8000 Release 0.4.0 · aleju/imgaug · GitHub
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@aleju aleju released this 06 Feb 06:18
· 41 commits to master since this release

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Example Images
  3. Mixed-Category Patches
  4. Added
  5. Changed
  6. Refactored
  7. Fixed


Release 0.4.0 focused mainly on adding new augmenters and improving
the internal augmentation "backend".

The following augmenters were added (see the overview docs for more details):

  • ChangeColorTemperature: Gives images a red, orange or blue touch.
  • New Brightness augmenters: WithBrightnessChannels,
    MultiplyAndAddToBrightness, MultiplyBrightness, AddToBrightness.
  • New Dropout augmenters: Dropout2d, TotalDropout.
  • RemoveSaturation: Decreases the saturation of colors. Effects are similar
    to Grayscale.
  • Cartoon: Applies a cartoon-style to images (classical / not-learned).
  • MeanShiftBlur: Blurs images using a mean-shift clustering method.
    (Note: Very slow.)
  • Jigsaw: Splits the image into rectangular cells and randomly switches
    some pairs of neighbouring cells. (Note: Does not support bounding boxes,
    polygons and line strings.)
  • WithPolarWarping: Transforms images to polar coordinate space and applies
    child augmenters there.
  • SaveDebugImageEveryNBatches: Generates and saves at every N-th batch a
    debug image visualizing all inputs within the batch. Useful to gauge
    strength and effects of augmentations and quickly spot errors in ground truth
    data (e.g. misaligned bounding boxes).
  • Cutout: Removes rectangular subregions of images. Has some similarity with
  • Rain and RainLayer: Adds rain-like effects to images.
  • RandAugment: Combination of multiple augmenters. Similar to the paper
    description. (Note: Can currently only augment images.)
  • Identity: Same as Noop. Does nothing.
  • UniformColorQuantizationToNBits: Quantizes each image array component down
    to N bits. Similar to UniformColorQuantization. Has the alias
  • Solarize: Invert with threshold.
  • RemoveCBAsByOutOfImageFraction, ClipCBAsToImagePlanes: Augmenters to
    remove or clip coordinate-based augmentables, e.g. bounding boxes
  • More blend augmenters:
    • BlendAlphaMask: Uses batch-wise generated masks for alpha-blending.
    • BlendAlphaSomeColors: Alpha-blends only within image regions having
      specific randomly chosen colors.
    • BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds: Alpha-blends only within image regions having
      specific class ids in segmentation maps.
    • BlendAlphaBoundingBoxes: Alpha-blends only within image regions covered
      by bounding boxes having specific labels.
    • BlendAlphaHorizontalLinearGradient: Alpha-blends using horizontal
      linear gradients.
    • BlendAlphaVerticalLinearGradient: Analogous.
    • BlendAlphaRegularGrid: Places a re 8000 gular grid on each image and
      samples one alpha value per grid cell. Can be used e.g. to achieve
      coarse dropout.
    • BlendAlphaCheckerboard: Places also a regular grid on each image,
      but neighbouring cells use alpha values that are inverse to each other.
  • Shortcuts for Affine: ScaleX, ScaleY, TranslateX, TranslateY,
    Rotate, ShearX, ShearY.
  • Several new crop and pad augmenters: CenterCropToFixedSize,
    CenterPadToFixedSize, CropToMultiplesOf, CenterCropToMultiplesOf,
    PadToMultiplesOf, CenterPadToMultiplesOf, CropToPowersOf,
    CenterCropToPowersOf, PadToPowersOf, CenterPadToPowersOf,
    CropToAspectRatio, CenterCropToAspectRatio, PadToAspectRatio,
    CenterPadToAspectRatio, PadToSquare, CenterPadToSquare,
    CropToSquare, CenterCropToSquare.
  • Wrappers around imagecorruptions package (verified to have identical
    GaussianNoise, ShotNoise, ImpulseNoise, SpeckleNoise,
    GaussianBlur, GlassBlur, DefocusBlur, MotionBlur, ZoomBlur,
    Fog, Frost, Snow, Spatter, Contrast, Brightness, Saturate,
    JpegCompression, Pixelate, ElasticTransform.
    The augmenters are accessible via iaa.imgcorruptlike.<AugmenterName>.
  • Wrappers around PIL functions (verified to have identical outputs):
    Solarize, Posterize, Equalize, Autocontrast, EnhanceColor,
    EnhanceContrast, EnhanceBrightness, EnhanceSharpness, FilterBlur,
    FilterSmooth, FilterSmoothMore, FilterEdgeEnhance,
    FilterEdgeEnhanceMore FilterFindEdges, FilterContour,
    FilterEmboss, FilterSharpen, FilterDetail, Affine.
    The augmenters are accessible via iaa.pillike.<AugmenterName>.

Aside from these new augmenters, the following major changes were made:

  • Bounding boxes and line strings have now native augmentation methods.
    Previously, they were converted to keypoints at the start of the
    augmentation, which meant that child augmenters were unable to use
    augmentation routines geared towards these two input types as they would
    merely see a bunch of keypoints.
  • Augmentation happens now batchwise. Previously it was done
    input type-wise. This change should improve performance for batches with
    different types of inputs by re-using computation results for multiple
    inputs. It also makes the library more flexible.
  • Improved the default parameters of augmenters. Most of them will now
    produce medium-strength augmentations when instantiated without and
    parameters. E.g. CoarseDropout() will now produce decent augmentations
    instead of doing nothing. When using default parameters,
    Fliplr() and Flipud() will always flip (p=100%).
    TotalDropout() will always drop everything (p=100%).
    Grayscale() and RemoveSaturation() will always fully grayscale/desaturate.
    Rot90() will always rotate once (clockwise). Invert() will always
    invert all components (p=100%).
  • Reworked the standard parameters shared by all augmenters.
    random_state was renamed to seed, e.g. Affine(..., seed=1)
    is now valid. The parameter deterministic is now deprecated.
  • Many methods were added to augmentables, e.g. BoundingBoxesOnImage
    now supports index-based access (bbs[0] instead
    of bbs.bounding_boxes[0]).
  • The bounding box drawing methods now also draw each BB's label.
  • All augmenters are now tested to be pickle-able without errors.
  • The library is now compatible with numpy 1.18 and python 3.8.
  • This release fixes two significant bugs in Affine that could lead
    to unaligned outputs. It also fixes significant bugs related to
    bounding box augmentation and various other issues. The update
    is recommended. There are now around 5000 unique tests.

Example Images


Three new brightness-related augmenters are introduced. The example below
shows AddToBrightness. First image is the input, the others show
AddToBrightness(-100) to AddToBrightness(100).


A new cartoon style filter is introduced, shown below. Each row starts with
the input image.


The color temperature of images can now be modified. The example below
shows ChangeColorTemperature(kelvin=1000) to
ChangeColorTemperature(kelvin=5000), with the first image being the input.


Cutout is added to the library. The first row shows the hyperparameters that
were used in the corresponding paper. The second row shows two cutout
iterations per image, using intensity values, random RGB values and gaussian
noise to fill in the pixels. First image in each row is the input.

Dropout2d and TotalDropout

Two new dropout augmenters, Dropout2d and TotalDropout, are added.
The example below shows Dropout2d. First image is the input.


A jigsaw puzzle augmenter is added. The first row below shows its effects
using a grid size of 5x5. The second row shows 10x10.
First image in each row is the input.


A mean shift-based blur augmenter is added. First image below shows the input,
followed by MeanShiftBlur(5.0) to MeanShiftBlur(40.0).


The example below shows Posterize (aka UniformQuantizationToNBits)
with n_bits=8 to n_bits=1. First image is the input.


The example below shows Solarize, which is the same as Invert with a
threshold. First image is the input.


The example below shows the new Rain augmenter. First image is the input.


This release adds an implementation of RandAugment the following example
shows RandAugment(n=2, m=20). First image is the input.


The example below shows WithPolarWarping(<children>) in combination with
CropAndPad (first row), Affine (second row) and
AveragePooling (third row). First image in each row is the input.

The augmenter supports all input types, but bounding boxes and polygons
should be used with caution. (Bounding boxes, because they tend to produce
unintuitive results in combination with rotation-like augmentations.
Polygons, because they can become invalid under geometric augmentations
and will have to be repaired, which can easily mess them up.)

imagecorruptions wrappers

Wrappers around the library imagecorruptions are added, which contains
augmentation methods introduced by Hendrycks and Dietterich - Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and Surface Variations.
The methods were used in some recent papers. The example below shows their
effects, always with severity=3.

