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Airbnb Swift Style Guide


Following this style guide should:

  • Make it easier to read and begin understanding unfamiliar code.
  • Make code easier to maintain.
  • Reduce simple programmer errors.
  • Reduce cognitive load while coding.
  • Keep discussions on diffs focused on the code's logic rather than its style.

Note that brevity is not a primary goal. Code should be made more concise only if other good code qualities (such as readability, simplicity, and clarity) remain equal or are improved.

Guiding Tenets

  • This guide is in addition to the official Swift API Design Guidelines. These rules should not contradict that document.
  • These rules should not fight Xcode's ^ + I indentation behavior.
  • We strive to make every rule lintable:
    • If a rule changes the format of the code, it needs to be able to be reformatted automatically (either using SwiftFormat or SwiftLint autocorrect).
    • For rules that don't directly change the format of the code, we should have a lint rule that throws a warning.
    • Exceptions to these rules should be rare and heavily justified.

Swift Package Manager command plugin

This repo includes a Swift Package Manager command plugin that you can use to automatically reformat or lint your package according to the style guide. To use this command plugin with your package, all you need to do is add this repo as a dependency:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/airbnb/swift", from: "1.0.0"),

and then run the format command plugin in your package directory:

$ swift package format
Usage guide
# Supported in Xcode 14+. Prompts for permission to write to the package directory.
$ swift package format

# When using the Xcode 13 toolchain, or a noninteractive shell, you must use:
$ swift package --allow-writing-to-package-directory format

# To just lint without reformatting, you can use `--lint`:
$ swift package format --lint

# By default the command plugin runs on the entire package directory.
# You can exclude directories using `exclude`:
$ swift package format --exclude Tests

# Alternatively you can explicitly list the set of paths and/or SPM targets:
$ swift package format --paths Sources Tests Package.swift
$ swift package format --targets AirbnbSwiftFormatTool

# The plugin infers your package's minimum Swift version from the `swift-tools-version`
# in your `Package.swift`, but you can provide a custom value with `--swift-version`:
$ swift package format --swift-version 5.3

The package plugin returns a non-zero exit code if there is a lint failure that requires attention.

  • In --lint mode, any lint failure from any tool will result in a non-zero exit code.
  • In standard autocorrect mode without --lint, only failures from SwiftLint lint-only rules will result in a non-zero exit code.

Table of Contents

  1. Xcode Formatting
  2. Naming
  3. Style
    1. Functions
    2. Closures
    3. Operators
  4. Patterns
  5. File Organization
  6. Objective-C Interoperability
  7. Contributors
  8. Amendments

Xcode Formatting

You can enable the following settings in Xcode by running this script, e.g. as part of a "Run Script" build phase.

  • (link) Each line should have a maximum column width of 100 characters. SwiftFormat: wrap


    Due to larger screen sizes, we have opted to choose a page guide greater than 80.

    We currently only "strictly enforce" (lint / auto-format) a maximum column width of 130 characters to limit the cases where manual clean up is required for reformatted lines that fall slightly above the threshold.

  • (link) Use 2 spaces to indent lines. SwiftFormat: indent

  • (link) Trim trailing whitespace in all lines. SwiftFormat: trailingSpace

⬆ back to top


  • (link) Use PascalCase for type and protocol names, and lowerCamelCase for everything else.

    protocol SpaceThing {
      // ...
    class SpaceFleet: SpaceThing {
      enum Formation {
        // ...
      class Spaceship {
        // ...
      var ships: [Spaceship] = []
      static let worldName: String = "Earth"
      func addShip(_ ship: Spaceship) {
        // ...
    let myFleet = SpaceFleet()

    Exception: You may prefix a private property with an underscore if it is backing an identically-named property or method with a higher access level.


    There are specific scenarios where a backing property or method that is prefixed with an underscore could be easier to read than using a more descriptive name.

    • Type erasure
    public final class AnyRequester<ModelType>: Requester {
      public init<T: Requester>(_ requester: T) where T.ModelType == ModelType {
        _executeRequest = requester.executeRequest
      public func executeRequest(
        _ request: URLRequest,
        onSuccess: @escaping (ModelType, Bool) -> Void,
        onFailure: @escaping (Error) -> Void)
        -> URLSessionCancellable
        return _executeRequest(request, onSuccess, onFailure)
      private let _executeRequest: (
        @escaping (ModelType, Bool) -> Void,
        @escaping (Error) -> Void)
        -> URLSessionCancellable
    • Backing a less specific type with a more specific type
    final class ExperiencesViewController: UIViewController {
      // We can't name this view since UIViewController has a view: UIView property.
      private lazy var _view = CustomView()
      loadView() {
        self.view = _view
  • (link) Name booleans like isSpaceship, hasSpacesuit, etc. This makes it clear that they are booleans and not other types.

  • (link) Acronyms in names (e.g. URL) should be all-caps except when it’s the start of a name that would otherwise be lowerCamelCase, in which case it should be uniformly lower-cased.

    // WRONG
    class UrlValidator {
      func isValidUrl(_ URL: URL) -> Bool {
        // ...
      func isProfileUrl(_ URL: URL, for userId: String) -> Bool {
        // ...
    let URLValidator = UrlValidator()
    let isProfile = URLValidator.isProfileUrl(URLToTest, userId: IDOfUser)
    // RIGHT
    class URLValidator {
      func isValidURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
        // ...
      func isProfileURL(_ url: URL, for userID: String) -> Bool {
        // ...
    let urlValidator = URLValidator()
    let isProfile = urlValidator.isProfileURL(urlToTest, userID: idOfUser)
  • (link) Names should be written with their most general part first and their most specific part last. The meaning of "most general" depends on context, but should roughly mean "that which most helps you narrow down your search for the item you're looking for." Most importantly, be consistent with how you order the parts of your name.

    // WRONG
    let rightTitleMargin: CGFloat
    let leftTitleMargin: CGFloat
    let bodyRightMargin: CGFloat
    let bodyLeftMargin: CGFloat
    // RIGHT
    let titleMarginRight: CGFloat
    let titleMarginLeft: CGFloat
    let bodyMarginRight: CGFloat
    let bodyMarginLeft: CGFloat
  • (link) Include a hint about type in a name if it would otherwise be ambiguous.

    // WRONG
    let title: String
    let cancel: UIButton
    // RIGHT
    let titleText: String
    let cancelButton: UIButton
  • (link) Event-handling functions should be named like past-tense sentences. The subject can be omitted if it's not needed for clarity.

    // WRONG
    class ExperiencesViewController {
      private func handleBookButtonTap() {
        // ...
      private func modelChanged() {
        // ...
    // RIGHT
    class ExperiencesViewController {
      private func didTapBookButton() {
        // ...
      private func modelDidChange() {
        // ...
  • (link) Avoid Objective-C-style acronym prefixes. This is no longer needed to avoid naming conflicts in Swift.

    // WRONG
    class AIRAccount {
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    class Account {
      // ...
  • (link) Avoid *Controller in names of classes that aren't view controllers.


    Controller is an overloaded suffix that doesn't provide information about the responsibilities of the class.

⬆ back to top


  • (link) Don't include types where they can be easily inferred. SwiftFormat: redundantType

    // WRONG
    let sun: Star = Star(mass: 1.989e30)
    let earth: Planet = Planet.earth
    // RIGHT
    let sun = Star(mass: 1.989e30)
    let earth = Planet.earth
    // NOT RECOMMENDED. However, since the linter doesn't have full type information, this is not enforced automatically.
    let moon: Moon = earth.moon // returns `Moon`
    // RIGHT
    let moon = earth.moon
    let moon: PlanetaryBody? = earth.moon
    // WRONG: Most literals provide a default type that can be inferred.
    let enableGravity: Bool = true
    let numberOfPlanets: Int = 8
    let sunMass: Double = 1.989e30
    // RIGHT
    let enableGravity = true
    let numberOfPlanets = 8
    let sunMass = 1.989e30
    // WRONG: Types can be inferred from if/switch expressions as well if each branch has the same explicit type.
    let smallestPlanet: Planet =
      if treatPlutoAsPlanet {
      } else {
    // RIGHT
    let smallestPlanet =
      if treatPlutoAsPlanet {
      } else {
  • (link) Prefer letting the type of a variable or property be inferred from the right-hand-side value rather than writing the type explicitly on the left-hand side. SwiftFormat: propertyType

    Prefer using inferred types when the right-hand-side value is a static member with a leading dot (e.g. an init, a static property / function, or an enum case). This applies to both local variables and property declarations:

    // WRONG
    struct SolarSystemBuilder {
      let sun: Star = .init(mass: 1.989e30)
      let earth: Planet = .earth
      func setUp() {
        let galaxy: Galaxy = .andromeda
        let system: SolarSystem = .init(sun, earth)
    // RIGHT
    struct SolarSystemBuilder {
      let sun = Star(mass: 1.989e30)
      let earth = Planet.earth
      func setUp() {
        let galaxy = Galaxy.andromeda
        let system = SolarSystem(sun, earth)

    Explicit types are still permitted in other cases:

