file or override the rule in your own CSS file.
To implement pull-up and/or pull-down, structure your HTML similar to the following:
<div data-role="content" data-iscroll>
<div class="iscroll-pulldown">
<span class="iscroll-pull-icon"></span>
<span class="iscroll-pull-label"></span>
<ul data-role="listview">
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<div class="iscroll-pullup">
<span class="iscroll-pull-icon"></span>
<span class="iscroll-pull-label"></span>
This is all you have to do to implement the pull-up and/or pull-down UI. The widget doesn't create the pull blocks for you, in order to provide you with the flexibility to format them as you please. The pull blocks can contain other elements, and the spans for the icon and/or label can be omitted.
All of the class names used for pull-down and pull-up are configurable in options. The example above uses the default class names.
A pull block can be in one of three states:
This is the initial state of the pull blockPulled
This is when the bock has been pulled, but not yet releasedLoading
This is when the block has been released, and some action is being performed
If the user scrolls back (without lifing) while in the Pulled
state, then the block
returns to the Reset
If the user pulls past the edge of the pull block (by 1/2 the height of the pull block), then the block will enter the Loading state.
After the action has been performed, and the scroller is refreshed, then the block returns
to the Reset
The widget has default text values that are inserted into the pull label element when the block enters each state. Each of these text values is a configurable widget option. The applicable options, and their default values are:
- pullDownResetText
"Pull down to refresh..."
- pullDownPulledText
"Release to refresh..."
- pullDownLoadingText
- pullUpResetText
"Pull up to refresh..."
- pullUpPulledText
"Release to refresh..."
- pullUpLoadingText
To change these options programatically, see the options documentation.
Alternately, you can change the default values in your HTML. When you change the defaults in HTML, it changes the corresponding option value.
To change the Reset
text, simply insert it in the pull block's label <span>
To change the Pulled
text, use a data-iscroll-pulled-text
To change the Loading
test, use a data-iscroll-loading-text
<span data-iscroll-pulled-text="Now let er go, and we'll get some refresh action!"
data-iscroll-loading-text="Ye-haw! Waiting for the data to come through the pipes!"
class="iscroll-pull-label">Pull this here thing down to refresh!</span>
If you want to do something more elaborate when a pull block enters each state, you can either provide a callback option or (recommended) bind or delegate to a jQuery event callback function. The associated events are:
In order to implement the pull-down and/or pull-up action, you need to supply a function. You can either supply this function as an option value or (recommended) bind or delegate to a jQuery event callback function.
The example code below is from the demo:
$(document).delegate("div.pull-demo-page", "pageinit", function(event) {
$(".iscroll-wrapper", this).bind( {
"iscroll_onpulldown" : onPullDown,
"iscroll_onpullup" : onPullUp
Your callback function receives two parameters:
This is the event object that originally gave rise to the callback. This is probably not very useful to you.
This is map containing one member, iscrollview
. This is a reference to the iscrollview object
that made the callback.
Your callback should take whatever action you want when the user activates the pull-up/pull-down. This might typically involve retrieving some data from a server and inserting it into the scroller content. See the demo for an example.
The standard way of calling widget functions is by passing a sub-function name as a string parameter to the widget function. Any parameters to the function should follow.
Note: This method works for all versions of jQuery Mobile from 1.0 to 1.4.x. See below, though, for differences when using an alternative way of calling fucntions.
For example, to call the refresh
The widget factory allows you to access widget functions directly, by accessing a data variable stored in the widget's element. For jQuery Mobile versions < 1.3:
The Widget Factory changed in jQuery Mobile version 1.3. Starting with this version, you can access this variable like this:
While this is a bit awkward, it is also more conventional. It is handy in case you need to make a series of calls to different widget functions. You can first get the instance into a variable.
// JQM < 1.3
var myView = $(".example-wrapper").jqmData("iscrollview");
// JQM >= 1.3
var myView = $(".example-wrapper").data("mobileIscrollview");
This means, as well, you can easily call any underlying iScroll function
through the exposed iscroll
member variable. For example,
// JQM < 1.3
// JQM >= 1.3
So, if you replace iscroll.js with a newer version that has new functions, or if you need to call iScroll private functions, or access iScroll member variables, you can call them without any need to modify this widget.
This widget wraps all current iScroll public functions, so the above example can also be called like this:
$(".example-wrapper").iscrollview("scrollTo", 0, 10, 200, true);
The exceptions are the destroy
, refresh
, enable
, and disable
is a standard widget factory function. In this widget, it
calls the iScroll destroy
function and then calls the base widget
destroy. If you need direct access to iScroll's destroy
you can access it directly using the iscroll
member variable.
The widget's refresh
function insures that the underlying iScroll
refresh function is called with the proper timing. If you need to call
the iScroll refresh function directly, do so using the iscroll
and disable
are standard widget functions. Each of these calls
iScroll's corresponding function and then calls the underlying widget
###Standard Widget Functions
These are functions that are typically implemented for ALL widgets:
####option(key, [value_or_object])
See "Options", below.
Destroys the iScroll instance and removes page modifications. Also calls the
underlying widget destroy()
###Custom Widget Functions
These are additional functions implemented in this widget which do not have corresponding iScroll functions.
This will resize the wrapper to use all available viewport space after accounting for headers, footers, and other fixed-height elements outside of the wrapper. This is normally done for you automatically, but the automatic resize can be overriden with an option. Call this if you have change the page structure and so need to resize the wrapper. This is also normally called for you when page orientation or page size changes.