PIL wrappers

Various wrappers around popular PIL methods are added.
The image below shows in the first row Autocontrast, in the second
EnhanceColor (strength of 0.1 to 1.9), the third
EnhanceSharpness (strength of 0.1 to 1.9), the fourth shows
various convolution-based filters (FilterBlur, FilterSmooth,
FilterEdgeEnhance, FilterFindEdges, FilterContour, FilterSharpen,
FilterDetail -- in that order) and the fourth row shows pillike.Affine
with the top-left as the transformation origin.
The first image in each row is the input.

More Blending Augmenters

Various new (alpha-)blending augmenters are introduced in this patch.

The following example makes use of a segmentation map in which all cars
are marked with a segmentation class id.
It uses roughly
in order to modify some colors within the car classes.
Left is the input image, right is the output:

Note that BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds must be called with all inputs
at the same time, e.g. via augmenters(images=..., segmentation_maps...).

This example changes the train color using
BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds(AddToHueAndSaturation(...)). The train has a
separate class in the segmentation map.

The next example applies blending to some non color-based augmenters. It uses
roughly BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds(AdditiveGaussianNoise(...)) (left)
and BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds(Emboss(...)) (right). The street has a separate
class in the segmentation map.

This example shows how blending can be used to achieve dropout effects.
It uses roughly BlendAlphaRegularGrid(Multiply(0.0)) (left) and
BlendAlphaCheckerboard(Multiply(0.0)) (right).

This example shows BlendAlphaSomeColors(RemoveSaturation(1.0)), applied
to a more colorful image:

This release also adds BlendAlphaBoundingBoxes,
BlendAlphaHorizontalLinearGradient and
BlendAlphaVerticalLinearGradient. These are not visualized here.


A new debug helper -- SaveDebugImageEveryNBatches -- was added.
The example below shows one of its outputs for a batch containing images,
segmentation maps and bounding boxes.

Note that this augmenter must be called with all inputs at the same time,
e.g. via augmenters(images=..., segmentation_maps...) for image + segmap

Mixed-Category Patches

Reworked Augmentation Methods #451 #566

The internal backend of the library was changed so that augmentation now
happens batchwise instead of input-type-wise. Child augmenters still have
the option of using input-type-wise augmentation. All calls are now at some
point routed through Augmenter.augment_batch_() and child augmenters are
expected to implement _augment_batch_(). This change allows to re-use
information between different input types within the same batch, which in
turn improves performance and extends the space of possible augmentations.

Note: It is now recommended to use a batch-wise augmentation call. I.e.
use .augment_batch_() or .augment() or .__call__(). These calls provide
all inputs of a batch at the same time and several of the new augmenters now
explicitly require that (e.g. BlendAlphaBoundingBoxes). Example:

import numpy as np
import imgaug as ia
import imgaug.augmenters as iaa

images = [np.zeros((32, 32, 3), dtype=np.uint8),
          np.zeros((64, 64, 3), dtype=np.uint8)]
bbs = [
    [ia.BoundingBox(x1=0, y1=1, x2=2, y2=3)],
    [ia.BoundingBox(x1=1, y1=2, x2=3, y2=4),
     ia.BoundingBox(x1=2, y1=3, x2=4, y2=5)],

bbsois = [ia.BoundingBoxesOnImage(bbs[0], shape=images[0]),
          ia.BoundingBoxesOnImage(bbs[1], shape=images[1])]

aug = iaa.Affine(rotate=(-30, 30))

# No longer recommended:
aug_det = aug.to_deterministic()
images_aug = aug_det.augment_images(images)
bbsois_aug = aug_det.augment_bounding_boxes(bbsois)

# Now recommended:
images_aug, bbs_aug = aug(images=images, bounding_boxes=bbs)
  • Added methods:

    • augmentables.batches.Batch.to_normalized_batch().
    • augmentables.batches.Batch.get_augmentables().
    • augmentables.batches.UnnormalizedBatch.get_augmentables().
    • augmentables.batches.Batch.get_augmentable_names().
    • augmentables.batches.UnnormalizedBatch.get_augmentable_names().
    • augmentables.batches.Batch.to_batch_in_augmentation().
    • augmentables.batches.Batch.fill_from_batch_in_augmentation_().
    • augmentables.batches.UnnormalizedBatch.fill_from_augmented_normalized_batch().
    • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_batch_(), ,
      similar to augment_batch(), but explicitly works in-place and has a
      parent parameter.
    • augmenters.meta.Augmenter._augment_batch_().
    • augmentables.polys.recover_psois_().
    • augmentables.utils.convert_cbaois_to_kpsois().
    • augmentables.utils.invert_convert_cbaois_to_kpsois_().
    • augmentables.utils.deepcopy_fast().
    • augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox.from_point_soup().
    • augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImages.from_point_soups().
    • Added method to_xy_array() to:
      • augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage.
      • augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage.
      • augmentables.lines.LineStringsOnImage.
    • Added methods to_keypoints_on_image(),
      invert_to_keypoints_on_image_() and fill_from_xy_array_() to:
      • augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage.
      • augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage.
      • augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage.
      • augmentables.lines.LineStringsOnImage.
  • Added classes:

    • testutils.TemporaryDirectory (context)
  • Changed:

    • Changed the following methods to be thin wrappers around
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_images()
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_heatmaps().
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_segmentation_maps().
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_keypoints().
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_bounding_boxes().
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_polygons().
      • augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_line_strings().
    • Changed augment_image(), augment_images(), augment_heatmaps(),
      augment_segmentation_maps(), augment_keypoints(),
      augment_bounding_boxes(), augment_polygons() and
      augment_line_strings() to return None inputs without change.
      Previously they resulted in an exception. This is more consistent with
      the behaviour in the other augment_* methods.
    • Changed augment_images() to no longer be abstract. It defaults
      to not changing the input images.
    • Changed imgaug.augmentables.BoundingBoxesOnImage.from_xyxy_array()
      to also accept (N, 2, 2) arrays instead of only (N, 4).


  • Deprecated imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.augment_batch().
    Use .augment_batch_() instead.


  • Refactored most augmenters to use single _augment_batch_() method.

Other changes:

  • Added validation of input arguments to KeypointsOnImage.from_xy_array().
  • Improved validation of input arguments to

Reworked Quantization #467

This patch reworked the quantization routines to also support quantization
to N bits instead of N colors in a way that is similar to posterization
in PIL. The patch added corresponding UniformColorQuantizationToNBits
and Posterize augmenters, as well as a quantize_uniform_to_n_bits()

  • Added classes:

    • augmenters.color.UniformColorQuantizationToNBits.
    • augmenters.color.Posterize (alias of UniformColorQuantizationToNBits).
  • Added functions:

    • augmenters.color.quantize_uniform_(), the in-place
      version of quantize_uniform().
    • augmenters.color.quantize_uniform_to_n_bits().
    • augmenters.color.quantize_uniform_to_n_bits_().
    • augmenters.color.posterize(), an alias of
      quantize_uniform_to_n_bits() that produces the same outputs as
  • Added parameters:

    • Added to_bin_centers=True to quantize_uniform(), controling
      whether each bin (a, b) should be quantized to a + (b-a)/2 or a.
  • Deprecated:

    • Renamed imgaug.augmenters.color.quantize_colors_uniform(image, n_colors)
      to imgaug.augmenters.color.quantize_uniform(arr, nb_bins). The old name
      is now deprecated.
    • Renamed imgaug.augmenters.color.quantize_colors_kmeans(image, n_colors)
      to imgaug.augmenters.color.quantize_kmeans(arr, nb_clusters). The old
      name is now deprecated.
  • Other changes:

    • Improved performance of quantize_uniform() by roughly 10x (small images
      around 64x64) to 100x (large images around 1024x1024). This also affects
    • Improved performance of UniformColorQuantization by using more in-place
  • Fixed:

    • Fixed quantize_uniform() producing wrong outputs for non-contiguous

Improved Invert #469

Added thresholds to Invert and the corresponding functions. This enables
solarization (inversion with thresholds). The patch also added
a corresponding Solarize augmenter and two solarization functions.