    // RIGHT: There is no right-hand-side value, so an explicit type is required.
    let sun: Star
    // RIGHT: The right-hand-side is not a static member of the left-hand type.
    let moon: PlantaryBody = earth.moon
    let sunMass: Float = 1.989e30
    let planets: [Planet] = []
    let venusMoon: Moon? = nil

    There are some rare cases where the inferred type syntax has a different meaning than the explicit type syntax. In these cases, the explicit type syntax is still permitted:

    extension String {
      static let earth = "Earth"
    // WRONG: fails with "error: type 'String?' has no member 'earth'"
    let planetName = String?.earth
    // RIGHT
    let planetName: String? = .earth
    struct SaturnOutline: ShapeStyle { ... }
    extension ShapeStyle where Self == SaturnOutline {
      static var saturnOutline: SaturnOutline { 
    // WRONG: fails with "error: static member 'saturnOutline' cannot be used on protocol metatype '(any ShapeStyle).Type'"
    let myShape2 = (any ShapeStyle).myShape
    // RIGHT: If the property's type is an existential / protocol type, moving the type
    // to the right-hand side will result in invalid code if the value is defined in an
    // extension like `extension ShapeStyle where Self == SaturnOutline`.
    // SwiftFormat autocorrect detects this case by checking for the existential `any` keyword.
    let myShape1: any ShapeStyle = .saturnOutline
  • (link) Don't use self unless it's necessary for disambiguation or required by the language. SwiftFormat: redundantSelf

    final class Listing {
      init(capacity: Int, allowsPets: Bool) {
        // WRONG
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.isFamilyFriendly = !allowsPets // `self.` not required here
        // RIGHT
        self.capacity = capacity
        isFamilyFriendly = !allowsPets
      private let isFamilyFriendly: Bool
      private var capacity: Int
      private func increaseCapacity(by amount: Int) {
        // WRONG
        self.capacity += amount
        // RIGHT
        capacity += amount
        // WRONG
        // RIGHT
  • (link) Bind to self when upgrading from a weak reference. SwiftFormat: strongifiedSelf

    // WRONG
    class MyClass {
      func request(completion: () -> Void) {
        API.request() { [weak self] response in
          guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
          // Do work
    // RIGHT
    class MyClass {
      func request(completion: () -> Void) {
        API.request() { [weak self] response in
          guard let self else { return }
          // Do work
  • (link) Add a trailing comma on the last element of a multi-line array. SwiftFormat: trailingCommas

    // WRONG
    let rowContent = [
    // RIGHT
    let rowContent = [
  • (link) There should be no spaces inside the brackets of collection literals. SwiftFormat: spaceInsideBrackets

    // WRONG
    let innerPlanets = [ mercury, venus, earth, mars ]
    let largestObjects = [ .star: sun, .planet: jupiter  ]
    // RIGHT
    let innerPlanets = [mercury, venus, earth, mars]
    let largestObjects = [.star: sun, .planet: jupiter]
  • (link) Name members of tuples for extra clarity. Rule of thumb: if you've got more than 3 fields, you should probably be using a struct.

    // WRONG
    func whatever() -> (Int, Int) {
      return (4, 4)
    let thing = whatever()
    // RIGHT
    func whatever() -> (x: Int, y: Int) {
      return (x: 4, y: 4)
    func whatever2() -> (x: Int, y: Int) {
      let x = 4
      let y = 4
      return (x, y)
    let coord = whatever()
  • (link) Colons should always be followed by a space, but not preceded by a space. SwiftFormat: spaceAroundOperators

    // WRONG
    let planet:CelestialObject = sun.planets[0]
    let planet : CelestialObject = sun.planets[0]
    // RIGHT
    let planet: CelestialObject = sun.planets[0]
    // WRONG
    class Planet : CelestialObject {
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    class Planet: CelestialObject {
      // ...
    // WRONG
    let moons: [Planet : Moon] = [
      mercury : [], 
      venus : [], 
      earth : [theMoon], 
      mars : [phobos,deimos],
    // RIGHT
    let moons: [Planet: Moon] = [
      mercury: [], 
      venus: [], 
      earth: [theMoon], 
      mars: [phobos,deimos],
  • (link) Place a space on either side of a return arrow for readability. SwiftFormat: spaceAroundOperators

    // WRONG
    func doSomething()->String {
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    func doSomething() -> String {
      // ...
    // WRONG
    func doSomething(completion: ()->Void) {
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    func doSomething(completion: () -> Void) {
      // ...
  • (link) Omit unnecessary parentheses. SwiftFormat: redundantParens

    // WRONG
    if (userCount > 0) { ... }
    switch (someValue) { ... }
    let evens = userCounts.filter { (number) in number.isMultiple(of: 2) }
    let squares = userCounts.map() { $0 * $0 }
    // RIGHT
    if userCount > 0 { ... }
    switch someValue { ... }
    let evens = userCounts.filter { number in number.isMultiple(of: 2) }
    let squares = userCounts.map { $0 * $0 }
  • (link) Omit enum associated values from case statements when all arguments are unlabeled. SwiftFormat: redundantPattern

    // WRONG
    if case .done(_) = result { ... }
    switch animal {
    case .dog(_, _, _):
    // RIGHT
    if case .done = result { ... }
    switch animal {
    case .dog:
  • (link) When destructuring an enum case or a tuple, place the let keyword inline, adjacent to each individual property assignment. SwiftFormat: hoistPatternLet

    // WRONG
    switch result {
    case let .success(value):
      // ...
    case let .error(errorCode, errorReason):
      // ...
    // WRONG
    guard let case .success(value) else {
    // RIGHT
    switch result {
    case .success(let value):
      // ...
    case .error(let errorCode, let errorReason):
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    guard case .success(let value) else {


    1. Consistency: We should prefer to either always inline the let keyword or never inline the let keyword. In Airbnb's Swift codebase, we observed that inline let is used far more often in practice (especially when destructuring enum cases with a single associated value).

    2. Clarity: Inlining the let keyword makes it more clear which identifiers are part of the conditional check and which identifiers are binding new variables, since the let keyword is always adjacent to the variable identifier.

    // `let` is adjacent to the variable identifier, so it is immediately obvious
    // at a glance that these identifiers represent new variable bindings
    case .enumCaseWithSingleAssociatedValue(let string):
    case .enumCaseWithMultipleAssociatedValues(let string, let int):
    // The `let` keyword is quite far from the variable identifiers,
    // so it is less obvious that they represent new variable bindings
    case let .enumCaseWithSingleAssociatedValue(string):
    case let .enumCaseWithMultipleAssociatedValues(string, int):
  • (link) Place attributes for functions, types, and computed properties on the line above the declaration. SwiftFormat: wrapAttributes

    // WRONG
    @objc class Spaceship {
      @ViewBuilder var controlPanel: some View {
        // ...
      @discardableResult func fly() -> Bool {
        // ...
    // RIGHT
    class Spaceship {
      var controlPanel: some View {
        // ...
      func fly() -> Bool {
        // ...
  • (link) Place simple attributes for stored properties on the same line as the rest of the declaration. Complex attributes with named arguments, or more than one unnamed argument, should be placed on the previous line. SwiftFormat: wrapAttributes

    // WRONG. These simple property wrappers should be written on the same line as the declaration. 
    struct SpaceshipDashboardView {
      private var warpDriveEnabled: Bool
      private var lifeSupportService: LifeSupportService
      private var controlPanelStyle
    // RIGHT
    struct SpaceshipDashboardView {
      @State private var warpDriveEnabled: Bool
      @ObservedObject private var lifeSupportService: LifeSupportService
      @Environment(\.controlPanelStyle) private var controlPanelStyle
    // WRONG. These complex attached macros should be written on the previous line.
    struct SolarSystemView {
      @Query(sort: \.distance) var allPlanets: [Planet]
      @Query(sort: \.age, order: .reverse) var moonsByAge: [Moon]
    // RIGHT
    struct SolarSystemView {
      @Query(sort: \.distance)
      var allPlanets: [Planet]
      @Query(sort: \.age, order: .reverse)
      var oldestMoons: [Moon]
    // WRONG. These long, complex attributes should be written on the previous line.
    struct RocketFactory {
      @available(*, unavailable, message: "No longer in production") var saturn5Builder: Saturn5Builder
      @available(*, deprecated, message: "To be retired by 2030") var atlas5Builder: Atlas5Builder
      @available(*, iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, macOS 15.0, watchOS 11.0) var newGlennBuilder: NewGlennBuilder
    // RIGHT
    struct RocketFactory {
      @available(*, unavailable, message: "No longer in production")
      var saturn5Builder: Saturn5Builder
      @available(*, deprecated, message: "To be retired by 2030")
      var atlas5Builder: Atlas5Builder
      @available(*, iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, macOS 15.0, watchOS 11.0)
      var newGlennBuilder: NewGlennBuilder


    Unlike other types of declarations, which have braces and span multiple lines, stored property declarations are often only a single line of code. Stored properties are often written sequentially without any blank lines between them. This makes the code compact without hurting readability, and allows for related properties to be grouped together in blocks:

    struct SpaceshipDashboardView {
      @State private var warpDriveEnabled: Bool
      @State private var lifeSupportEnabled: Bool
      @State private var artificialGravityEnabled: Bool
      @State private var tractorBeamEnabled: Bool
      @Environment(\.controlPanelStyle) private var controlPanelStyle
      @Environment(\.toggleButtonStyle) private var toggleButtonStyle