###iScroll Functions
These are functions that exist in iScroll. They are available on the widget as a convenience. See "calling functions" for information on how to access any iScroll functions that are not implemented in the widget. (For example, because you have updated iScroll to a newer version, and this widget has not been updated yet.)
Please see the iScroll documentation for details on using these functions.
####refresh(timeout, beforeCallback, afterCallback, noDefer)
Note that this performs the proper timing for the iScroll refresh()
function using setTimeout
. If you want to call the iScroll refresh()
function directly, please see "calling functions" above.
If the timeout value is present, then the internal call of iScroll refresh()
will be delayed
by this value. If the value is null
or undefined
, then the value of the refreshDelay
option will be used.
If present, the optional beforeCallback
function will be called just prior to refreshing iScroll.
This is useful if you have updated content inside the
scroller, and need to refresh widgets inside the scroller (such as a listview) prior to iScroll
refresh. While this is similar to the iscroll_onbeforerefresh
, the callback is specific to
a particular call to refresh()
If your callback requires some context, you should use jQuery's $.proxy() function to provide a
reference that will be available when the callback executes.
If present, the optional afterCallback
function will be called just after refreshing iScroll.
This is useful if you want to perform some action on
the scroller after updating content. For example, this might be used to scroll to a particular
position or element within the scroller after updating content. This is particularly useful
when adding content to the end of the scroller, when you might like to scroll the new content
into view.
Calls made to refresh()
for an iscrollview which is on a cached page that is not the active page
are normally (depending on the value of the deferNonActiveRefresh
option) deferred until the
next iscroll_onbeforepagerefresh
event for the page. This avoids unnecessary refreshes. Note
that if the refreshOnPageBeforeChange
option is true, then the scroller will always be
refreshed on iscroll_pagebeforefresh()
Each deferred call to refresh()
overwrites the callback values from any previous
deferred refresh()
call for the same iscrollview. This means that you should not use refresh
callbacks to modify content, because there is no guarantee that any particular callback will
be called - only that the callbacks for the last deferred refresh()
will be called.
Deferred calls only occur when the scroller being refreshed is not the active page. You might do this if you are caching pages, and some data arrives that you want to update on a page that is not currently the active page.
This is particularly useful in environments such as PhoneGap, Titanium, or Rhodes, where a controller is able to update pages asynchronously.
Deferring refresh()
calls avoids a cascade of unnecessary refreshes when the document is
resized in a desktop environment, or when a mobile device's orientation is changed. The refreshes
for those pages that are cached in the DOM but not the active page are deferred until the next time
they become the active page, and then only a single refresh will be performed.
As well, if content is updated while a page is not the active page, then deferring refresh()
avoids unnecessary duplicate refreshes. If content were to be updated several times while the
page is not active, only a single refresh will be performed.
If you want to force a refresh to a scroller on a non-active page to be performed immediately,
you can set the noDefer
parameter to true
. Note that the noDefer
parameter is intended
for the widget's internal use, and you should not normally set it to true
. You should normally
just leave this parameter out of your call.
You can disable deferred refreshes completely by setting the deferNonActiveRefresh
option to false
####scrollTo(x, y, time, relative)
Scroll to a particular x
, y
pixel position within the scroller.
The time
parameter is the time in milliseconds over which to perform a smooth scroll. If omitted,
the scroll is immediate.
The relative
parameter is true
, then the x
, y
position is relative to the current scroll
####scrollToElement(el, time)
Scroll to a particular element within the scroller. The el
parameter can be either a reference
to a DOM node object (not a jQuery object) or a CSS3 selector. jQuery selector extensions
cannot be used here.
The time
parameter is the time in milliseconds over which to perform a smooth scroll. If omitted,
the default iScroll scrollToElement()
time value is used. This is based on larger of x and x
pixels scrolled, times 2. For example, if it will scroll 500px vertically (and less than 500px
horizontally), then the scroll will take place over a period of 1000mSec.
####scrollToPage(pageX, pageY, time)
The default time value, if not specified, is 400mSec. (Default iScroll.js value)
Note that this function also calls the default widget disable()
Note: This has not been tested, and probably doesn't work correctly. Further, the iscroll-internal
probably doesn't do what you wish it would do. You can't re-enable iScroll by calling
after calling disable()
If you do want to call the iScroll disable()
function directly, please see "calling functions" above.
Note that this function also calls the default widget enable()
If you want to call the iScroll enable()
function directly, please see "calling functions" above.
####zoom(x, y, scale, time)
The default time value, if not specified, is 200mSec (Default iScroll.js value)
This widget provides getters for some iScroll internal variables that might be useful to an application. These are all read-only.
For example, let's say you are adding elements to the end of a scrolled list. You'd like to scroll up (using scrollToElement) if the new element would be below the visible area. But if the list is intially empty, you'd want to avoid this until the scrolling area is initially full. So you need to compare the scroller height (scrollerH) to the wrapper height (wrapperH).
While wrapper and scroller height can be easily obtained using JQuery functions, these functions can still be useful because they reflect the precise internal state of the scroller.
Current x origin (left) of the scroller.
Current y origin top of the scroller.
The width, in pixels, of the wrapper. This is the visible width of the scrolling area.
The height, in pixels, of the wrapper. This is the visible height of the scrolling area.
The width, in pixels, of the scroller. This is the total width of the scroller, including visible and non-visible portions.