  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.Solarize, a wrapper around Invert.
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.solarize(), a wrapper around
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.solarize_(), a wrapper around
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.invert_(), an in-place version
    of imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.invert().
  • Added parameters threshold and invert_above_threshold to
  • Added parameters threshold and invert_above_threshold to
  • Improved performance of imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.invert() and
    imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.Invert for uint8 images.

All Augmenters are now Pickle-able #493 #575

Ensured that all augmenters can be pickled and un-pickled without errors.

  • Added function imgaug.testutils.runtest_pickleable_uint8_img().
  • Fixed imgaug.augmenters.blur.MotionBlur not being pickle-able.
  • Fixed imgaug.augmenters.meta.AssertLambda not being pickle-able.
  • Fixed imgaug.augmenters.meta.AssertShape not being pickle-able.
  • Fixed imgaug.augmenters.color.MultiplyHueAndSaturation not supporting
    all standard RNG datatypes for random_state.

Extended Cropping and Padding Augmenters #459

This patch extended the cropping and padding augmenters. It added
augmenters that crop/pad towards multiples of values (e.g. crop the
width until it is a multiple of 2), towards powers of values (e.g.
crop the width until it is one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...), towards
an aspect ratio (crop the width or height until width/height = 2.0) or
towards a squared size (e.g. crop the width or height until they are equal).
These augmenters are wrappers around CropToFixedSize and
PadToFixedSize. All *FixedSize augmenters also have now corresponding
Center*ToFixedSize aliases, e.g. CenterCropToPowersOf. These
are equivalent to using position="center", e.g. CenterCropToPowersOf
is equivalent to CropToPowersOf(..., position="center").

The following functions were moved. Their old names are now deprecated.

  • Moved imgaug.imgaug.pad to imgaug.augmenters.size.pad
  • Moved imgaug.imgaug.pad_to_aspect_ratio to
  • Moved imgaug.imgaug.pad_to_multiples_of to
  • Moved imgaug.imgaug.compute_paddings_for_aspect_ratio to
  • Moved imgaug.imgaug.compute_paddings_to_reach_multiples_of
    to imgaug.augmenters.size.compute_paddings_to_reach_multiples_of.

The following augmenters were added:

  • Added augmenter CenterCropToFixedSize.
  • Added augmenter CenterPadToFixedSize.
  • Added augmenter CropToMultiplesOf.
  • Added augmenter CenterCropToMultiplesOf.
  • Added augmenter PadToMultiplesOf.
  • Added augmenter CenterPadToMultiplesOf.
  • Added augmenter CropToPowersOf.
  • Added augmenter CenterCropToPowersOf.
  • Added augmenter PadToPowersOf.
  • Added augmenter CenterPadToPowersOf.
  • Added augmenter CropToAspectRatio.
  • Added augmenter CenterCropToAspectRatio.
  • Added augmenter PadToAspectRatio.
  • Added augmenter CenterPadToAspectRatio.< 8000 /li>
  • Added augmenter PadToSquare.
  • Added augmenter CenterPadToSquare.
  • Added augmenter CropToSquare.
  • Added augmenter CenterCropToSquare.

All Center<name> augmenters are wrappers around <name> with parameter

Added functions:

  • Added function
  • Added function
  • Added function
  • Added function

Other changes:

  • Extended augmenter CropToFixedSize to support height and/or width
    parameters to be None, in which case the respective axis is not changed.
  • Extended augmenter PadToFixedSize to support height and/or width
    parameters to be None, in which case the respective axis is not changed.
  • [rarely breaking] Changed CropToFixedSize.get_parameters() to also
    return the height and width values.
  • [rarely breaking] Changed PadToFixedSize.get_parameters() to also
    return the height and width values.
  • [rarely breaking] Changed the order of parameters returned by
    PadToFixedSize.get_parameters() to match the order in
  • Changed PadToFixedSize to prefer padding the right side over the left side
    and the bottom side over the top side. E.g. if using a center pad and
    3 columns have to be padded, it will pad 1 on the left and 2 on the
    right. Previously it was the other way round. This was changed to establish
    more consistency with the various other pad and crop methods.
  • Changed the projection of pad/crop values between images and non-images
    to make the behaviour slightly more accurate in fringe cases.
  • Improved behaviour of function
    imgaug.augmenters.size.compute_paddings_for_aspect_ratio() for zero-sized
  • Changed function imgaug.augmenters.size.compute_paddings_for_aspect_ratio()
    to also support shape tuples instead of only ndarrays.
  • Changed function
    to also support shape tuples instead of only ndarrays.


  • Fixed a formatting error in an error message of

More Choices for Image Blending #462 #556

The available augmenters for alpha-blending of images were
significantly extended. There are now new blending
augmenters available to alpha-blend acoording to:

  • Some randomly chosen colors. (BlendAlphaSomeColors)
  • Linear gradients. (BlendAlphaHorizontalLinearGradient,
  • Regular grids and checkerboard patterns. (BlendAlphaRegularGrid,
  • Only at locations that overlap with specific segmentation class
    IDs (or the inverse of that). (BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds)
  • Only within bounding boxes with specific labels (or the inverse
    of that). (BlendAlphaBoundingBoxes)

This allows to e.g. randomly remove some colors while leaving
other colors unchanged (BlendAlphaSomeColors(Grayscale(1.0))),
to change the color of some objects
(BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds(AddToHue((-256, 256)))), to add
cloud-patterns only to the top of images
(BlendAlphaVerticalLinearGradient(Clouds())) or to apply
augmenters in some coarse rectangular areas (e.g.
BlendAlphaRegularGrid(Multiply(0.0)) to achieve a similar
effect to CoarseDropout or
BlendAlphaRegularGrid(AveragePooling(8)) to pool in equally
coarse image sub-regions).

Other mask-based alpha blending techniques can be achieved by
subclassing IBatchwiseMaskGenerator and providing an
instance of such a class to BlendAlphaMask.

This patch also changes the naming of the blending augmenters
as follows:

  • Alpha -> BlendAlpha
  • AlphaElementwise -> BlendAlphaElementwise
  • SimplexNoiseAlpha -> BlendAlphaSimplexNoise
  • FrequencyNoiseAlpha -> BlendAlphaFrequencyNoise
    The old names are now deprecated.
    Furthermore, the parameters first and second, which were
    used by all blending augmenters, have now the names foreground
    and background.

List of changes:

  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaMask, which uses
    a mask generator instance to generate per batch alpha masks and
    then alpha-blends using these masks.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaSomeColors.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaHorizontalLinearGradient.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaVerticalLinearGradient.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaRegularGrid.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaCheckerboard.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BlendAlphaBoundingBoxes.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.IBatchwiseMaskGenerator,
    an interface for classes generating masks on a batch-by-batch
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.StochasticParameterMaskGen,
    a helper to generate masks from StochasticParameter instances.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.SomeColorsMaskGen, a generator
    that produces masks marking randomly chosen colors in images.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.HorizontalLinearGradientMaskGen,
    a linear gradient mask generator.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.VerticalLinearGradientMaskGen,
    a linear gradient mask generator.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.RegularGridMaskGen,
    a checkerboard-like mask generator where every grid cell has
    a random alpha value.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.CheckerboardMaskGen,
    a checkerboard-like mask generator where every grid cell has
    the opposite alpha value of its 4-neighbours.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.SegMapClassIdsMaskGen, a
    segmentation map-based mask generator.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.BoundingBoxesMaskGen, a bounding
    box-based mask generator.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.blend.InvertMaskGen, an mask generator
    that inverts masks produces by child generators.
  • Changed imgaug.parameters.SimplexNoise and
    imgaug.parameters.FrequencyNoise to also accept (H, W, C)
    sampling shapes, instead of only (H, W).
  • Refactored AlphaElementwise to be a wrapper around
  • Renamed Alpha to BlendAlpha.
    Alpha is now deprecated.
  • Renamed AlphaElementwise to BlendAlphaElementwise.
    AlphaElementwise is now deprecated.
  • Renamed SimplexNoiseAlpha to BlendAlphaSimplexNoise.
    SimplexNoiseAlpha is now deprecated.
  • Renamed FrequencyNoiseAlpha to BlendAlphaFrequencyNoise.
    FrequencyNoiseAlpha is now deprecated.
  • Renamed arguments first and second to foreground and background
    in BlendAlpha, BlendAlphaElementwise, BlendAlphaSimplexNoise and
  • Changed imgaug.parameters.handle_categorical_string_param() to allow
    parameter valid_values to be None.
  • Fixed a wrong error message in


Unwrapped Bounding Box Augmentation #446

The bounding box augmentation was previously a wrapper around keypoint
augmentation. Bounding Boxes were simply converted to keypoints at the
start of the augmentation and then augmented as keypoints by all called
augmenters. This was now changed so that all augmenters receive
bounding boxes and can then chose how to augment them. This enables
augmentations specific to bounding boxes.