    If stored property attributes were written on the previous line (like other types of attributes), then the properties start to visually bleed together unless you add blank lines between them:

    struct SpaceshipDashboardView {
      private var warpDriveEnabled: Bool
      private var lifeSupportEnabled: Bool
      private var artificialGravityEnabled: Bool
      private var tractorBeamEnabled: Bool
      private var controlPanelStyle
      private var toggleButtonStyle

    If you add blank lines, the list of properties becomes much longer and you lose the ability to group related properties together:

    struct SpaceshipDashboardView {
      private var warpDriveEnabled: Bool
      private var lifeSupportEnabled: Bool
      private var artificialGravityEnabled: Bool
      private var tractorBeamEnabled: Bool
      private var controlPanelStyle
      private var toggleButtonStyle

    This doesn't apply to complex attributes with named arguments, or multiple unnamed arguments. These arguments are visually complex and typically encode a lot of information, so feel cramped and difficult to read when written on a single line:

    // Despite being less than 100 characters long, these lines are very complex and feel unnecessarily long: 
    @available(*, unavailable, message: "No longer in production") var saturn5Builder: Saturn5Builder
    @available(*, deprecated, message: "To be retired by 2030") var atlas5Builder: Atlas5Builder
    @available(*, iOS 18.0, tvOS 18.0, macOS 15.0, watchOS 11.0) var newGlennBuilder: NewGlennBuilder
  • (link) Multi-line arrays should have each bracket on a separate line. Put the opening and closing brackets on separate lines from any of the elements of the array. Also add a trailing comma on the last element. SwiftFormat: wrapArguments

    // WRONG
    let rowContent = [listingUrgencyDatesRowContent(),
    // WRONG
    let rowContent = [
    // RIGHT
    let rowContent = [
  • (link) Long type aliases of protocol compositions should wrap before the = and before each individual &. SwiftFormat: wrapArguments

    // WRONG (too long)
    public typealias Dependencies = CivilizationServiceProviding & LawsOfPhysicsProviding & PlanetBuilderProviding & UniverseBuilderProviding & UniverseSimulatorServiceProviding
    // WRONG (naive wrapping)
    public typealias Dependencies = CivilizationServiceProviding & LawsOfPhysicsProviding & PlanetBuilderProviding &
      UniverseBuilderProviding & UniverseSimulatorServiceProviding
    // WRONG (unbalanced)
    public typealias Dependencies = CivilizationServiceProviding
      & LawsOfPhysicsProviding
      & PlanetBuilderProviding
      & UniverseBuilderProviding
      & UniverseSimulatorServiceProviding
    // RIGHT
    public typealias Dependencies
      = CivilizationServiceProviding
      & LawsOfPhysicsProviding
      & PlanetBuilderProviding
      & UniverseBuilderProviding
      & UniverseSimulatorServiceProviding
  • (link) Sort protocol composition type aliases alphabetically. SwiftFormat: sortTypealiases


    Protocol composition type aliases are an unordered list with no natural ordering. Sorting alphabetically keeps these lists more organized, which is especially valuable for long protocol compositions.

    // WRONG (not sorted)
    public typealias Dependencies
      = UniverseBuilderProviding
      & LawsOfPhysicsProviding
      & UniverseSimulatorServiceProviding
      & PlanetBuilderProviding
      & CivilizationServiceProviding
    // RIGHT
    public typealias Dependencies
      = CivilizationServiceProviding
      & LawsOfPhysicsProviding
      & PlanetBuilderProviding
      & UniverseBuilderProviding
      & UniverseSimulatorServiceProviding
  • (link) Omit the right-hand side of the expression when unwrapping an optional property to a non-optional property with the same name. SwiftFormat: redundantOptionalBinding


    Following the rationale in SE-0345, this shorthand syntax removes unnecessary boilerplate while retaining clarity.

    // WRONG
      let galaxy = galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    {  }
      let galaxy = galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    else {  }
    // RIGHT
      let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    {  }
      let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    else {  }
  • (link) Else statements should start on the same line as the previous condition's closing brace, unless the conditions are separated by a blank line or comments. SwiftFormat: elseOnSameLine

    // WRONG
    if let galaxy {
    else if let bigBangService {
    else {
    // RIGHT
    if let galaxy {
    } else if let bigBangService {
    } else {
    // RIGHT, because there are comments between the conditions
    if let galaxy {
    // If the galaxy hasn't been created yet, create it using the big bang service
    else if let bigBangService {
    // If the big bang service doesn't exist, fail gracefully
    else {
    // RIGHT, because there are blank lines between the conditions
    if let galaxy {
    else if let bigBangService {
      // If the galaxy hasn't been created yet, create it using the big bang service
    else {
      // If the big bang service doesn't exist, fail gracefully
  • (link) Multi-line conditional statements should break after the leading keyword. Indent each individual statement by 2 spaces. SwiftFormat: wrapArguments


    Breaking after the leading keyword resets indentation to the standard 2-space grid, which helps avoid fighting Xcode's ^ + I indentation behavior.

    // WRONG
    if let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way" // Indenting by two spaces fights Xcode's ^+I indentation behavior
    {  }
    // WRONG
    guard let galaxy,
          galaxy.name == "Milky Way" // Variable width indentation (6 spaces)
    else {  }
    // WRONG
    guard let earth = universe.find(
      named: "Earth"),
      earth.isHabitable // Blends in with previous condition's method arguments
    else {  }
    // RIGHT
      let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    {  }
    // RIGHT
      let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    else {  }
    // RIGHT
      let earth = universe.find(
        named: "Earth"),
    else {  }
    // RIGHT
    if let galaxy {
    // RIGHT
    guard let galaxy else {
  • (link) Add a line break after the assignment operator (=) before a multi-line if or switch expression, and indent the following if / switch expression. If the declaration fits on a single line, a line break is not required. SwiftFormat: wrapMultilineConditionalAssignment


    This makes it so that if and switch expressions always have the same "shape" as standard if and switch statements, where:

    1. The if / switch keyword is always the left-most token on a dedicated line of code.
    2. The conditional branches are always to the right of and below the if / switch keyword.

    This is most consistent with how the if / switch keywords are used for control flow, and thus makes it easier to recognize that the code is using an if or switch expression at a glance.

    // WRONG. Should have a line break after the first `=`. 
    let planetLocation = if let star = planet.star {
      "The \(star.name) system"
     } else {
      "Rogue planet"
    // WRONG. The first `=` should be on the line of the variable being assigned.
    let planetLocation 
      = if let star = planet.star {
        "The \(star.name) system"
      } else {
        "Rogue planet"
    // WRONG. `switch` expression should be indented.
    let planetLocation =
    switch planet {
    case .mercury, .venus, .earth, .mars:
    case .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune:
    // RIGHT 
    let planetLocation = 
      if let star = planet.star {
        "The \(star.name) system"
      } else {
        "Rogue planet"
    // RIGHT
    let planetType: PlanetType =
      switch planet {
      case .mercury, .venus, .earth, .mars:
      case .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune:
    // ALSO RIGHT. A line break is not required because the declaration fits on a single line. 
    let moonName = if let moon = planet.moon { moon.name } else { "none" }
    // ALSO RIGHT. A line break is permitted if it helps with readability.
    let moonName =
      if let moon = planet.moon { moon.name } else { "none" }
  • (link) When initializing a new property with the result of a conditional statement (e.g. an if or switch statement), use a single if/switch expression where possible rather than defining an uninitialized property and initializing it on every branch of the following conditional statement. SwiftFormat: conditionalAssignment


    There are several benefits to using an if/switch expression over simply performing assignment on each branch of the following conditional statement:

    1. In most cases, you no longer need to explicitly write a type annotation for the variable that is being assigned to.
    2. The compiler will diagnose more cases where using a mutable var is unnecessary.
    3. The resulting syntax is visually lighter because the property name being assigned doesn't need to be written on each branch.
    // BEFORE
    // 1. An explicit type annotation is required for the uninitialized property.
    // 2. `var` is unnecessary here because `planetLocation` is never modified after being initialized, but the compiler doesn't diagnose.
    // 3. The `planetLocation` property name is written on each branch so is redundant and visually noisy.
    var planetLocation: String
    if let star = planet.star {
      planetLocation = "The \(star.name) system"
    } else {
      planetLocation = "Rogue planet"
    // AFTER
    // 1. No need to write an explicit `: String` type annotation.
    // 2. The compiler correctly diagnoses that the `var` is unnecessary and emits a warning suggesting to use `let` instead. 
    // 3. Each conditional branch is simply the value being assigned.
    var planetLocation =
      if let star = planet.star {
        "The \(star.name) system"
      } else {
        "Rogue planet"


    // WRONG
    let planetLocation: String
    if let star = planet.star {
      planetLocation = "The \(star.name) system"
    } else {
      planetLocation = "Rogue planet"
    let planetType: PlanetType
    switch planet {
    case .mercury, .venus, .earth, .mars:
      planetType = .terrestrial
    case .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune:
      planetType = .gasGiant
    let canBeTerraformed: Bool 
      let star = planet.star, 
      planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star) 
      canBeTerraformed = true
    } else {
      canBeTerraformed = false
    // RIGHT
    let planetLocation =
      if let star = planet.star {
        "The \(star.name) system"
      } else {
        "Rogue planet"
    let planetType: PlanetType =
      switch planet {
      case .mercury, .venus, .earth, .mars:
      case .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune:
    let canBeTerraformed =
        let star = planet.star, 
        planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star) 
      } else {
    // ALSO RIGHT. This example cannot be converted to an if/switch expression
    // because one of the branches is more than just a single expression.
    let planetLocation: String
    if let star = planet.star {
      planetLocation = "The \(star.name) system"
    } else {
      let actualLocaton = galaxy.name ?? "the universe"
      planetLocation = "Rogue planet somewhere in \(actualLocation)"
  • (link) Insert a blank line following a switch case with a multi-line body. Spacing within an individual switch statement should be consistent. If any case has a multi-line body then all cases should include a trailing blank line. The last switch case doesn't need a blank line, since it is already followed by a closing brace. SwiftFormat: blankLineAfterSwitchCase SwiftFormat: consistentSwitchCaseSpacing


    Like with declarations in a file, inserting a blank line between scopes makes them easier to visually differentiate.