The height, in pixels, of the scroller. This is the total height of the scroller, including visible and non-visible portions.
###iScroll Getters/Setters
This widget provides getters with options setter functionality for some iScroll internal variables that might be useful to an application. If a value is provided, then the functions act as setters. In any case, they return the value of the associated internal variable.
The minimum X scroll position. This defines the left-most position of scroll. The user can scroll past the minimum X, but then the scroller will snap-back to the mimimum X position.
The minimum Y scroll position. This defines the top-most position of the scroll. The user can scroll past the minimum Y, but then the scroller will snap-back to the minimum Y position.
The maximum X scroll position. This defines the right-most position of scroll. The user can scroll past the maximum X, but then the scroller will snap-back to the maximum X position.
The maximum Y scroll position. This defines the bottom-most position of the scroll. The user can drag past the maximum Y, but then the scroller will snap-back to the maximum Y position.
The widget maintains several public data members that may be useful to you:
This is a reference the iScroll object.
A jQuery collection object containing the window (viewport).
A jQuery collection object containing the iscrollview wrapper element.
A jQuery collection object containing the scroller element.
a jQuery collection object containing the scroller content element.
a jQuery collection object containing any pull-down element. If there is no pull-down element, then the length of the collection will be zero.
A jQuery collection object containing any pull-up element. If there is no pull-up element, then the length of the collection will be zero.
A jQuery collection object containing the page that the widget is contained in.
You can override the default options for new instances of this widget by setting the
prototype options in $.mobile.iscrollview.prototype.options
Any options that you set programatically or using data-
attributes will override the defaults.
Example: for all new instances of $.mobile.iscrollview
, set the refreshDelay
option to the
value 100
$.mobile.iscrollview.prototype.options.refreshDelay = 100;
If you want to override options for all instances of the widget, a good place to do that is
at the same time that you override any jQuery Mobile default options. jquery.mobile.iscrollview
triggers an iscrollview_init
event that is triggered once it has loaded, and you may set any
global options here.
Note that when iscrollview_init
is triggered, this does not mean that any scroller(s)
have been initialized. It only means that the iscrollview library is loaded, and so you may
now set any global options.
It's common to bind to mobileinit
after jQuery is loaded, but before loading jQuery Mobile.
You can bind to iscroll_init
in the same place. Alternately, you can make changes to
global options any time after jquery.mobile.iscrollview
is loaded.
Note: iscroll_init
is ONLY available as a jQuery Event. There is no corresponding
iscrollview callback function.
$(document).on("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "slide";
$(document).on("iscroll_init", function() {
$.mobile.iscrollview.prototype.options.refreshDelay = 100;
###Programatic access
This widget supports programmatic access to options using standard widget factory syntax:
.iscrollview("option"); Returns an object with all options
.iscrollview("option", "hScroll"); Returns value of option
.iscrollview("option", "hScroll", true); Sets option
.iscrollview("option", {hScroll: true}); Sets option, alternative syntax
.iscrollview("option", {hScroll: true, vScroll:true}; Set multiple options
The widget handles copying widget options to the iScroll object options and vice-versa.
###Setting options in the data-iscroll attribute
This widget also supports setting options directly in the data-iscroll
attribute. The options need to be in strict JSON format. This means that keys
and string values need to be enclosed in double quotes only. Numeric and
boolean values should not be enclosed in quotation marks.
<div data-role="content" data-iscroll='{"hScroll":true,"vScroll":false,"resizeEvents":"orientationchange"}' data-theme="c">
###Modifying options after instantiation
If you modify an iScroll option after a scroller has been instantiated, the underlying iScroll object will be destroyed and re-created. This is because iScroll does not currently support modifying options after the object has been created.
However, unofficially, some options can be changed without destroying and re-creating the object. It is unclear exactly which options these are, and so this widget does not attempt it. There is skeletal code in the source that is commented-out to do this if you wish to experiment.
If you modify a widget option (which is not also an iScroll option) after instantiation, behaviour depends on the specific option. (Like iScroll) the widget does not currently specifically support changing options after instantiation. Generally, if you change an option after instantiation. If the option only has an effect at instantiation, then changing the option after instantion will do nothing. (And might confuse the widget.)
###Emulated Options
The following option is emulated by the widget:
Offset at the bottom of the scroller. Complementary to the iScroll topOffset
option. The number
of pixels specified by bottomOffset
will apper below the bottom of the scroll range. You can
scroll into this area, but then the scroller will snap back. (This is needed to support the
pull-up funcitonality.)
Also, see the emulateBottomOffset
Default: 0
###Widget Options
The following options are available which affect the widget itself. These are not iScroll options.
Enables performance logging. Please see the documentation section on performance logging. There are a number of additional options which allow you to control what is logged. These are documented in the section on performance logging.
Default: false
####pageClass A CSS class, or a space-separated list of classes, which will be added to the page containing the wrapper.
Default: "iscroll-page"
A CSS class, or a space-separated list of classes, which will be added to the wrapper.
Default: "iscroll-wrapper"
A CSS class, or a space-separated list of classes, which will be added to the scroller. (The scroller is the first child of the wrapper, and is the element that will be scrolled.)
Default: "iscroll-scroller"
A CSS class, or a space-separated list of classes, which will be added to the top spacer
A CSS class, or a space-separated list of classes, which will be added to the bottom spacer
If this class is found within the scroller, and the topOffset
option value is not set or is zero,
then the topOffset
will be set to the height of the pull-down element. As well, the widget makes
modifications to the pulldown element's CSS.