  • Added property coords to BoundingBox. The property returns an (N,2)
    numpy array containing the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right
    bounding box corners.
  • Added method BoundingBox.coords_almost_equals(other).
  • Added method BoundingBox.almost_equals(other).
  • Changed method Polygon.almost_equals(other) to no longer verify the
    datatype. It is assumed now that the input is a Polygon.
  • Added property items to KeypointsOnImage, BoundingBoxesOnImage,
    PolygonsOnImage, LineStringsOnImage. The property returns the
    keypoints/BBs/polygons/LineStrings contained by that instance.
  • Added method Polygon.coords_almost_equals(other). Alias for
  • Added property Polygon.coords. Alias for Polygon.exterior.
  • Added property Keypoint.coords.
  • Added method Keypoint.coords_almost_equals(other).
  • Added method Keypoint.almost_equals(other).
  • Added method imgaug.testutils.assert_cbaois_equal().
  • Added method imgaug.testutils.shift_cbaoi().
  • Added internal _augment_bounding_boxes() methods to various augmenters.
    This allows to individually control how bounding boxes are supposed to
    be augmented. Previously, the bounding box augmentation was a wrapper around
    keypoint augmentation that did not allow such control.
  • [breaking] Added parameter parents to
    This breaks if hooks was used as a positional argument in connection with
    that method.
  • [rarely breaking] Added parameter func_bounding_boxes to Lambda.
    This breaks if one relied on the order of the augmenter's parameters instead
    of their names.
  • [rarely breaking] Added parameter func_bounding_boxes to AssertLambda.
    This breaks if one relied on the order of the augmenter's parameters instead
    of their names.
  • [rarely breaking] Added parameter check_bounding_boxes to AssertShape.
    This breaks if one relied on the order of the augmenter's parameters instead
    of their names.

Unwrapped Line String Augmentation #450

This patch is the same as the bounding box unwrapping above, only applied to
line strings.

  • Added internal _augment_line_strings() methods to various augmenters.
    This allows to individually control how line strings are supposed to
    be augmented. Previously, the line string augmentation was a wrapper around
    keypoint augmentation that did not allow such control.
  • [rarely breaking] Added parameter func_line_strings to Lambda.
    This breaks if one relied on the order of the augmenter's parameters instead
    of their names.
  • [rarely breaking] Added parameter func_line_strings to AssertLambda.
    This breaks if one relied on the order of the augmenter's parameters instead
    of their names.
  • [rarely breaking] Added parameter check_line_strings to AssertShape.
    This breaks if one relied on the order of the augmenter's parameters instead
    of their names.

Added fit_output to PerspectiveTransform #452 #456

This patch added fit_output to PerspectiveTransform.

  • [rarely breaking] PerspectiveTransform has now a fit_output parameter,
    similar to Affine. This change may break code that relied on the order of
    arguments to __init__.
  • The sampling code of PerspectiveTransform was reworked and should now
    be faster.

Added ChangeColorTemperature Augmenter #454

This patch added an augmenter and corresponding function to change the
color temperature of images. This adds e.g. red, orange or blue tints.

  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.color.ChangeColorTemperature.
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.color.change_color_temperatures_().
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.color.change_color_temperature_().

Added Brightness Augmenters #455

This patch added brightness-related augmenters. At the core is
WithBrightnessChannels, which converts images to a choice of
colorspaces that have brightness-related channels, extracts these
channels and applies child augmenters to them. E.g. it might
transform to L*a*b* colorspace and extract L, then apply
a child augmenter and convert the modified L*a*b* back to RGB.

  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.color.WithBrightnessChannels.
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.color.MultiplyAndAddToBrightness.
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.color.MultiplyBrightness.
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.color.AddToBrightness.
  • Added method imgaug.parameters.handle_categorical_string_param().
  • Changed change_colorspaces_() to accept any iterable of str for
    argument to_colorspaces, not just list.

Added More Dropout Augmenters #458

This patch added more dropout augmenters. Dropout2d randomly zeros
whole channels, while TotalDropout randomly zeros whole images.
The latter augmenter can sometimes be used in connection with
blending operations. (Note though that in these cases it should not be
used with coordinate-based input data, such as bounding boxes, because
it removes that data from examples affected by total dropout. That
breaks the blending operation, which requires the number of coordinates
to be unchanged.)

  • Added a new augmenter Dropout2d, which drops channels in images with
    a defineable probability p. Dropped channels will be filled with zeros.
    By default, the augmenter keeps at least one channel in each image
    unaltered (i.e. not dropped).
  • Added new augmenter TotalDropout, which sets all components to zero
    for p percent of all images. The augmenter should be used in connection
    with e.g. blend augmenters.

Added RemoveSaturation #462

  • Added RemoveSaturation, a shortcut for MultiplySaturation((0.0, 1.0))
    with outputs similar to Grayscale((0.0, 1.0)).

Added Cartoon Augmenter #463

This patch added a filter to change the style of images to one that looks
more cartoon-ish. The filter used classical methods. As such it works well
on some images and badly on others. It seems to work better on images
that already have rather saturated colors and pronounced edges.

  • Added module imgaug.augmenters.artistic.
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.artistic.stylize_cartoon(image).
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.artistic.Cartoon.

Added MeanShiftBlur Augmenter #466

This patch added a mean shift-based blur filter. Note that it is very
slow when using the default parameters (high radius).

  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.blur.blur_mean_shift_(image).
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.blur.MeanShiftBlur.

Added DeterministicList Parameter #475

Added imgaug.parameters.DeterministicList. Upon a request to generate
samples of shape S, this parameter will create a new array of shape S
and fill it by cycling over its list of values repeatedly.

Added Jigsaw Augmenter #476 #577

This patch added a jigsaw puzzle augmenter and corresponding functions.
The augmenter splits each image into a regular grid of cells, then
randomly picks some cells and switches them with one of their
8-neighbours. The process is repeated for N steps per image.

Note: The augmenter will reject batches containing bounding boxes,
polygons or line strings.

  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.geometric.apply_jigsaw().
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.geometric.apply_jigsaw_to_coords().
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.geometric.generate_jigsaw_destinations().

Added Wrappers around Package PIL #479 #480 #538

This patch added wrapper functions and augmenters around popular
PIL functions. The outputs of these functions and augmenters are
tested to be identical with the ones in PIL. They are intended
for research cases where papers have to be re-implemented as
accurately as possible.

  • Added module imgaug.augmenters.pillike, which contains augmenters and
    functions corresponding to commonly used PIL functions. Their outputs
    are guaranteed to be identical to the PIL outputs.
  • Added the following functions to the module:
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.equalize
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.equalize_
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.autocontrast
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.autocontrast_
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.solarize
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.solarize_
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.posterize
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.posterize_
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.enhance_color
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.enhance_contrast
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.enhance_brightness
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.enhance_sharpness
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_blur
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_smooth
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_smooth_more
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_edge_enhance
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_edge_enhance_more
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_find_edges
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_contour
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_emboss
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_sharpen
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.filter_detail
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.warp_affine
  • Added the following augmenters to the module:
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.Solarize
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.Posterize.
      (Currently alias for imgaug.augmenters.color.Posterize.)
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.Equalize
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.Autocontrast
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.EnhanceColor
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.EnhanceContrast
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.EnhanceBrightness
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.EnhanceSharpness
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterBlur
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterSmooth
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterSmoothMore
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterEdgeEnhance
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterEdgeEnhanceMore
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterFindEdges
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterContour
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterEmboss
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterSharpen
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.FilterDetail
    • imgaug.augmenters.pillike.Affine

Added Identity #481

This patch added an identity function augmenter (Identity), which is
the same as Noop and will replace the latter one in the long run.