    Complex switch statements are visually busy without blank lines between the cases, making it more difficult to read the code and harder to distinguish between individual cases at a glance. Blank lines between the individual cases make complex switch statements easier to read.


    // WRONG. These switch cases should be followed by a blank line.
    func handle(_ action: SpaceshipAction) {
      switch action {
      case .engageWarpDrive:
        navigationComputer.destination = targetedDestination
      case .enableArtificialGravity:
        artificialGravityEngine.enable(strength: .oneG)
      case .scanPlanet(let planet):
        scanner.target = planet
      case .handleIncomingEnergyBlast:
    // WRONG. While the `.enableArtificialGravity` case isn't multi-line, the other cases are.
    // For consistency, it should also include a trailing blank line.
    func handle(_ action: SpaceshipAction) {
      switch action {
      case .engageWarpDrive:
        navigationComputer.destination = targetedDestination
      case .enableArtificialGravity:
        artificialGravityEngine.enable(strength: .oneG)
      case .scanPlanet(let planet):
        scanner.target = planet
      case .handleIncomingEnergyBlast:
    // RIGHT. All of the cases have a trailing blank line.
    func handle(_ action: SpaceshipAction) {
      switch action {
      case .engageWarpDrive:
        navigationComputer.destination = targetedDestination
      case .enableArtificialGravity:
        artificialGravityEngine.enable(strength: .oneG)
      case .scanPlanet(let planet):
        scanner.target = planet
      case .handleIncomingEnergyBlast:
    // RIGHT. Since none of the cases are multi-line, blank lines are not required.
    func handle(_ action: SpaceshipAction) {
      switch action {
      case .engageWarpDrive:
      case .enableArtificialGravity:
        artificialGravityEngine.enable(strength: .oneG)
      case .scanPlanet(let planet):
      case .handleIncomingEnergyBlast:
    // ALSO RIGHT. Blank lines are still permitted after single-line switch cases if it helps with readability.
    func handle(_ action: SpaceshipAction) {
      switch action {
      case .engageWarpDrive:
      case .enableArtificialGravity:
        artificialGravityEngine.enable(strength: .oneG)
      case .scanPlanet(let planet):
      case .handleIncomingEnergyBlast:
    // WRONG. While it's fine to use blank lines to separate cases, spacing within a single switch statement should be consistent.
    func handle(_ action: SpaceshipAction) {
      switch action {
      case .engageWarpDrive:
      case .enableArtificialGravity:
        artificialGravityEngine.enable(strength: .oneG)
      case .scanPlanet(let planet):
      case .handleIncomingEnergyBlast:
  • (link) Add a line break before the else keyword in a multi-line guard statement. For single-line guard statements, keep the else keyword on the same line as the guard keyword. The open brace should immediately follow the else keyword. SwiftFormat: elseOnSameLine

    // WRONG (else should be on its own line for multi-line guard statements)
      let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way" else
    {  }
    // WRONG (else should be on the same line for single-line guard statements)
    guard let galaxy
    else {  }
    // RIGHT
      let galaxy,
      galaxy.name == "Milky Way"
    else {  }
    // RIGHT
    guard let galaxy else {
  • (link) Indent the body and closing triple-quote of multiline string literals, unless the string literal begins on its own line in which case the string literal contents and closing triple-quote should have the same indentation as the opening triple-quote. SwiftFormat: indent

    // WRONG
    var spaceQuote = """
    “Space,” it says, “is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is.
    I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”
    // RIGHT
    var spaceQuote = """
      “Space,” it says, “is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is.
      I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”
    // WRONG
    var universeQuote: String {
        In the beginning the Universe was created.
        This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
    // RIGHT
    var universeQuote: String {
      In the beginning the Universe was created.
      This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
  • (link) Use constructors instead of Make() functions for NSRange and others. SwiftLint: legacy_constructor

    // WRONG
    let range = NSMakeRange(10, 5)
    // RIGHT
    let range = NSRange(location: 10, length: 5)
  • (link) For standard library types with a canonical shorthand form (Optional, Array, Dictionary), prefer using the shorthand form over the full generic form. SwiftFormat: typeSugar

    // WRONG
    let optional: Optional<String> = nil
    let array: Array<String> = []
    let dictionary: Dictionary<String, Any> = [:]
    // RIGHT
    let optional: String? = nil
    let array: [String] = []
    let dictionary: [String: Any] = [:]
  • (link) Omit explicit .init when not required. SwiftFormat: redundantInit

    // WRONG
    let universe = Universe.init()
    // RIGHT
    let universe = Universe()
  • (link) The opening brace following a single-line expression should be on the same line as the rest of the statement. SwiftFormat: braces

    // WRONG
    if !planet.isHabitable
    class Planet
      func terraform()
    // RIGHT
    if !planet.isHabitable {
    class Planet {
      func terraform() {
  • (link) The opening brace following a multi-line expression should wrap to a new line. SwiftFormat: wrapMultilineStatementBraces

    // WRONG
      let star = planet.nearestStar(),
      planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star) {
    class Planet {
      func terraform(
        atmosphereOptions: AtmosphereOptions = .default,
        oceanOptions: OceanOptions = .default) {
    // RIGHT
      let star = planet.nearestStar(),
      planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star)
    class Planet {
      func terraform(
        atmosphereOptions: AtmosphereOptions = .default,
        oceanOptions: OceanOptions = .default)
  • (link) Braces should be surrounded by a single whitespace character (either a space, or a newline) on each side. SwiftFormat: spaceInsideBraces SwiftFormat: spaceAroundBraces

    // WRONG
    struct Planet{
    // WRONG
    if condition{
    // RIGHT
    struct Planet {}
    // RIGHT
    if condition {
    } else {
  • (link) For function calls and declarations, there should be no spaces before or inside the parentheses of the argument list. SwiftFormat: spaceInsideParens SwiftFormat: spaceAroundParens

    // WRONG
    func install ( _ engine: Engine ) { }
    install ( AntimatterDrive( ) )
    // RIGHT
    func install(_ engine: Engine) { }
  • (link) Comment blocks should use single-line comments (// for code comments and /// for documentation comments), rather than multi-line comments (/* ... */ and /** ... */). SwiftFormat: blockComments

    // WRONG
    * A planet that exists somewhere in the universe.
    * Planets have many properties. For example, the best planets
    * have atmospheres and bodies of water to support life.
    class Planet {
        Terraforms the planet, by adding an atmosphere and ocean that is hospitable for life.
      func terraform() {
        Generate the atmosphere first, before generating the ocean.
        Otherwise, the water will just boil off immediately.
        /* Now that we have an atmosphere, it's safe to generate the ocean */
    // RIGHT
    /// A planet that exists somewhere in the universe.
    /// Planets have many properties. For example, the best planets
    /// have atmospheres and bodies of water to support life.
    class Planet {
      /// Terraforms the planet, by adding an atmosphere and ocean that is hospitable for life.
      func terraform() {
        // Generate the atmosphere first, before generating the ocean.
        // Otherwise, the water will just boil off immediately.
        // Now that we have an atmosphere, it's safe to generate the ocean
  • (link) Use doc comments (///) instead of regular comments (//) before declarations within type bodies or at the top level. SwiftFormat: docComments

    // WRONG
    // A planet that exists somewhere in the universe.
    class Planet {
      // Data about the composition and density of the planet's atmosphere if present.
      var atmosphere: Atmosphere?
      // Data about the size, location, and composition of large bodies of water on the planet's surface.
      var oceans: [Ocean]
      // Terraforms the planet, by adding an atmosphere and ocean that is hospitable for life.
      func terraform() {
        // This gas composition has a pretty good track record so far!
        let composition = AtmosphereComposition(nitrogen: 0.78, oxygen: 0.22)
        // Generate the atmosphere first, then the oceans. Otherwise, the water will just boil off immediately.
        generateAtmosphere(using: composition)
    // RIGHT
    /// A planet that exists somewhere in the universe.
    class Planet {
      /// Data about the composition and density of the planet's atmosphere if present.
      var atmosphere: Atmosphere?
      /// Data about the size, location, and composition of large bodies of water on the planet's surface.
      var oceans: [Ocean]
      /// Terraforms the planet, by adding an atmosphere and ocean that is hospitable for life.
      func terraform() {
        // This gas composition has a pretty good track record so far!
        let composition = AtmosphereComposition(nitrogen: 0.78, oxygen: 0.22)
        // Generate the atmosphere first, then the oceans. Otherwise, the water will just boil off immediately.
        generateAtmosphere(using: composition)
    // ALSO RIGHT:
    func terraform() {
      /// This gas composition has a pretty good track record so far!
      ///  - Doc comments are not required before local declarations in function scopes, but are permitted.
      let composition = AtmosphereComposition(nitrogen: 0.78, oxygen: 0.22)
      /// Generate the `atmosphere` first, **then** the `oceans`. Otherwise, the water will just boil off immediately.
      ///  - Comments not preceding declarations can use doc comments, and will not be autocorrected into regular comments.
      ///    This can be useful because Xcode applies markdown styling to doc comments but not regular comments.
      generateAtmosphere(using: composition)

    Regular comments are permitted before declarations in some cases.