Default: "iscroll-pulldown"
If this class is found within the scroller, and the bottomOffset
option value is not set or is
zero, then the bottomOffset
will be set to the height of the pull-up element. As well, the widget
makes modifications to the pullup element's CSS.
Default: "iscroll-pullup"
If you use a pull-up block, then the widget will create a special pull-up spacer, to insure that the pull-up appears hidden below the bottom of the scroller window until manually scrolled, even if the content is shorter than the height of the wrapper.
In case you need to apply some CSS to this spacer, it's assigned a class.
Default: "iscroll-pullup-spacer
Normally (unless override with createScroller="false"
) the widget creates a protective <div>
around your scroller content. It also wraps the pull-down and/or pull-up blocks, if present.
This is so that you don't have to create this <div>
in your HTML
if you are scrolling multiple elements. The widget adds a class to this <div>
Default: "iscroll-content"
A JQuery selector which selects the fixed-height elements on the page which are outside of the scrolling area. The heights of these elements will be added-up, and subtracted from the total viewport height to arrive at the wrapper height.
Note: these elements are ignored for purposes of determining scroller height when they occur inside of a Popup or Panel.
Default: ":jqmData(role='header'), :jqmData(role='footer'), :jqmData(iscroll-fixed)"
The widget adds this class to elements that have the data-iscroll-fixed
Default: "iscroll-fixed"
If true, the wrapper will be resized to the height remaining after accounting for fixed-height elements. You should only set this to "true" for one scroller on a page.
Default: true
A space-separated list of events which will cause a resize of the wrapper.
Note that mobile devices are very inconsistent in regard to orientationchange
and resize
There is no consistency as to whether just one or both event are fired, and multiple events
of each type are fired on some devices. They are also inconsistent as to which fired event
first reflects the new width and height values.
Default: "resize orientationchange"
if device supports orientation. Otherwise, "resize"
If true, the scroller will be refreshed on every JQuery Mobile pagebeforeshow
This should be set to true if scroller content might have changed asynchronously while
the page was loaded into the DOM but not shown, as might happen in some native
application environment. This usage is obsoleted by the widget's deferred refresh()
Default: false
If true, applies a fix to allow input elements to work within a scroller. This is optional because there is an alternative fix that patches iScroll itself. You should disable this option if you are using a patched verison of iScroll that has a input-element fix incorporated, or in case it causes some sort of trouble.
Default: true
Number of additional pixels to add to the wrapper height. This can be a positive or negative value. This is an "escape hatch" in case the calculation of wrapper height is not correct for some particular scenario.
Default: 0
Number of mSec to permit browser to render before performing refresh()
When you call refresh()
, the call to iScroll's internal refresh()
is delayed by this amount,
to allow the browser to complete any rendering, prior to refreshing the scroller. If this value
is 0, then a setTimeout()
call is still used. This causes the script to relinquish control
to the renderer, and may be sufficient for many browsers.
This value may need to be experimentally determined.
Alternately, you can specify a timeout value when calling refresh()
. This is useful in case you
have done some update which you know will require a lengthy render.
Default: 200
for Android, otherwise 0
If true, the widget will set the minimum height of the scroller so that it fills the wrapper (exclusive of any pull-down/pull-up elements).
Note that if you have a pull-down or pull-up, then this is done regardless of this setting, since otherwise there would be no way to access the pull-down or pull-up if there is no content. (If there were some content but it was shorter than the wrapper, then you wouldn't be able to drag in the empty space.)
Set this to false
if you want scrollers that do not have a pull-down or pull-up to not display
a scrollbar and not be draggable if they are shorter than the wrapper. Recommended setting is
because it provides a more consistent UI experience.
Default: true
If true, the widget will emulate a bottomOffset
iScroll option. This option needs to be set
if you are using a pull-up block.
Default: true
If true, the widget will remove any padding from the wrapper. Normally, there should be no
padding on the wrapper element. If there is padding, then it isn't possible to drag within the
padding, and pull-down/pull-up elements will not be 100% width.
If true, the widget will add any padding removed from the wrapper to the protective <div>
places around your scrolled content.
Default: true
iScroll scrolls only the first child of the wrapper. So that you don't have to wrap multiple
content elements with a <div>
the widget does this for you. This <div>
is always needed if you
have a pull-up or pull-down block.
Default: true
If true, spacer <div>
s will be added before and after the .iscroll-content
The height of these spacer <div>
s will default to 0.
These spacers can be used as a substitute for top/bottom padding in situations where top/bottom padding is ineffective, and collapses into the document.
Default: true
On some platforms (for example, iOS) when orientation is changed, the address bar pushes the page down. jQuery Mobile scroll the pgae back up on hash changes, but doesn't do so for orientation changes. So, the page is left scrolled-down.
Since orientationchange
seems unreliable on iOS, the widget actually does this on resize. (Though
you can change the event(s) on which the widget resizes...)
This will only be done if you also have resizeWrapper
set to true
Default: true
If this options is set to true
, then calls to refresh()
for pages that are not the
active page will be deferred to the next pagebeforeshow
event for the page. This avoids
unnecessary refreshes when the browser window is resized or device orientation is changed.
As well, it avoids unnecessary refreshes when multiple updates are made to content in a scroller
on a non-active page.
Please see the discussion in the documentation on the refresh()
function for further details.