  • [rarely breaking] Added imgaug.augmenters.meta.Identity, an alias of
    Noop. Identity is now the recommended augmenter for identity
    transformations. This change can break code that explicitly relied on
    exactly Noop being used, e.g. via isinstance checks.
  • Renamed parameter noop_if_topmost to identity_if_topmost in
    method imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.remove_augmenters(). The old name
    is now deprecated.

Added Shearing on the Y-Axis to Affine #482

Affine was changed to now also support shearing on the y-axis.
Previously, only the x-axis was supported. Use e.g.
Affine(shear={"y": (-20, 20)) now.

  • [rarely breaking] Extended Affine to also support shearing on the
    y-axis (previously, only x-axis was possible). This feature can be used
    via e.g. Affine(shear={"x": (-30, 30), "y": (-10, 10)}). If instead
    a single number is used (e.g. Affine(shear=15)), shearing will be done
    only on the x-axis. If a single tuple, list or
    StochasticParameter is used, the generated samples will be used
    identically for both the x-axis and y-axis (this is consistent with
    translation and scaling). To get independent random samples per axis use
    the dictionary form.

Added Wrappers around Affine #484

This patch added a few convenience wrappers around Affine.

  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.ScaleX.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.ScaleY.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.TranslateX.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.TranslateY.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.Rotate.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.ShearX.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.geometric.ShearY.

Added More Methods to Remove Out-of-Image Augmentables #487

This patch extended the methods to handle coordinate-based augmentables,
e.g. bounding boxes, that are partially/fully outside of the image plane.
They can now more easily be dropped if more than p% of their areas is
outside of the image plane.

The patch also adds augmenters to remove and clip coordinate-based
augmentables that are outside of the image plane.

  • Added Keypoint.is_out_of_image().

  • Added BoundingBox.compute_out_of_image_area().

  • Added Polygon.compute_out_of_image_area().

  • Added Keypoint.compute_out_of_image_fraction()

  • Added BoundingBox.compute_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added Polygon.compute_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added LineString.compute_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added KeypointsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added BoundingBoxesOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added PolygonsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added LineStringsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction().

  • Added KeypointsOnImage.clip_out_of_image().

  • Added imgaug.augmenters.meta.RemoveCBAsByOutOfImageFraction.
    Removes coordinate-based augmentables (e.g. BBs) that have at least a
    specified fraction of their area outside of the image plane.

  • Added imgaug.augmenters.meta.ClipCBAsToImagePlanes.
    Clips off all parts from coordinate-based augmentables (e.g. BBs) that are
    outside of the corresponding image.

  • Changed Polygon.area to return 0.0 if the polygon contains less than
    three points (previously: exception).

Added Bounding Box to Polygon Conversion #489

  • Added method imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBox.to_polygon().
  • Added method

Added Polygon Subdivision #489

  • Added method imgaug.augmentables.polys.Polygon.subdivide(N).
    The method increases the polygon's corner point count by interpolating
    N points on each edge with regular distance.
  • Added method imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage.subdivide(N).

Added WithPolarWarping Augmenter #489

This patch added an augmenter to transform images to polar coordinates
and apply child augmenters within that space. This leads to interesting
effects in combination with augmenters that affect pixel locations, such
as cropping or affine transformations.

  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.geometric.WithPolarWarping, an
    augmenter that applies child augmenters in a polar representation of the

Added Convenient Access Methods to Coordinate-Based Augmentables #495 #541

This patch added various magic functions to coordinate-based
augmentables that make their usage more convenient. Example:

import imgaug as ia
bb1 = ia.BoundingBox(x1=0, y1=1, x2=2, y2=3)
bb2 = ia.BoundingBox(x1=1, y1=2, x2=3, y2=4)
bbsoi = ia.BoundingBoxesOnImage([bb1, bb2])

print(bbsoi[0])  # prints now str(bb1)
print(len(bbsoi))  # prints now 2
for bb in bbsoi:  # looping is now supported 
  • Added module imgaug.augmentables.base.
  • Added interface imgaug.augmentables.base.IAugmentable, implemented by
    HeatmapsOnImage, SegmentationMapsOnImage, KeypointsOnImage,
    BoundingBoxesOnImage, PolygonsOnImage and LineStringsOnImage.
  • Added ability to iterate over coordinate-based *OnImage instances
    (keypoints, bounding boxes, polygons, line strings), e.g.
    bbsoi = BoundingBoxesOnImage(bbs, shape=...); for bb in bbsoi: ....
    would iterate now over bbs.
  • Added implementations of __len__ methods to coordinate-based *OnImage
    instances, e.g.
    bbsoi = BoundingBoxesOnImage(bbs, shape=...); print(len(bbsoi))
    would now print the number of bounding boxes in bbsoi.
  • Added ability to iterate over coordinates of BoundingBox (top-left,
    bottom-right), Polygon and LineString via for xy in obj: ....
  • Added ability to access coordinates of BoundingBox, Polygon and
    LineString using indices or slices, e.g. line_string[1:] to get an
    array of all coordinates except the first one.
  • Added property Keypoint.xy.
  • Added property Keypoint.xy_int.

Added SaveDebugImageEveryNBatches Augmenter #502

This patch added a debug augmenter SaveDebugImageEveryNBatches that
visualizes a whole batch and saves the corresponding image to a directory.
The visualization happens at every Nth batch. The plot contains
a visualization of all images within the batch, as well as all additional
input data (e.g. segmentation maps or bounding boxes overlayed with
images). The plot also contains various additional information, such as
observed value ranges (min/max values) of images, observed labels of
bounding boxes or observed segmentation classes.

The augmenter can be used during training to evaluate the strength of
augmentations, whether all data is still aligned (e.g. bounding box
positions match object positions) and whether the data statistics match
the expectations (e.g. no segmentation map classes missing).

The augmenter might be useful even if no augmentation is actually performed.

  • Added module imgaug.augmenters.debug.
  • Added function imgaug.augmenters.debug.draw_debug_image(). The function
    draws an image containing debugging information for a provided set of
    images and non-image data (e.g. segmentation maps, bounding boxes)
    corresponding to a single batch. The debug image visualizes these
    informations (e.g. bounding boxes drawn on images) and offers relevant
    information (e.g. actual value ranges of images, labels of bounding
    boxes and their counts, etc.).
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.debug.SaveDebugImageEveryNBatches.
    Augmenter corresponding to draw_debug_image(). Saves an image at every
    n-th batch into a provided folder.

Added Multi-Channel cvals in pad() #502

Improved imgaug.augmenters.size.pad() to support multi-channel values
for the cval parameter (e.g. RGB colors).

Added Wrappers around Package imagecorruptions #530

Added wrappers around the functions from package
The functions in that package were used in some recent papers and are added
here for convenience.
The wrappers produce arrays containing values identical to the output
arrays from the corresponding imagecorruptions functions when called
via the imagecorruptions.corrupt() (verified via unittests).
The interfaces of the wrapper functions are identical to the
imagecorruptions functions, with the only difference of also supporting
seed parameters.

  • Added module imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike. The like signals that
    the augmentation functions do not have to wrap imagecorruptions
    internally. They merely have to produce the same outputs.
  • Added the following functions to module imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike:
    • apply_gaussian_noise()
    • apply_shot_noise()
    • apply_impulse_noise()
    • apply_speckle_noise()
    • apply_gaussian_blur()
    • apply_glass_blur() (improved performance over original function)
    • apply_defocus_blur()
    • apply_motion_blur()
    • apply_zoom_blur()
    • apply_fog()
    • apply_snow()
    • apply_spatter()
    • apply_contrast()
    • apply_brightness()
    • apply_saturate()
    • apply_jpeg_compression()
    • apply_pixelate()
    • apply_elastic_transform()
  • Added function
    Similar to imagecorruptions.get_corruption_names(subset), but returns a
    (list of corruption method names, list of corruption method functions),
    instead of only the names.
  • Added the following augmenters to module imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike:
    • GaussianNoise
    • ShotNoise
    • ImpulseNoise
    • SpeckleNoise
    • GaussianBlur
    • GlassBlur
    • DefocusBlur
    • MotionBlur
    • ZoomBlur
    • Fog
    • Frost
    • Snow
    • Spatter
    • Contrast
    • Brightness
    • Saturate
    • JpegCompression
    • Pixelate
    • ElasticTransform
  • Added context imgaug.random.temporary_numpy_seed().