    For example, comment directives like // swiftformat:, // swiftlint:, // sourcery:, // MARK: and // TODO: are typically required to use regular comments and don't work correctly with doc comments:

    // RIGHT
    // swiftformat:sort
    enum FeatureFlags {
      case allowFasterThanLightTravel
      case disableGravity
      case enableDarkEnergy
      case enableDarkMatter
    // TODO: There are no more production consumers of this legacy model, so we
    // should detangle the remaining code dependencies and clean it up.
    struct LegacyGeocentricUniverseModel {

    Regular comments are also allowed before a grouped block of declarations, since it's possible that the comment refers to the block as a whole rather than just the following declaration:

    // RIGHT
    enum Planet {
      // The inner planets
      case mercury
      case venus
      case earth
      case mars
      // The outer planets
      case jupiter
      case saturn
      case uranus
      case neptune
    enum Planet {
      /// The smallest planet
      case mercury
      case venus
      case earth
      case mars
      /// The largest planet
      case jupiter
      case saturn
      case uranus
      case neptune
  • (link) Place doc comments for a declaration before any attributes. SwiftFormat: docCommentsBeforeAttributes

    // WRONG
    /// A spacecraft with everything you need to explore the universe.
    struct Spaceship {  }
    // RIGHT
    /// A spacecraft with everything you need to explore the universe.
    struct Spaceship {}
  • (link) Include spaces or newlines before and after comment delimiters (//, ///, /*, and */) SwiftFormat: spaceAroundComments SwiftFormat: spaceInsideComments

    // WRONG
    ///A spacecraft with incredible performance characteristics
    struct Spaceship {
      func travelFasterThanLight() {/*unimplemented*/}
      func travelBackInTime() { }//TODO: research whether or not this is possible
    // RIGHT
    /// A spacecraft with incredible performance characteristics
    struct Spaceship {
      func travelFasterThanLight() { /* unimplemented */ }
      func travelBackInTime() { } // TODO: research whether or not this is possible
  • (link) Include a single space in an empty set of braces ({ }). SwiftFormat: emptyBraces

    // WRONG
    extension Spaceship: Trackable {}
    extension SpaceshipView {
      var accessibilityIdentifier: String {
        get { spaceship.name }
        set {}
    // RIGHT
    extension Spaceship: Trackable { }
    extension SpaceshipView {
      var accessibilityIdentifier: String {
        get { spaceship.name }
        set { }
  • (link) Prefer using for loops over the functional forEach(…) method, unless using forEach(…) as the last element in a functional chain. SwiftFormat: forLoop


    For loops are more idiomatic than the forEach(…) method, and are typically familiar to all developers who have experience with C-family languages.

    For loops are also more expressive than the forEach(…) method. For loops support the return, continue, and break control flow keywords, while forEach(…) only supports return (which has the same behavior as continue in a for loop).

    // WRONG
    planets.forEach { planet in
    // WRONG
    planets.forEach {
    // RIGHT
    for planet in planets {
    // ALSO FINE, since forEach is useful when paired with other functional methods in a chain.
      .filter { !$0.isGasGiant }
      .map { PlanetTerraformer(planet: $0) }
      .forEach { $0.terraform() }
  • (link) Omit the internal keyword when defining types, properties, or functions with an internal access control level. SwiftFormat: redundantInternal

    // WRONG
    internal class Spaceship {
      internal init() {  }
      internal func travel(to planet: Planet) {  }
    // RIGHT, because internal access control is implied if no other access control level is specified.
    class Spaceship {
      init() {  }
      func travel(to planet: Planet) {  }


  • (link) Omit Void return types from function definitions. SwiftFormat: redundantVoidReturnType

    // WRONG
    func doSomething() -> Void {
    // RIGHT
    func doSomething() {
  • (link) Separate long function declarations with line breaks before each argument label, and before the return signature or any effects (async, throws). Put the open curly brace on the next line so the first executable line doesn't look like it's another parameter. SwiftFormat: wrapArguments SwiftFormat: braces

    class Universe {
      // WRONG
      func generateStars(at location: Point, count: Int, color: StarColor, withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float) -> String {
        // This is too long and will probably auto-wrap in a weird way
      // WRONG
      func generateStars(at location: Point,
                         count: Int,
                         color: StarColor,
                         withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float) -> String
        // Xcode indents all the arguments
      // WRONG
      func generateStars(
        at location: Point,
        count: Int,
        color: StarColor,
        withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float) -> String {
        populateUniverse() // this line blends in with the argument list
      // WRONG
      func generateStars(
        at location: Point,
        count: Int,
        color: StarColor,
        withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float) throws
        -> String {
        populateUniverse() // this line blends in with the argument list
      // WRONG
      func generateStars(
        at location: Point,
        count: Int,
        color: StarColor,
        withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float) async throws // these effects are easy to miss since they're visually associated with the last parameter
        -> String
      // RIGHT
      func generateStars(
        at location: Point,
        count: Int,
        color: StarColor,
        withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float)
        -> String
      // RIGHT
      func generateStars(
        at location: Point,
        count: Int,
        color: StarColor,
        withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float)
        async throws -> String
  • (link) Long function invocations should also break on each argument. Put the closing parenthesis on the last line of the invocation. SwiftFormat: wrapArguments

    // WRONG
    universe.generateStars(at: location, count: 5, color: starColor, withAverageDistance: 4)
    // WRONG
    universe.generateStars(at: location,
                           count: 5,
                           color: starColor,
                           withAverageDistance: 4)
    // WRONG
      at: location,
      count: 5,
      color: starColor,
      withAverageDistance: 4
    // WRONG
      at: location)
    // RIGHT
      at: location,
      count: 5,
      color: starColor,
      withAverageDistance: 4)
    // RIGHT
      at: location)
  • (link) Name unused function parameters as underscores (_). SwiftFormat: unusedArguments


    Naming unused function parameters as underscores makes it more clear when the parameter is unused within the function body. This can make it easier to catch subtle logical errors, and can highlight opportunities to simplify method signatures.

    // WRONG
    // In this method, the `newCondition` parameter is unused.
    // This is actually a logical error, and is easy to miss, but compiles without warning.
    func updateWeather(_ newCondition: WeatherCondition) -> Weather {
      var updatedWeather = self
      updatedWeather.condition = condition // this mistake inadvertently makes this method unable to change the weather condition
      return updatedWeather
    // In this method, the `color` parameter is unused.
    // Is this a logical error (e.g. should it be passed through to the `universe.generateStars` method call),
    // or is this an unused argument that should be removed from the method signature?
    func generateUniverseWithStars(
      at location: Point,
      count: Int,
      color: StarColor,
      withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float)
      let universe = generateUniverse()
        at: location,
        count: count,
        withAverageDistance: averageDistance)
    // RIGHT
    // Automatically reformatting the unused parameter to be an underscore
    // makes it more clear that the parameter is unused, which makes it
    // easier to spot the logical error.
    func updateWeather(_: WeatherCondition) -> Weather {
      var updatedWeather = self
      updatedWeather.condition = condition
      return updatedWeather
    // The underscore makes it more clear that the `color` parameter is unused.
    // This method argument can either be removed if truly unnecessary,
    // or passed through to `universe.generateStars` to correct the logical error.
    func generateUniverseWithStars(
      at location: Point,
      count: Int,
      color _: StarColor,
      withAverageDistance averageDistance: Float)
      let universe = generateUniverse()
        at: location,
        count: count,
        withAverageDistance: averageDistance)
  • (link) Remove blank lines between chained functions. SwiftFormat: blanklinesbetweenchainedfunctions


    Improves readability and maintainability, making it easier to see the sequence of functions that are applied to the object.