Default: true
If this option is set to true
, then calls to resizeWrapper()
for pages that are not the
active page will be deferred to the next pagebeforeshow
event for the page. This avoids
unnecessary resizing when the browser window is resized or device orientation is changed.
Default: true
If true
, prevent hover in scroller on touch devices.
If this is false
, you will get "piano keyboard" effect if using jQuery Mobile 1.0 or 1.0.1
when scrolling due to mouseover events, which is both time-consuming and distracting. If this
is true
, the widget will prevent the piano-keyboard effect.
This really is a jQuery Mobile problem with listviews, and is solved in jQuery Mobile 1.1.
One negative is that with the current implementation, you will never get a "hover" visual effect within a scroller on touch devices, even when not scrolling. But you still will on desktop browser with mouse, and you will still get "down" effect when a link is selected. However, it probably isn't desirable to get hover in a listview, because it is distracting.
Default: true
for touch devices if jQuery Mobile < 1.1, false
for jQuery Mobile >= 1.1
If true
, iScroll will be bound using jQuery event binding, rather than using addEventListener()
As well, iScroll will use jQuery mouseleave
event instead of mouseout
This is an experimental feature, and is not yet completely functional. The code is present to permit further experimentation.
Default: false
If true
, an assumption is made that you will not call the widget's destroy()
function to
un-enhance the widget while retaining the page. The assumption is that destroy()
will only
be called internally by the page plugin when the page is removed from the DOM. This saves
the overhead of un-enhancing the page.
Default: false
###preventPageSc 10000 roll
If true
prevent scrolling the page by grabbing areas outside of the scroller.
Normally, this should be true. Set this false if you are NOT using a fixed-height page,
but instead are using iScroll to scroll an area within a scollable page. If you have
multiple scrollers on a scrollable page, then set this false for all of them.
Note that scrolling of the page by dragging inside the scroller is always prevented.
Default: true
Default: "Pull down to refresh..."
Default: "Release to refresh..."
Default: "Loading..."
Default: "Pull up to refresh..."
Default: "Release to refresh..."
default: "Loading..."
Default: "iscroll-pull-pulled"
Default: "iscroll-pull-loading"
There are two ways to be notified when some event occurs in the widget: by binding/delegating
jQuery events, or by specifying a callback in the widget's options
When an event is triggered it will call the callback if defined in options, and, as well, trigger any bound events.
###jQuery Event Callbacks
The widget exposes jQuery events that can be bound like any other event.
The names are prepended with the string iscroll_
. So, the onrefresh
event for this widget is actually iscroll_onrefresh
. (Note also that widget event names
are different than iScroll event names. iScroll event names are in mixed case. Widget event
names are in all lower case - this is a limitation of jQuery widgets.)
###Option Callbacks
Alternately, you can add callback functions to the widget's options
object. The key
of the option corresponds to the event name without the widget name
prefix. So, you can add a callback function for the refresh event
with the key onrefresh
I don't recommend using option callbacks. They are supported because they are required by the jQuery Widget Factory.
Note that the iscrollview_init
event has no corresponding Widget Factory callback.
###Bound Callback parameters
Bound event callbacks receive two parameters:
- The underlying DOM event (if any) associated with this eventdata
- A map containing data passed to the event by this widget:iscrollview
- a reference to the iscrollview object associated with this event
As well, when a bound event callback is called, this
will be the DOM
object that triggered the event. (e.g. the wrapper).
###Binding to Events
All events triggered by this widget trigger on the wrapper element. This includes events generated by iScroll itself (and reflected to jQuery events) as well as those triggered by the widget.
It is most efficient, then, to bind directly to the wrapper element. If you bind from a script
within an HTML page, make sure that the script is at the end of the page, within the <body>
Do not put code to bind to events directly in <head>
on a particular page, because jQuery Mobile
ignores the content of <head>
on all but the first page encountered. (Thus the content of
should be identical for every page.)
In this case, you can locate the wrapper element with:
(".iscroll-wrapper", $.mobile.activepage)
If you have multiple scrollers on a page, you will need to assign an ID or class to individual wrappers so that you can locate them.
So, within a page, you can bind simply, such as:
$.mobile.activePage.find(".iscroll-wrapper").bind("iscroll_onpulldown", function () {
alert("Pull-down gesture was completed");
} );
To bind in common code called from <head>
, you will need to first delegate a function to the
event. This event is triggered whenever a page is first created. You can test (using
an ID or class) to see if that page has a scroller you want to bind to, and then bind from
within the delegated function. The file pull-example.js
in the demo uses this technique.
$(document).delegate("div.contacts-page", "pageinit", function () {
this.find(".iscroll-wrapper").bind("iscroll_onpulldown", function () {
alert("Pull-down gesture was completed");
You can also use a delegation at the document level. This is shorter, but somewhat less efficient, since events will bubble-up to the document:
$(document).delegate("div.contacts-wrapper", "iscroll_onpulldown", function () {
alert("Pull-down gesture was completed");
Finally, if you have a reference to an iscrollview
object, you can use it's public $wrapper
member to bind:
// JQM < 1.3
var view = $('.some-wrapper').jqmData('iscrollview');
view.$wrapper.bind("iscroll_onpulldown", function () {
alert("Pull-down gesture was completed");
// JQM >= 1.3
var view = $('.some-wrapper').data('mobileIscrollview');
view.$wrapper.bind("iscroll_onpulldown", function () {
alert("Pull-down gesture was completed");
###Supported Events
This event is triggered when jquery.mobile.iscrollview has been loaded. This does not mean that any iscrollview widgets have been initialized. The purpose of this event is to allow you to set global options after the library is loaded, but before any widgets have been initialized.