Added Cutout Augmenter #531 #570

This patch added Cutout augmentation, similar to the paper proposal.
The augmetner has some similarity with CoarseDropout.

  • Added imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.apply_cutout_(), which replaces
    in-place a single rectangular area with a constant intensity value or a
    constant color or gaussian noise.
    See also the paper about Cutout.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.apply_cutout(). Same as
    apply_cutout_(), but copies the input images before applying cutout.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.arithmetic.Cutout.

Added in-place Methods for Coordinate-based Augmentables #532

This patch added for many already existing methods corresponding in-place
variations. They are now used throughout the library, improving the
performance of augmentation in the case of e.g. bounding boxes.

  • Added Keypoint.project_().
  • Added Keypoint.shift_().
  • Added KeypointsOnImage.on_().
  • Added setter for KeypontsOnImage.items.
  • Added setter for BoundingBoxesOnImage.items.
  • Added setter for LineStringsOnImage.items.
  • Added setter for PolygonsOnImage.items.
  • Added KeypointsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction_().
  • Added KeypointsOnImage.clip_out_of_image_fraction_().
  • Added KeypointsOnImage.shift_().
  • Added BoundingBox.project_().
  • Added BoundingBox.extend_().
  • Added BoundingBox.clip_out_of_image_().
  • Added BoundingBox.shift_().
  • Added BoundingBoxesOnImage.on_().
  • Added BoundingBoxesOnImage.clip_out_of_image_().
  • Added BoundingBoxesOnImage.remove_out_of_image_().
  • Added BoundingBoxesOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction_().
  • Added BoundingBoxesOnImage.shift_().
  • Added imgaug.augmentables.utils.project_coords_().
  • Added LineString.project_().
  • Added LineString.shift_().
  • Added LineStringsOnImage.on_().
  • Added LineStringsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_().
  • Added LineStringsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction_().
  • Added LineStringsOnImage.clip_out_of_image_().
  • Added LineStringsOnImage.shift_().
  • Added Polygon.project_().
  • Added Polygon.shift_().
  • Added Polygon.on_().
  • Added Polygon.subdivide_().
  • Added PolygonsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_().
  • Added PolygonsOnImage.remove_out_of_image_fraction_().
  • Added PolygonsOnImage.clip_out_of_image_().
  • Added PolygonsOnImage.shift_().
  • Added PolygonsOnImage.subdivide_().
  • Switched BoundingBoxesOnImage.copy() to a custom copy operation (away
    from module copy module).
  • Added parameters bounding_boxes and shape to
  • Added parameters bounding_boxes and shape to
  • Switched KeypointsOnImage.copy() to a custom copy operation (away
    from module copy module).
  • Switched PolygonsOnImage.copy() to a custom copy operation (away
    from module copy module).
  • Added parameters polygons and shape to
  • Added parameters polygons and shape to
  • Switched augmenters to use in-place functions for keypoints,
    bounding boxes, line strings and polygons.

Added Standardized LUT Methods #542

This patch standardized the handling of lookup tables throughout the library.

  • Added imgaug.imgaug.apply_lut(), which applies a lookup table to an image.
  • Added imgaug.imgaug.apply_lut_(). In-place version of apply_lut().
  • Refactored all augmenters to use these new LUT functions.
    This likely fixed some so-far undiscovered bugs in augmenters using LUT

Added Drawing of Bounding Box Labels #545

When drawing bounding boxes on images via BoundingBox.draw_on_image()
or BoundingBoxesOnImage.draw_on_image(), a box containing the label will now
be drawn over each bounding box's rectangle. If the bounding box's label is
set to None, the label box will not be drawn. For more detailed control,
use BoundingBox.draw_label_on_image().

  • Added method imgaug.augmentables.BoundingBox.draw_label_on_image().
  • Added method imgaug.augmentables.BoundingBox.draw_box_on_image().
  • Changed method imgaug.augmentables.BoundingBox.draw_on_image()
    to automatically draw a bounding box's label.

Added Index-based Access to Coordinate-based *OnImage Instances #547

Enabled index-based access to coordinate-based *OnImage instances, i.e. to
KeypointsOnImage, BoundingBoxesOnImage, LineStringsOnImage and
PolygonsOnImage. This allows to do things like
bbsoi = BoundingBoxesOnImage(...); bbs = bbsoi[0:2];.

  • Added imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage.__getitem__().
  • Added imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage.__getitem__().
  • Added imgaug.augmentables.lines.LineStringsOnImage.__getitem__().
  • Added imgaug.augmentables.polys.PolygonsOnImage.__getitem__().

Added Rain and RainLayer Augmenters #551

Added augmenter(s) to create fake rain effects. They currently seem to work
best at around medium-sized images (~224px).

  • Added imgaug.augmenters.weather.Rain.
  • Added imgaug.augmenters.weather.RainLayer.

Added round Parameter to Discretize #553

Added the parameter round to imgaug.parameters.Discretize. The parameter
defaults to True, i.e. the default behaviour of Discretize did not change.

Added RandAugment Augmenter #553

Added a RandAugment augmenter, similar to the one described in the paper
"RandAugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced
search space".

Note: This implementation makes a best guess about some hyperparameters
that were neither in the paper nor in the code repsitory clearly

Note: This augmenter differs from the paper implementation by applying
a fix to their color augmentations. The ones in the paper's implementation
seemed to increase in strength as the magnitude was decreased below
a threshold.

Note: This augmenter currently only accepts image inputs. Other input
types (e.g. bounding boxes) will be rejected.

  • Added module imgaug.augmenters.collections
  • Added augmenter imgaug.augmenters.collections.RandAugment.

Added and Improved Warnings for Probably-Wrong Image Inputs #594

Improved the errors and warnings on image augmentation calls.
augment_image() will now produce a more self-explanatory error
message when calling it as in augment_image(list of images).
Calls of single-image augmentation functions (e.g.
augment(image=...)) with inputs that look like multiple images
will now produce warnings. This is the case for (H, W, C)
inputs when C>=32 (as that indicates that (N, H, W) was
actually provided).
Calls of multi-image augmentation functions (e.g.
augment(images=...)) with inputs that look like single images
will now produce warnings. This is the case for (N, H, W)
inputs when W=1 or W=3 (as that indicates that (H, W, C)
was actually provided.)

  • Added an assert in augment_image() to verify that inputs are
  • Added warnings for probably-wrong image inputs in
    augment_image(), augment_images(), augment() (and its
    alias __call__()).
  • Added module imgaug.augmenters.base.
  • Added warning
  • Added warning
  • Added imgaug.testutils.assertWarns, similar to unittest's
    assertWarns, but available in python <3.2.


Improved RNG Handling during Polygon Augmentation #447

Changed Augmenter.augment_polygons() to copy the augmenter's RNG
before starting concave polygon recovery. This is done for cleanliness and
should not have any effects for users.
Also removed RNG copies in _ConcavePolygonRecoverer to improve performance.

Pooling Augmenters now Affect Maps #457

Pooling augmenters were previously implemented so that they did not pool
the arrays of maps (i.e. heatmap arrays, segmentation map arrays). Only
the image shape saved within HeatmapsOnImage.shape and
SegmentationMapsOnImage.shape were updated. That was done because the library
can handle map arrays that are larger than the corresponding images and hence
no pooling was necessary for the augmentation to work correctly. This was now
changed and pooling augmenters will also pool map arrays
(if keep_size=False). The motiviation for this change is that the old
behaviour was unintuitive and inconsistent with other augmenters (e.g. Crop).

Affine Translation Precision #489

Removed a rounding operation in Affine translation that would unnecessarily
round floats to integers. This should make coordinate augmentation overall
more accurate.

Affine.get_parameters() and translate_px/translate_percent #508

Changed Affine.get_parameters() to always return a tuple (x, y, mode)
for translation, where mode is either px or percent,
and x and y are stochastic parameters. y may be None if the same
parameter (and hence samples) are used for both axes.

Removed Outdated "Don't Import from this Module" Messages #539

The docstring of each module in imgaug.augmenters previously included a
suggestion to not directly import from that module, but instead use
imgaug.augmenters.<AugmenterName>. That was due to the categorization
still being unstable. As the categorization has now been fairly stable
for a long time, the suggestion was removed from all modules. Calling
imgaug.augmenters.<AugmenterName> instead of
imgaug.augmenters.<ModuleName>.<AugmenterName> is however still the
preferred way.