    // WRONG
    var innerPlanetNames: [String] {
        .filter { $0.isInnerPlanet }
        .map { $0.name }
    // WRONG
    var innerPlanetNames: [String] {
        .filter { $0.isInnerPlanet }
        // Gets the name of the inner planet
        .map { $0.name }
    // RIGHT
    var innerPlanetNames: [String] {
        .filter { $0.isInnerPlanet }
        .map { $0.name }
    // RIGHT
    var innerPlanetNames: [String] {
        .filter { $0.isInnerPlanet }
        // Gets the name of the inner planet
        .map { $0.name }


  • (link) Favor Void return types over () in closure declarations. If you must specify a Void return type in a function declaration, use Void rather than () to improve readability. SwiftFormat: void

    // WRONG
    func method(completion: () -> ()) {
    // RIGHT
    func method(completion: () -> Void) {
  • (link) Name unused closure parameters as underscores (_). SwiftFormat: unusedArguments


    Naming unused closure parameters as underscores reduces the cognitive overhead required to read closures by making it obvious which parameters are used and which are unused.

    // WRONG
    someAsyncThing() { argument1, argument2, argument3 in
    // RIGHT
    someAsyncThing() { _, _, argument3 in
  • (link) Closures should have a single space or newline inside each brace. Trailing closures should additionally have a single space or newline outside each brace. SwiftFormat: spaceInsideBraces SwiftFormat: spaceAroundBraces

    // WRONG
    let evenSquares = numbers.filter{$0.isMultiple(of: 2)}.map{  $0 * $0  }
    // RIGHT
    let evenSquares = numbers.filter { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }.map { $0 * $0 }
    // WRONG
    let evenSquares = numbers.filter( { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) } ).map( { $0 * $0 } )
    // RIGHT
    let evenSquares = numbers.filter({ $0.isMultiple(of: 2) }).map({ $0 * $0 })
    // WRONG
    let evenSquares = numbers
        $0.isMultiple(of: 2)
        $0 * $0
    // RIGHT
    let evenSquares = numbers
      .filter {
        $0.isMultiple(of: 2)
      .map {
        $0 * $0
  • (link) Omit Void return types from closure expressions. SwiftFormat: redundantVoidReturnType

    // WRONG
    someAsyncThing() { argument -> Void in
    // RIGHT
    someAsyncThing() { argument in
  • (link) Prefer trailing closure syntax for closure arguments with no parameter name. SwiftFormat: trailingClosures

    // WRONG
    planets.map({ $0.name })
    // RIGHT
    planets.map { $0.name }
    // ALSO RIGHT, since this closure has a parameter name
    planets.first(where: { $0.isGasGiant })
    // ALSO FINE. Trailing closure syntax is still permitted for closures
    // with parameter names. However, consider using non-trailing syntax
    // in cases where the parameter name is semantically meaningful.
    planets.first { $0.isGasGiant }
  • (link) Avoid using unowned captures. Instead prefer safer alternatives like weak captures, or capturing variables directly. SwiftLint: unowned_variable_capture

    `unowned` captures are unsafe because they will cause the application to crash if the referenced object has been deallocated.
    // WRONG: Crashes if `self` has been deallocated when closures are called.
    final class SpaceshipNavigationService {
      let spaceship: Spaceship
      let planet: Planet
      func colonizePlanet() {
        spaceship.travel(to: planet, onArrival: { [unowned self] in
      func exploreSystem() {
        spaceship.travel(to: planet, nextDestination: { [unowned self] in

    weak captures are safer because they require the author to explicitly handle the case where the referenced object no longer exists.

    // RIGHT: Uses a `weak self` capture and explicitly handles the case where `self` has been deallocated
    final class SpaceshipNavigationService {
      let spaceship: Spaceship
      let planet: Planet
      func colonizePlanet() {
        spaceship.travel(to: planet, onArrival: { [weak self] in
          guard let self else { return }
      func exploreSystem() {
        spaceship.travel(to: planet, nextDestination: { [weak self] in
          guard let self else { return nil }
          return planet.moons?.first

    Alternatively, consider directly capturing the variables that are used in the closure. This lets you avoid having to handle the case where self is nil, since you don't even need to reference self:

    // RIGHT: Explicitly captures `planet` instead of capturing `self`
    final class SpaceshipNavigationService {
      let spaceship: Spaceship
      let planet: Planet
      func colonizePlanet() {
        spaceship.travel(to: planet, onArrival: { [planet] in
      func exploreSystem() {
        spaceship.travel(to: planet, nextDestination: { [planet] in


  • (link) Infix operators should have a single space on either side. However, in operator definitions, omit the trailing space between the operator and the open parenthesis. This rule does not apply to range operators (e.g. 1...3). SwiftFormat: spaceAroundOperators

    // WRONG
    let capacity = 1+2
    let capacity = currentCapacity??0
    let capacity=newCapacity
    let latitude = region.center.latitude-region.span.latitudeDelta/2.0
    // RIGHT
    let capacity = 1 + 2
    let capacity = currentCapacity ?? 0
    let capacity = newCapacity
    let latitude = region.center.latitude - region.span.latitudeDelta / 2.0
    // WRONG
    static func == (_ lhs: MyView, _ rhs: MyView) -> Bool {
      lhs.id == rhs.id
    // RIGHT
    static func ==(_ lhs: MyView, _ rhs: MyView) -> Bool {
      lhs.id == rhs.id
  • (link) Long ternary operator expressions should wrap before the ? and before the :, putting each conditional branch on a separate line. SwiftFormat: wrap

    // WRONG (too long)
    let destinationPlanet = solarSystem.hasPlanetsInHabitableZone ? solarSystem.planetsInHabitableZone.first : solarSystem.uninhabitablePlanets.first
    // WRONG (naive wrapping)
    let destinationPlanet = solarSystem.hasPlanetsInHabitableZone ? solarSystem.planetsInHabitableZone.first :
    // WRONG (unbalanced operators)
    let destinationPlanet = solarSystem.hasPlanetsInHabitableZone ?
      solarSystem.planetsInHabitableZone.first :
    // RIGHT
    let destinationPlanet = solarSystem.hasPlanetsInHabitableZone
      ? solarSystem.planetsInHabitableZone.first
      : solarSystem.uninhabitablePlanets.first
  • (link) In conditional statements (if, guard, while), separate boolean conditions using commas (,) instead of && operators. SwiftFormat: andOperator

    // WRONG
    if let star = planet.star, !planet.isHabitable && planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star) {
      let star = planet.star,
      && planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star)
    // RIGHT
    if let star = planet.star, !planet.isHabitable, planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star) {
      let star = planet.star,
      planet.isInHabitableZone(of: star)
  • (link) When extending bound generic types, prefer using generic bracket syntax (extension Collection<Planet>), or sugared syntax for applicable standard library types (extension [Planet]) instead of generic type constraints. SwiftFormat: genericExtensions

    // WRONG
    extension Array where Element == Star {}
    extension Optional where Wrapped == Spaceship {}
    extension Dictionary where Key == Moon, Element == Planet {}
    extension Collection where Element == Universe {}
    extension StateStore where State == SpaceshipState, Action == SpaceshipAction {}
    // RIGHT
    extension [Star] {}
    extension Spaceship? {}
    extension [Moon: Planet] {}
    extension Collection<Universe> {}
    extension StateStore<SpaceshipState, SpaceshipAction> {}
    // ALSO RIGHT. There are multiple types that could satisfy this constraint
    // (e.g. [Planet], [Moon]), so this is not a "bound generic type" and isn't
    // eligible for the generic bracket syntax.
    extension Array where Element: PlanetaryBody { }
  • (link) Avoid using semicolons. Semicolons are not required at the end of a line, so should be omitted. While you can use semicolons to place two statements on the same line, it is more common and preferred to separate them using a newline instead. SwiftFormat: semicolons


    // WRONG. Semicolons are not required and can be omitted.
    let mercury = planets[0];
    let venus = planets[1];
    let earth = planets[2];
    // WRONG. While you can use semicolons to place multiple statements on a single line,
    // it is more common and preferred to separate them using newlines instead.
    let mercury = planets[0]; let venus = planets[1]; let earth = planets[2];
    // RIGHT
    let mercury = planets[0]
    let venus = planets[1]
    let earth = planets[2]
    // WRONG
    guard let moon = planet.moon else { completion(nil); return }
    // WRONG
    guard let moon = planet.moon else { 
      completion(nil); return
    // RIGHT
    guard let moon = planet.moon else { 

⬆ back to top


  • (link) Prefer initializing properties at init time whenever possible, rather than using implicitly unwrapped optionals. A notable exception is UIViewController's view property. SwiftLint: implicitly_unwrapped_optional

    // WRONG
    class MyClass {
      init() {
        someValue = 5
      var someValue: Int!
    // RIGHT
    class MyClass {
      init() {
        someValue = 0
      var someValue: Int
  • (link) Avoid performing any meaningful or time-intensive work in init(). Avoid doing things like opening database connections, making network requests, reading large amounts of data from disk, etc. Create something like a start() method if these things need to be done before an object is ready for use.

  • (link) Extract complex property observers into methods. This reduces nestedness, separates side-effects from property declarations, and makes the usage of implicitly-passed parameters like oldValue explicit.