This event does NOT have a corresponding Widget Factory callback option.
This event is triggered when iScroll's internal refresh()
function is called. It is
called after iScroll has calculated the scroll range, but before it has updated the scroll
This event is of dubious value to applications. The widget uses this internally to support pull-down/pull-up. (It seems it was put just where it is just for that purpose.)
If you want to do some refresh of jQuery Mobile structures (such as listview) contained within
the scroller prior to scroller refresh, see the iscroll_onbeforerefresh
event and the optional
parameter to the refresh()
This event is triggered before the widget calls iScroll's refresh()
function. It is useful
if you need to do some refresh of jQuery Mobile widgets (such as listview
) contained within
the scroller. It is important to do this before iScroll's refresh()
has been called. Do
not use iscroll_onrefresh()
for this.
You can also use the optional callbackBefore
callback parameter to the widget's refresh()
function for this.
This event is triggered after the widget calls iScroll's refresh()
function. It is useful
if you want to perform some action, such as scrolling, after changing content in the scroller.
This has to be done after the scroller is refreshed.
You can also use the optional callbackAfter
callback parameter to the widget's refresh()
function for this.
Triggered by iScroll's onBeforeScrollStart
Triggered by iScroll's onScrollStart
Triggered by iScroll's onBeforeScrollMove
Triggered by iScroll's onScrollMove
Triggered by iScroll's onBeforeScrollEnd event.
Triggered by iScroll's onTouchEnd
Triggered by iScroll's onDestroy
Triggered by iScroll's onZoomStart
Triggered by iScroll's onZoom
Triggered by iScroll's onZoomEnd
This event is triggered when the user has completed a pull-down gesture. Your event callback should perform the pull-down action. (For example, getting data from a server in order to refresh text shown within the scroller.)
You can also use this event for complex customization of pull-down feedback to the user. The UI should indicate that the pull-down action is being performed.
This event is triggered when the user has aborted a pull-down gesture by scrolling back up, or
after completion of the pull-down action and refresh()
. You can use this event for complex
customization of pull-down feedback to the user. The UI should indicate that the user may
initiate a pull-down sequence.
This event is triggered when the user has completed the first half of a pull-down gesture. i.e. they have pulled-down, but not yet released. You can use this event for complex customization of pull-down feedback to the user. The UI should indicate that the user may complete a pull-down sequence by releasing.
This event is triggered when the user has completed a pull-up gesture. Your event callback should perform the pull-up action. (For example, getting data from a server in order to refresh text shown within the scroller.)
You can also use this event for complex customization of pull-up feedback to the user. The UI should indicate that the pull-up action is being performed.
This event is triggered when the user has aborted a pull-up gesture by scrolling back down, or
after completion of the pull-up action and refresh()
. You can use this event for complex
customization of pull-up feedback to the user. The UI should indicate that the user may
initiate a pull-up sequence.
This event is triggered when the user has completed the first half of a pull-up gesture. i.e. they have pulled-up, but not yet released. You can use this event for complex customization of pull-up feedback to the user. The UI should indicate that the user may complete a pull-up sequence by releasing.
iScroll requires that the wrapper be CSS-positioned either absolute
or relative
. If the
wrapper is positioned static
(the default, if positioning is not specified), then the
scroll bars will (incorrectly) be created relative to the page, rather than the wrapper. The
symptom is that the scroll bar will be the full height of the window. (Though the widget
will hide the scrollbar under any header/footer.)
The standard CSS file for the widget sets relative positioning on the wrapper.
Either absolute
or relative
positioning of the wrapper will cause elements inside the
wrapper which themselves have absolute
positioning to be positioned relative to the wrapper.
iScroll depends on this behaviour for positioning of the scrollbar.
iScroll gives you the ability to customize scroll bars. See the iScroll4 documentation
for full details. You can customize the height, width, position, color, etc. etc. of
the scrollbar. To do so, you need to set the scrollbarClass
option and then provide
CSS to customize the scrollbar.
However, in many cases, all that is really desired is to set the position of the scrollbar. In this case, you can add some very minimal CSS.
In this case, do NOT set the scrollbarClass
option. Setting this option causes
iScroll to omit quite a bit of it's initialization of the scrollbar, and then you
are required to supply a considerable amount of CSS.
Instead, you can usually use a CSS rule similar to this:
div.my-iscroll-wrapper > div:last-child {
top: 46px !important;
bottom: 22px !important;
iScroll appends the scrollbar to the end of your wrapper. Unless you have appended something
else yourself, you can target the last child of the wrapper, and so you don't need the
to identify the scrollbar. So, iScroll will still do all of it's usual
initialization. By using the !important
modifier, your CSS will override the top and
bottom locations that iScroll itself sets.
If you wish to have multiple scrollers, please note the following:
option should be set totrue
for no more than one of your scrollers. If you have multiple scrollers one above the other, then at most one of them can be auto-sized. If you have multiple scrollers side-by-side, then you will probably have to size all them yourself. SinceresizeWrapper
by default, you will need to set the option tofalse
for all but (a maximum) of one of your scrollers. -
iScroll will not work correctly if scrollbars from multiple scrollers overlap. It will fail to scroll in all but one of the scrollers that have overlapping scrollbars. Please see the documentation on scrollbar customization, above.