Standardized shift() Interfaces of Coordinate-Based Augmentables #548

The interfaces for shift operations of all coordinate-based
augmentables (Keypoints, BoundingBoxes, LineStrings, Polygons)
were standardized. All of these augmentables have now the same
interface for shift operations. Previously, Keypoints used
a different interface (using x and y arguments) than the
other augmentables (using top, right, bottom, left
arguments). All augmentables use now the interface of Keypoints
as that is simpler and less ambiguous. Old arguments are still
accepted, but will produce deprecation warnings. Change the
arguments to x and y following x=left-right and

[breaking] This breaks if one relied on calling shift() functions of
BoundingBox, LineString, Polygon, BoundingBoxesOnImage,
LineStringsOnImage or PolygonsOnImage without named arguments.
E.g. bb = BoundingBox(...); bb_shifted = bb.shift(1, 2, 3, 4);
will produce unexpected outputs now (equivalent to
shift(x=1, y=2, top=3, right=4, bottom=0, left=0)),
while bb_shifted = bb.shift(top=1, right=2, bottom=3, left=4) will still
work as expected.

  • Added arguments x, y to BoundingBox.shift(), LineString.shift()
    and Polygon.shift().
  • Added arguments x, y to BoundingBoxesOnImage.shift(),
    LineStringsOnImage.shift() and PolygonsOnImage.shift().
  • Marked arguments top, right, bottom, left in
    BoundingBox.shift(), LineString.shift() and Polygon.shift()
    as deprecated. This also affects the corresponding *OnImage
  • Added function testutils.wrap_shift_deprecation().

Simplified Standard Parameters of Augmenters #567 #595

The patch changed the standard parameters shared by all augmenters to a
reduced and more self-explanatory set. Previously, all augmenters
shared the parameters name, random_state and deterministic.
The new parameters are seed and name.

deterministic was removed as it was hardly ever used and because
it caused frequently confusion with regards to its meaning. The
parameter is still accepted but will now produce a deprecation
warning. Use <augmenter>.to_deterministic() instead.

Reminder: to_deterministic() is necessary if you want to get
the same samples in consecutive augmentation calls. It is not
necessary if you want your generated samples to be dependent on
an initial seed or random state as that is always the case
anyways. To use non-random initial seeds, use either
the seed parameter (augmenter-specific seeding) or
imgaug.random.seed() (global seeding, affects only augmenters
for which the seed parameter was not explicitly provided).

random_state was renamed to seed as providing a seed value
is the more common use case compared to providing a random state.
Many users also seemed to be unaware that random_state accepted
seed values. The new name should make this more clear.
The old parameter random_state is still accepted, but will
likely be deprecated in the future.

[breaking] This patch breaks if one relied on the order of
name, random_state and deterministic. The new order is now
seed=..., name=..., random_state=..., deterministic=... (with the
latter two parameters being outdated or deprecated)
as opposed to previously
name=..., deterministic=..., random_state=....

Improved Default Values of Augmenters #582

[breaking] Most augmenters had previously default values that
made them equivalent to identity functions. Users had to explicitly
change the defaults to proper values in order to "activate"
augmentations. To simplify the usage of the library, the default
values of most augmenters were changed to medium-strength
augmentations. E.g.
Sequential([Affine(), UniformVoronoi(), CoarseDropout()])
should now produce decent augmentations.

A few augmenters were set to always-on, maximum-strength
augmentations. This is the case for:

  • Grayscale (always fully grayscales images, use
    Grayscale((0.0, 1.0)) for random strengths)
  • RemoveSaturation (same as Grayscale)
  • Fliplr (always flips images, use Fliplr(0.5) for 50%
  • Flipud (same as Fliplr)
  • TotalDropout (always drops everything, use
    TotalDropout(0.1) to drop everything for 10% of all images)
  • Invert (always inverts images, use Invert(0.1) to invert
    10% of all images)
  • Rot90 (always rotates exactly once clockwise by 90 degrees,
    use Rot90((0, 3)) for any rotation)

These settings seemed to better match user-expectations.
Such maximum-strength settings however were not chosen for all
augmenters where one might expect them. The defaults are set to
varying strengths for, e.g. Superpixels (replaces only some
superpixels with cellwise average colors), UniformVoronoi (also
only replaces some cells), Sharpen (alpha-blends with variable
strength, the same is the case for Emboss, EdgeDetect and
DirectedEdgeDetect) and CLAHE (variable clip limits).

Note: Some of the new default values will cause issues with
non-uint8 inputs.

Note: The defaults for per_channel and keep_size were not
adjusted. It is currently still the default behaviour of all
augmenters to affect all channels in the same way and to resize
their outputs back to the input sizes.

The exact changes to default values are listed below.


  • Add
    • value: 0 -> (-20, 20)
  • AddElementwise
    • value: 0 -> (-20, 20)
  • AdditiveGaussianNoise
    • scale: 0 -> (0, 15)
  • AdditiveLaplaceNoise
    • scale: 0 -> (0, 15)
  • AdditivePoissonNoise
    • scale: 0 -> (0, 15)
  • Multiply
    • mul: 1.0 -> (0.8, 1.2)
  • MultiplyElementwise:
    • mul: 1.0 -> (0.8, 1.2)
  • Dropout:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.0, 0.05)
  • CoarseDropout:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.02, 0.1)
    • size_px: None -> (3, 8)
    • min_size: 4 -> 3
    • Default for size_px is only used if neither size_percent
      nor size_px is provided by the user.
  • CoarseSaltAndPepper:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.02, 0.1)
    • size_px: None -> (3, 8)
    • min_size: 4 -> 3
    • Default for size_px is only used if neither size_percent
      nor size_px is provided by the user.
  • CoarseSalt:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.02, 0.1)
    • size_px: None -> (3, 8)
    • min_size: 4 -> 3
    • Default for size_px is only used if neither size_percent
      nor size_px is provided by the user.
  • CoarsePepper:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.02, 0.1)
    • size_px: None -> (3, 8)
    • min_size: 4 -> 3
    • Default for size_px is only used if neither size_percent
      nor size_px is provided by the user.
  • SaltAndPepper:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.0, 0.03)
  • Salt:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.0, 0.03)
  • Pepper:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.0, 0.05)
  • ImpulseNoise:
    • p: 0.0 -> (0.0, 0.03)
  • Invert:
    • p: 0 -> 1
  • JpegCompression:
    • compression: 50 -> (0, 100)


  • BlendAlpha
    • factor: 0 -> (0.0, 1.0)
  • BlendAlphaElementwise
    • factor: 0 -> (0.0, 1.0)


  • GaussianBlur:
    • sigma: 0 -> (0.0, 3.0)
  • AverageBlur:
    • k: 1 -> (1, 7)
  • MedianBlur:
    • k: 1 -> (1, 7)
  • BilateralBlur:
    • d: 1 -> (1, 9)
  • MotionBlur:
    • k: 5 -> (3, 7)


  • MultiplyHueAndSaturation:
    • mul_hue: None -> (0.5, 1.5)
    • mul_saturation: None -> (0.0, 1.7)
    • These defaults are only used if the user provided neither
      mul nor mul_hue nor mul_saturation.
  • MultiplyHue:
    • mul: (-1.0, 1.0) -> (-3.0, 3.0)
  • AddToHueAndSaturation:
    • value_hue: None -> (-40, 40)
    • value_saturation: None -> (-40, 40)
    • These defaults are only used if the user provided neither
      value nor value_hue nor value_saturation.
  • Grayscale:
    • alpha: 0 -> 1


  • GammaContrast:
    • gamma: 1 -> (0.7, 1.7)
  • SigmoidContrast:
    • gain: 10 -> (5, 6)
    • cutoff: 0.5 -> (0.3, 0.6)
  • LogContrast:
    • gain: 1 -> (0.4, 1.6)
  • LinearContrast:
    • alpha: 1 -> (0.6, 1.4)
  • AllChannelsCLAHE:
    • clip_limit: 40 -> (0.1, 8)
    • tile_grid_size_px: 8 -> (3, 12)
  • CLAHE:
    • clip_limit: 40 -> (0.1, 8)
    • tile_grid_size_px: 8 -> (3, 12)