    // WRONG
    class TextField {
      var text: String? {
        didSet {
          guard oldValue != text else {
          // Do a bunch of text-related side-effects.
    // RIGHT
    class TextField {
      var text: String? {
        didSet { textDidUpdate(from: oldValue) }
      private func textDidUpdate(from oldValue: String?) {
        guard oldValue != text else {
        // Do a bunch of text-related side-effects.
  • (link) Extract complex callback blocks into methods. This limits the complexity introduced by weak-self in blocks and reduces nestedness. If you need to reference self in the method call, make use of guard to unwrap self for the duration of the callback.

    // WRONG
    class MyClass {
      func request(completion: () -> Void) {
        API.request() { [weak self] response in
          if let self {
            // Processing and side effects
    // RIGHT
    class MyClass {
      func request(completion: () -> Void) {
        API.request() { [weak self] response in
          guard let self else { return }
          self.doSomething(with: self.property, response: response)
      func doSomething(with nonOptionalParameter: SomeClass, response: SomeResponseClass) {
        // Processing and side effects
  • (link) Prefer using guard at the beginning of a scope.


    It's easier to reason about a block of code when all guard statements are grouped together at the top rather than intermixed with business logic.

  • (link) Access control should be at the strictest level possible. Prefer public to open and private to fileprivate unless you need that behavior. SwiftFormat: redundantFileprivate

    // WRONG
    public struct Spaceship {
      // WRONG: `engine` is used in `extension Spaceship` below,
      // but extensions in the same file can access `private` members.
      fileprivate let engine: AntimatterEngine
      // WRONG: `hull` is not used by any other type, so `fileprivate` is unnecessary.
      fileprivate let hull: Hull
      // RIGHT: `navigation` is used in `extension Pilot` below,
      // so `fileprivate` is necessary here.
      fileprivate let navigation: SpecialRelativityNavigationService
    extension Spaceship {
      public func blastOff() {
    extension Pilot {
      public func chartCourse() {
        spaceship.navigation.course = .andromedaGalaxy
    // RIGHT
    public struct Spaceship {
      fileprivate let navigation: SpecialRelativityNavigationService
      private let engine: AntimatterEngine
      private let hull: Hull
    extension Spaceship {
      public func blastOff() {
    extension Pilot {
      public func chartCourse() {
        spaceship.navigation.course = .andromedaGalaxy
  • (link) Avoid global functions whenever possible. Prefer methods within type definitions.

    // WRONG
    func age(of person: Person, bornAt: TimeInterval) -> Int {
      // ...
    func jump(person: Person) {
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    class Person {
      var bornAt: TimeInterval
      var age: Int {
        // ...
      func jump() {
        // ...
  • (link) Use caseless enums for organizing public or internal constants and functions into namespaces. SwiftFormat: enumNamespaces

    • Avoid creating non-namespaced global constants and functions.
    • Feel free to nest namespaces where it adds clarity.
    • private globals are permitted, since they are scoped to a single file and do not pollute the global namespace. Consider placing private globals in an enum namespace to match the guidelines for other declaration types.


    Caseless enums work well as namespaces because they cannot be instantiated, which matches their intent.

    // WRONG
    struct Environment {
      static let earthGravity = 9.8
      static let moonGravity = 1.6
    // WRONG
    struct Environment {
      struct Earth {
        static let gravity = 9.8
      struct Moon {
        static let gravity = 1.6
    // RIGHT
    enum Environment {
      enum Earth {
        static let gravity = 9.8
      enum Moon {
        static let gravity = 1.6
  • (link) Use Swift's automatic enum values unless they map to an external source. Add a comment explaining why explicit values are defined. SwiftFormat: redundantRawValues


    To minimize user error, improve readability, and write code faster, rely on Swift's automatic enum values. If the value maps to an external source (e.g. it's coming from a network request) or is persisted across binaries, however, define the values explicitly, and document what these values are mapping to.

    This ensures that if someone adds a new value in the middle, they won't accidentally break things.

    // WRONG
    enum ErrorType: String {
      case error = "error"
      case warning = "warning"
    // WRONG
    enum UserType: String {
      case owner
      case manager
      case member
    // WRONG
    enum Planet: Int {
      case mercury = 0
      case venus = 1
      case earth = 2
      case mars = 3
      case jupiter = 4
      case saturn = 5
      case uranus = 6
      case neptune = 7
    // WRONG
    enum ErrorCode: Int {
      case notEnoughMemory
      case invalidResource
      case timeOut
    // RIGHT
    // Relying on Swift's automatic enum values
    enum ErrorType: String {
      case error
      case warning
    // RIGHT
    /// These are written to a logging service. Explicit values ensure they're consistent across binaries.
    // swiftformat:disable redundantRawValues
    enum UserType: String {
      case owner = "owner"
      case manager = "manager"
      case member = "member"
    // swiftformat:enable redundantRawValues
    // RIGHT
    // Relying on Swift's automatic enum values
    enum Planet: Int {
      case mercury
      case venus
      case earth
      case mars
      case jupiter
      case saturn
      case uranus
      case neptune
    // RIGHT
    /// These values come from the server, so we set them here explicitly to match those values.
    enum ErrorCode: Int {
      case notEnoughMemory = 0
      case invalidResource = 1
      case timeOut = 2
  • (link) Use optionals only when they have semantic meaning.

  • (link) Prefer immutable values whenever possible. Use map and compactMap instead of appending to a new collection. Use filter instead of removing elements from a mutable collection.


    Mutable variables increase complexity, so try to keep them in as narrow a scope as possible.

    // WRONG
    var results = [SomeType]()
    for element in input {
      let result = transform(element)
    // RIGHT
    let results = input.map { transform($0) }
    // WRONG
    var results = [SomeType]()
    for element in input {
      if let result = transformThatReturnsAnOptional(element) {
    // RIGHT
    let results = input.compactMap { transformThatReturnsAnOptional($0) }
  • (link) Prefer immutable or computed static properties over mutable ones whenever possible. Use stored static let properties or computed static var properties over stored static var properties whenever possible, as stored static var properties are global mutable state.


    Global mutable state increases complexity and makes it harder to reason about the behavior of applications. It should be avoided when possible.

    // WRONG
    enum Fonts {
      static var title = UIFont()
    // RIGHT
    enum Fonts {
      static let title = UIFont()
    // WRONG
    struct FeatureState {
      var count: Int
      static var initial = FeatureState(count: 0)
    // RIGHT
    struct FeatureState {
      var count: Int
      static var initial: FeatureState {
        // Vend static properties that are cheap to compute
        FeatureState(count: 0)
  • (link) Handle an unexpected but recoverable condition with an assert method combined with the appropriate logging in production. If the unexpected condition is not recoverable, prefer a precondition method or fatalError(). This strikes a balance between crashing and providing insight into unexpected conditions in the wild. Only prefer fatalError over a precondition method when the failure message is dynamic, since a precondition method won't report the message in the crash report. SwiftLint: fatal_error_message

    func didSubmitText(_ text: String) {
      // It's unclear how this was called with an empty string; our custom text field shouldn't allow this.
      // This assert is useful for debugging but it's OK if we simply ignore this scenario in production.
      guard !text.isEmpty else {
        assertionFailure("Unexpected empty string")
      // ...
    func transformedItem(atIndex index: Int, from items: [Item]) -> Item {
      precondition(index >= 0 && index < items.count)
      // It's impossible to continue executing if the precondition has failed.
      // ...
    func makeImage(name: String) -> UIImage {
      guard let image = UIImage(named: name, in: nil, compatibleWith: nil) else {
        fatalError("Image named \(name) couldn't be loaded.")
        // We want the error message so we know the name of the missing image.
      return image
  • (link) Default type methods to static.


    If a method needs to be overridden, the author should opt into that functionality by using the class keyword instead.

    // WRONG
    class Fruit {
      class func eatFruits(_ fruits: [Fruit]) { ... }
    // RIGHT
    class Fruit {
      static func eatFruits(_ fruits: [Fruit]) { ... }
  • (link) Default classes to final.


    If a class needs to be overridden, the author should opt into that functionality by omitting the final keyword.

    // WRONG
    class SettingsRepository {
      // ...
    // RIGHT
    final class SettingsRepository {
      // ...
  • (link) When switching over an enum, generally prefer enumerating all cases rather than using the default case.