(Note: this discussion is somewhat obsoleted by changes in version 1.2 of this widget and
version 1.1 of jQuery Mobile. By default, the widget prevents this annoying list behaviour
when you are using it with jQuery Mobile 1.0 or 1.0.1 with the preventTouchHover
option. jQuery
Mobile 1.1 prevents it inherently.)
Listviews that have list items that are buttons (i.e. the items are clickable,
because they are wrapped in an <a>
tag) can be very slow on touchscreen devices. This is not an
iScroll or widget problem per-se - it is inherent to JQuery Mobile 1.0 and 1.0.1.
There is a discussion of this issue here:
The gist of it is that as you scroll a list, your finger slips from one list item to the next, causing a "piano key" visual effect. The effect is both distracting to the user and slow.
A work-around is to insure that up/down/hover states for your scrollable listviews are identical, so that there is no hover effect and no selected effect. If you're developing exclusively for a touch-screen mobile device, there's little to no need for these effects. Users don't expect them: they expect something to happen when they tap, but not a useless effect.
This is an example of CSS overrides that will remove the hover and selected effects. You will need to modify this CSS to match your theme. The important thing is that the up, down, and hover states must have identical CSS, so that there is no transition between states.
Sane overrides for buttons in lists
JQM default styling has up/down/hover/select styles for buttons. This is nice for real
buttons, but slows list scrolling to a crawl. This can be avoided by styling the
up/down/hover states identically.
ul.ui-listview *.ui-btn-up-c,
ul.ui-listview *.ui-btn-down-c,
ul.ui-listview *.ui-btn-hover-c
border-color: #ccc;
background: #eee;
font-weight: bold;
color: #444;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #f6f6f6;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from( #fdfdfd), to( #eee));
ul.ui-listview *.ui-btn-up-c a.ui-link-inherit,
ul.ui-listview *.ui-btn-down-c a.ui-link-inherit,
ul.ui-listview *.ui-btn-hover-c a.ui-link-inherit
{ color: #444; }
Webkit-based browsers can exhibit a "flicker" effect wwhen scrolling toward the bottom of the list, as well as exhibit slow and jerky movement until the first time the user has reached the bottom of the list.. Once you have scrolled down to the bottom of the list, the flicker will typically stop. This does not seem to be an issue with non-Webkit browsers.
This issue is discussed here: http://cubiq.org/you-shall-not-flicker
A work-around for this issue to to force list items to be pre-cached. See the above link for a discussion of why this works. Basically, the flicker occurs when each element is first encountered and hardware acceleration is enabled for the element. By pre-setting a null 3D transform (which triggers hardware accelation on WebKit browsers) on each element, the flicker is avoided, and the content is added to the hardware cache.
This has been reported to cause bluring of text during transform on Android platforms. You will need to decide which of two evils you want to live with.
If this is used, then the browser may be forced to cache the content in advance, resulting in smoother scrolling, but with the side-effect of increasing initial rendering time.
This can more than double initial rendering time if you are not careful with the selector. The recommended CSS at the above link is NOT optimal.
You need to apply this judiciously. For example, if you know your scroller content consists
of list items, use li
not *
to select. *
as the right-most component of a select is
horribly expensive. A small additional performance gain can be made by selecting
iscroll-content instead of iscroll-scroller. You might get a
glitch on a pull-up if you have one, but it's a small price to pay for doubling speed.
It is important NOT to apply this to .iscroll-scroller
itself. This will result in a huge
performance loss. The rule below gives performance on iOS devices very close to not
using this at all.
The demo uses this CSS:
.iscroll-content li {
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
The Mobile Safari address bar is a 60px area at the top of the browser. The address bar is fixed on iPad, but on iPhone and iPad, it can be made to scroll off-screen by scrolling content. jQuery Mobile normally does this, but the address bar is always present at the time that a page loads. jQuery Mobile then scrolls in order to push the address bar back up.
jQuery Mobile 1.1 handles the address bar better than jQuery Mobile 1.0 or 1.0.1. With 1.1, the address bar usually will not appear during a page transition.
It doesn't appear possible to consistently detect the real window height, though it is possible to consistently detect the window height assuming that the address bar is present. So, this widget adds 60px to page height in this situation. This addition is not applied for iPad, nor for iPhone/iPod if running a native app in a UIWebView, or when running in "full screen" mode (web page saved to home screen).
If you are testing using desktop Safari's Develop
User Agent
option, please note that this
adaptation will fail. It depends on specific behaviour of the real Mobile Safari browser. If
you want to use desktop Safari to test pages designed to run on iPhone, either use the standard
Safari User Agent, or else use an "Other" User Agent:
First, set the User Agent to Safari ... iPhone
. then, select User Agent
. The user-agent
string will be pre-populated with the Mobile Safari user-agent string. Remove Safari
from the
user agent. This will fool the widget into thinking you are running in "full screen" mode, without
the disappearing address bar which is not present on desktop Safari.
The demo contains a simple example with 5 pages. The demo can be found in /demo/build
. It is built
using a static site generator (written in Ruby) called Middleman, but the demo has already been
built for you. If you do wish to build the demo yourself, you will need to install Middleman 3.0 or
Just copy the contents of /demo/build
to your web server, or open the index.html file directly
from /demo/build
You can switch between the pages using the tabbar at the bottom. The pages demonstrate:
- a listview
- an inset listview (also has two expandible elements)
- a listview with pull-down and pull-up blocks
- a listview with a short list and pull-down/pull-up blocks
- a form
To demo, simply open the index.html
file in your browser. Note that the page transitions will
not work with some browsers when loading from a local file - for those browsers, you will have
to load the demo from a server. (It does work with local files for Safari and Firefox.)