  • Sharpen:
    • alpha: 0 -> (0.0, 0.2)
    • lightness: 1 -> (0.8, 1.2)
  • Emboss:
    • alpha: 0 -> (0.0, 1.0)
    • strength: 1 -> (0.25, 1.0)
  • EdgeDetect:
    • alpha: 0 -> (0.0, 0.75)
  • DirectedEdgeDetect:
    • alpha: 0 -> (0.0, 0.75)


  • Fliplr:
    • p: 0 -> 1
  • Flipud:
    • p: 0 -> 1


  • Affine:
    • scale: 1 -> {"x": (0.9, 1.1), "y": (0.9, 1.1)}
    • translate_percent: None -> {"x": (-0.1, 0.1), "y": (-0.1, 0.1)}
    • rotate: 0 -> (-15, 15)
    • shear: 0 -> shear={"x": (-10, 10), "y": (-10, 10)}
    • These defaults are only used if no affine transformation
      parameter was set by the user. Otherwise the not-set
      parameters default again towards the identity function.
  • PiecewiseAffine:
    • scale: 0 -> (0.0, 0.04)
    • nb_rows: 4 -> (2, 4)
    • nb_cols: 4 -> (2, 4)
  • PerspectiveTransform:
    • scale: 0 -> (0.0, 0.06)
  • ElasticTransformation:
    • alpha: 0 -> (0.0, 40.0)
    • sigma: 0 -> (4.0, 8.0)
  • Rot90:
    • k: (no default) -> k=1


  • AveragePooling:
    • k: (no default) -> (1, 5)
  • MaxPooling:
    • k: (no default) -> (1, 5)
  • MinPooling:
    • k: (no default) -> (1, 5)
  • MedianPooling:
    • k: (no default) -> (1, 5)


  • Superpixels:
    • p_replace: 0.0 -> (0.5, 1.0)
    • n_segments: 100 -> (50, 120)
  • UniformVoronoi:
    • n_points: (no default) -> (50, 500)
    • p_replace: 1.0 -> (0.5, 1.0).
  • RegularGridVoronoi:
    • n_rows: (no default) -> (10, 30)
    • n_cols: (no default) -> (10, 30)
    • p_drop_points: 0.4 -> (0.0, 0.5)
    • p_replace: 1.0 -> (0.5, 1.0)
  • RelativeRegularGridVoronoi: Changed defaults from
    • n_rows_frac: (no default) -> (0.05, 0.15)
    • n_cols_frac: (no default) -> (0.05, 0.15)
    • p_drop_points: 0.4 -> (0.0, 0.5)
    • p_replace: 1.0 -> (0.5, 1.0)


  • CropAndPad:
    • percent: None -> (-0.1, 0.1)
    • This default is only used if the user has provided
      neither px nor percent.
  • Pad:
    • percent: None -> (0.0, 0.1)
    • This default is only used if the user has provided
      neither px nor percent.
  • Crop:
    • percent: None -> (0.0, 0.1)
    • This default is only used if the user has provided
      neither px nor percent.

setup.py Now Accepts any opencv-* Installation #586

setup.py was changed so that it now accepts opencv-python,
opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and
opencv-contrib-python-headless as valid OpenCV installations.
Previously, only opencv-python-headless was accepted, which
could easily cause conflicts when another one of the mentioned
libraries was already installed.
If none of the mentioned libraries is installed, setup.py
will default to adding opencv-python as a requirement.

Note that this may still cause issues if a single installation
call installs multiple libraries and the order is random.
imgaug will then currently request opencv-python-headless
to be installed, which may differ from what a later installed
library requests. Try to ensure that the other library is installed
first in these cases.

Unified OpenCV Input Normalization #565

Changed various augmenters to use the same normalization for OpenCV
inputs. This probably fixes some previously undiscovered bugs.

Renamed In-place Methods #444

  • Renamed Augmenter.reseed() to Augmenter.seed_(). The old name is
    now deprecated.
  • Renamed Augmenter.remove_augmenters_inplace() to
    Augmenter.remove_augmenters_(). The old name is now deprecated.

Deprecated AffineCv2 #540

Deprecated imgaug.augmenters.geometric.AffineCv2.
Use imgaug.augmenters.geometric.Affine instead. #540


Refactored According to pylint Requirements #504

  • Refactored all core library files to fulfill (most) pylint requirements.
  • [rarely breaking] Renamed
    imgaug.augmenters.size.KeepSizeByResize.get_shapes() to _get_shapes().
  • Added a project-specific pylint configuration.


  • Fixed Resize always returning an uint8 array during image augmentation
    if the input was a single numpy array and all augmented images had the
    same shape. #442 #443
  • Fixed Affine coordinate-based augmentation applying wrong offset
    when shifting images to/from top-left corner. This would lead to an error
    of around 0.5 to 1.0 pixels. #446
  • Fixed keypoint augmentation in PiecewiseAffine potentially being
    unaligned if a KeypointsOnImage instance contained no keypoints. #446
  • Fixed imgaug.validation.convert_iterable_to_string_of_types() crashing due
    to not converting types to strings before joining them. #446
  • Fixed imgaug.validation.assert_is_iterable_of() producing a not
    well-designed error if the input was not an iterable. #446
  • Fixed image normalization crashing when an input ndarray of multiple images
    was changed during augmentation to a list of multiple images with different
    shapes and the original input ndarray represented a single image or
    a collection of 2D (H,W) images. This problem affected augment(),
    augment_batch() and augment_batches().
  • Fixed a typo in an image normalization error message. #451
  • Fixed a problem in WithChannels that could lead random sampling in child
    augmenters being unaligned between images and corresponding non-image
    data. #451
  • Added aliases to imgaug.random.RNG for some outdated numpy random number
    sampling methods that existed in numpy.random.RandomState but not in
    numpy's new RNG system (1.17+). These old methods are not used in imgaug,
    but some custom augmenters and Lambda calls may require them when
    interacting with the provided random_state instances. #486
  • Fixed Affine producing unaligned augmentations between images and
    segmentation maps or heatmaps when using translate_px and the segmentation
    map or heatmap had a different height/width than corresponding image. #489
  • Fixed a crash in SnowflakesLayer that could occur when using values
    close to 1.0 for flake_size. #471
  • Fixed MultiplyHueAndSaturation crashing if the RNG provided via
    random_state was not None or imgaug.random.RNG. #493
  • Fixed CloudLayer.draw_on_image() producing tuples instead of arrays
    as output for float input images. #540
  • Fixed Affine parameter translate_px behaving like translate_percent
    if a continuous stochastic parameter was provided.
    Analogously translate_percent would behave like translate_px if
    a discrete stochastic parameter was provided. #508
  • Fixed code hanging indefinitely when using multicore augmentation
    on NixOS. #414 #510
  • Fixed a deprecation warning and potential crash in python 3.8
    related to the use of collections instead of collections.abc. #527
  • Fixed deprecated scipy.fromfunction() being called. #529
  • Fixed imgaug.random.normalize_generator() crashing in numpy 1.18.
    The function relied on numpy.random.bit_generator.BitGenerator, which
    was moved in numpy 1.18 to numpy.random.BitGenerator without a
    deprecation period for the old name. #534
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to endlessly hanging programs on some OS
    when using multicore augmentation (e.g. via pool) and augmenters using
    OpenCV. #535
  • Fixed imgaug.random.seed() not seeding the global RNG in-place
    in numpy 1.17+. The (unfixed) function instead created a new
    global RNG with the given seed. This set the seed of augmenters
    created after the seed() call, but not of augmenters created
    before the seed() call as they would continue to use the old
    global RNG. #557
  • Fixed cval in ElasticTransformation resulting in new pixels in RGB images
    being filled with (cval, 0, 0) instead of (cval, cval, cval). #561 #562
  • Fixed some augmenters in module weather not transferring seed values
    or random states that were provided upon creation to child augmenters. #568
  • Fixed an inaccuracy in PerspectiveTransform that could lead to slightly
    misaligned transformations between images and coordinate-based
    augmentables (e.g. bounding boxes). The problem was more significant the
    smaller the images and larger the scale values were. It was also
    worsened by using fit_output. #585
  • Fixed KeepSizeByResize potentially crashing if a single numpy array
    was provided as the input for an iterable of images (as opposed to
    a list of numpy arrays). #590