You can switch between jQuery Mobile 1.0.1 and 1.1 using the buttons in the headers.
The demo illustrates the use of different-sized headers and footers for portrait and landscape orientations. In landscape, the header and footer are shorter, and the header omits the buttons for switching between jQuery Mobile versions.
###Special Demo Borders
The demo has headers and footer styled with a 1px red border at top and bottom. This facilitates a quick visual indication of correct sizing of the page. You should not see any white space above the header or below the footer. (Note that Retina devices will show a 2px border, rather than 1px.) Use your OS's accessibility features to magnify and inspect. On mobile devices, there is usually a way to capture the screen contents to an image file that you can later examine. (iPhone: Home+On/Off)
The iScroll wrapper is styled with a 1px green border at top and bottom. You should see no gap or different color between the top of the wrapper and the bottom of the header, or between the bottom of the wrapper and the top of the footer.
###Demo Content
As a convenience, the demo directory is self-contained (except for the widget, iscroll-pull-js
and pull icon files, which are expected to be found in the parent directory), and contains the
following additional components:
- jQuery 1.6.4
- jQuery 1.7.1
- JQuery Mobile 1.0.1
- jQuery Mobile 1.1.1
- iscroll4, version 4.2
Please obtain these components independently for your projects, so that you can be sure of what version you are getting, and avail yourself of any updates/improvements.
This widget can log events and performance data to the Javascript console when the debug
is set to true
. A number of additional options control what is logged. Setting debug
false will
disable all logging.
These log entries are useful both to monitor performance and to understand the sequence of events that occur as the widget is used.
There is a log entry at the start and end of each traced function, event, or callback. Each entry shows the time, file name, function, event, or callback name, and (at end) elapsed mSec that the operation took.
For some functions, a second set of elapsed mSec and start time are logged (in parenthesis). This is for functions that were queued using a SetTimeout or that were initially triggered by some event. So, you can see how long the function took to run, as well as the elapsed time from when the function was queued.
The debug
option must be true
in order for any of the trace options to be enabled.
Performance logging can generate a large amount of data. You can use trace options to narrow the logging to items of interest.
You can use jsconsole.js
or other similar solutions to do remote logging from mobile devices.
It is important to narrow the focus of your logging when using such solutions.
If true
, creation and destruction of the widget is traced.
If this option option is true
, calls to the widget's refresh()
function are traced.
In the case of refresh()
there is an initial log entry when the refresh()
is queued, which
will also indicate the timeout value that was used. A second, separate, log entry shows the elapsed
time that refresh()
ran as well as elapsed time from when it was queued. The time value shown
lets you match-up the first and second entries. This will help you evaluate the impact of
browser rendering time. (A 0mSec timeout will first allow all rendering to complete.)
If a refresh is occuring on an iscroll_onpagebeforerefresh
event because a page is "dirty"
the log entry will indicate "(dirty)". "Dirty" pages are pages that have had refresh()
while they were not the active page. Normally (depending on the DeferNonActiveRefresh
such pages have their refresh()
deferred until the page is about to be shown.
If this option is true
, calls to the widget's resizeWrapper()
are traced.
If this option is true
, events handled by iScroll are traced.
This is a list of iScroll events to trace. If the list is empty, all iScroll events will be
traced. List items are strings, example: touchstart
If this option is true
events handled by the widget (not by iScroll) are traced.
This is a list of widget events to trace. If the list is empty, all widget events will be
traced. List items are strings. Events that iScroll itself handles are not traced when this
option is true
. As well, callbacks bound to touchmove
only for the purpose of preventing
the page from scrolling are not traced, because they occur very frequently.
If this option is true
, callbacks issued by iScroll are traced.
This is a list of iScroll callbacks to trace. If the list is empty, all iScroll callbacks will
be traced. List items are strings. Example: onRefresh
If this option is true
, callbacks issed by the widget are traced. This does not include
callbacks issued by iScroll itself (which application code may also bind to.)
This is a list of widget callbacks to trace. If the list is empty, all widget callbacks will
be traced. List items are strings. Do not include the iscroll_
prefix. Example: onpulldown
The source code code follows the following conventions:
- Upper-case first letter: constant
- $ first letter: variable contains a JQuery object
- (underscore) first letter: Private funcion
As a convenience, I have added YUI and Google Closure-compressed versions of the JS file. You will find these in the /lib directory along with the uncompressed version.
You should evaluate your own needs for compression, and use the compressor and options that are appropriate for your own site.
Please submit bug and enhancement requests via jquery.mobile.iscrollview gitHub Issues If you have developed code that you would like to have incorporated in a future release of this widget, please submit it for consideration via a gitHub pull request.
Copyright (c), 2012 Watusiware Corporation Distributed under the MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: NO ADDITIONAl CONDITIONS.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Derived in part from jquery.mobile.iscroll.js:
Portions Copyright (c) Kazuhiro Osawa
Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
Derived in part from (jQuery mobile) jQuery UI Widget-factory
plugin boilerplate (for 1.8/9+)
Author: @scottjehl
Further changes: @addyosmani
Licensed under the MIT license