    Enumerating every case requires developers and reviewers have to consider the correctness of every switch statement when new cases are added in the future.

    switch trafficLight {
    case .greenLight:
      // Move your vehicle
      // Stop your vehicle
    switch trafficLight {
    case .greenLight:
      // Move your vehicle
    case .yellowLight, .redLight:
      // Stop your vehicle
    enum TaskState {
      case pending
      case running
      case canceling
      case success(Success)
      case failure(Error)
      // We expect that this property will remain valid if additional cases are added to the enumeration.
      public var isRunning: Bool {
        switch self {
        case .running:
    extension TaskState: Equatable {
      // Explicitly listing each state would be too burdensome. Ideally this function could be implemented with a well-tested macro.
      public static func == (lhs: TaskState, rhs: TaskState) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.pending, .pending):
        case (.running, .running):
        case (.canceling, .canceling):
        case (.success(let lhs), .success(let rhs)):
          lhs == rhs
        case (.failure(let lhs), .failure(let rhs)):
          lhs == rhs
  • (link) Check for nil rather than using optional binding if you don't need to use the value. SwiftLint: unused_optional_binding


    Checking for nil makes it immediately clear what the intent of the statement is. Optional binding is less explicit.

    var thing: Thing?
    // WRONG
    if let _ = thing {
    // RIGHT
    if thing != nil {
  • (link) Omit the return keyword when not required by the language. SwiftFormat: redundantReturn

    // WRONG
    ["1", "2", "3"].compactMap { return Int($0) }
    var size: CGSize {
      return CGSize(
        width: 100.0,
        height: 100.0)
    func makeInfoAlert(message: String) -> UIAlertController {
      return UIAlertController(
        title: "ℹ️ Info",
        message: message,
        preferredStyle: .alert)
    var alertTitle: String {
      if issue.severity == .critical {
        return "💥 Critical Error"
      } else {
        return "ℹ️ Info"
    func type(of planet: Planet) -> PlanetType {
      switch planet {
      case .mercury, .venus, .earth, .mars:
        return .terrestrial
      case .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune:
        return .gasGiant
    // RIGHT
    ["1", "2", "3"].compactMap { Int($0) }
    var size: CGSize {
        width: 100.0,
        height: 100.0)
    func makeInfoAlert(message: String) -> UIAlertController {
        title: "ℹ️ Info",
        message: message,
        preferredStyle: .alert)
    var alertTitle: String {
      if issue.severity == .critical {
        "💥 Critical Error"
      } else {
        "ℹ️ Info"
    func type(of planet: Planet) -> PlanetType {
      switch planet {
      case .mercury, .venus, .earth, .mars:
      case .jupiter, .saturn, .uranus, .neptune:
  • (link) Use AnyObject instead of class in protocol definitions. SwiftFormat: anyObjectProtocol


    SE-0156, which introduced support for using the AnyObject keyword as a protocol constraint, recommends preferring AnyObject over class:

    This proposal merges the concepts of class and AnyObject, which now have the same meaning: they represent an existential for classes. To get rid of the duplication, we suggest only keeping AnyObject around. To reduce source-breakage to a minimum, class could be redefined as typealias class = AnyObject and give a deprecation warning on class for the first version of Swift this proposal is implemented in. Later, class could be removed in a subsequent version of Swift.

    // WRONG
    protocol Foo: class { }
    // RIGHT
    protocol Foo: AnyObject { }
  • (link) Specify the access control for each declaration in an extension individually. SwiftFormat: extensionAccessControl


    Specifying the access control on the declaration itself helps engineers more quickly determine the access control level of an individual declaration.

    // WRONG
    public extension Universe {
      // This declaration doesn't have an explicit access control level.
      // In all other scopes, this would be an internal function,
      // but because this is in a public extension, it's actually a public function.
      func generateGalaxy() { }
    // WRONG
    private extension Spaceship {
      func enableHyperdrive() { }
    // RIGHT
    extension Universe {
      // It is immediately obvious that this is a public function,
      // even if the start of the `extension Universe` scope is off-screen.
      public func generateGalaxy() { }
    // RIGHT
    extension Spaceship {
      // Recall that a private extension actually has fileprivate semantics,
      // so a declaration in a private extension is fileprivate by default.
      fileprivate func enableHyperdrive() { }
  • (link) Prefer dedicated logging systems like os_log or swift-log over writing directly to standard out using print(…), debugPrint(…), or dump(…).


    All log messages should flow into intermediate logging systems that can direct messages to the correct destination(s) and potentially filter messages based on the app's environment or configuration. print(…), debugPrint(…), or dump(…) will write all messages directly to standard out in all app configurations and can potentially leak personally identifiable information (PII).

  • (link) Don't use #file. Use #fileID or #filePath as appropriate.


    The behavior of the #file literal (or macro as of Swift 5.9) has evolved from evaluating to the full source file path (the behavior as of #filePath) to a human-readable string containing module and file name (the behavior of #fileID). Use the literal (or macro) with the most appropriate behavior for your use case.

    Swift documentation

    Swift Evolution Proposal: Concise magic file names

  • (link) Don't use #filePath in production code. Use #fileID instead.


    #filePath should only be used in non-production code where the full path of the source file provides useful information to developers. Because #fileID doesn’t embed the full path to the source file, it won't expose your file system and reduces the size of the compiled binary.

    #filePath documentation

  • (link) Avoid single-expression closures that are always called immediately. Instead, prefer inlining the expression. SwiftFormat: redundantClosure

    // WRONG
    lazy var universe: Universe = {
    lazy var stars = {
        at: location,
        count: 5,
        color: starColor,
        withAverageDistance: 4)
    // RIGHT
    lazy var universe = Universe()
    lazy var stars = universe.generateStars(
      at: location,
      count: 5,
      color: starColor,
      withAverageDistance: 4)
  • (link) Omit the get clause from a computed property declaration that doesn't also have a set, willSet, or didSet clause. SwiftFormat: redundantGet

    // WRONG
    var universe: Universe {
      get {
    // RIGHT
    var universe: Universe {
    // RIGHT
    var universe: Universe {
      get { multiverseService.current }
      set { multiverseService.current = newValue }
  • (link) Prefer using opaque generic parameters (with some) over verbose named generic parameter syntax where possible. SwiftFormat: opaqueGenericParameters


    Opaque generic parameter syntax is significantly less verbose and thus more legible than the full named generic parameter syntax.

    // WRONG
    func spaceshipDashboard<WarpDriveView: View, CaptainsLogView: View>(
      warpDrive: WarpDriveView,
      captainsLog: CaptainsLogView)
      -> some View
    {  }
    func generate<Planets>(_ planets: Planets) where Planets: Collection, Planets.Element == Planet {
    // RIGHT
    func spaceshipDashboard(
      warpDrive: some View,
      captainsLog: some View)
      -> some View
    {  }
    func generate(_ planets: some Collection<Planet>) {
    // Also fine, since there isn't an equivalent opaque parameter syntax for expressing
    // that two parameters in the type signature are of the same type:
    func terraform<Body: PlanetaryBody>(_ planetaryBody: Body, into terraformedBody: Body) {
    // Also fine, since the generic parameter name is referenced in the function body so can't be removed:
    func terraform<Body: PlanetaryBody>(_ planetaryBody: Body)  {

    some Any

    Fully-unconstrained generic parameters are somewhat uncommon, but are equivalent to some Any. For example:

    func assertFailure<Value>(
      _ result: Result<Value, Error>,
      file: StaticString = #filePath,
      line: UInt = #line)
      if case .failure(let error) = result {
        XCTFail(error.localizedDescription, file: file, line: line)
    // is equivalent to:
    func assertFailure(
      _ result: Result<some Any, Error>,
      file: StaticString = #filePath,
      line: UInt = #line)
      if case .failure(let error) = result {
        XCTFail(error.localizedDescription, file: file, line: line)

    some Any is somewhat unintuitive, and the named generic parameter is useful in this situation to compensate for the weak type information. Because of this, prefer using named generic parameters instead of some Any.

  • (link) Prefer to avoid using @unchecked Sendable. Use a standard Sendable conformance instead where possible. If working with a type from a module that has not yet been updated to support Swift Concurrency, suppress concurrency-related errors using @preconcurrency import.

    @unchecked Sendable provides no guarantees about the thread safety of a type, and instead unsafely suppresses compiler errors related to concurrency checking.

    There are typically other, safer methods for suppressing concurrency-related errors:

    1. Use Sendable instead of @unchecked Sendable, with @MainActor if appropriate

    A Sendable conformance is the preferred way to declare that a type is thread-safe. The compiler will emit an error if a type conforming to Sendable is not thread-safe. For example, simple value types and immutable classes can always safely conform to Sendable, but mutable classes cannot:

    // RIGHT: Simple value types are thread-safe.
    struct Planet: Sendable {
      var mass: Double
    // RIGHT: Immutable classes are thread-safe.
    final class Planet: Sendable {
      let mass: Double
    // WRONG: Mutable classes are not thread-safe.
    final class Planet: Sendable {
      // ERROR: stored property 'mass' of 'Sendable'-conforming class 'Planet' is mutable
      var mass: Double
    // WRONG: @unchecked is unnecessary because the compiler can prove that the type is thread-safe.
    struct Planet: @unchecked Sendable {
      var mass: Double

    Mutable classes can be made Sendable and thread-safe if they are isolated to a single actor / thread / concurrency domain. Any mutable class can be made Sendable by isolating it to a global actor using an annotation like @MainActor (which isolates it to the main actor):

    // RIGHT: A mutable class isolated to the main actor is thread-safe.
    final class Planet: Sendable {
      var mass: Double
    // WRONG: @unchecked Sendable is unsafe because mutable classes are not thread-safe.
    struct Planet: @unchecked Sendable {
      var mass: Double

    2. Use @preconcurrency import

    If working with a non-Sendable type from a module that hasn't yet adopted Swift concurrency, suppress concurrency-related errors using @preconcurrency import.

    /// Defined in `UniverseKit` module
    class Planet: PlanetaryBody { 
      var star: Star
    // WRONG: Unsafely marking a non-thread-safe class as Sendable only to suppress errors
    import PlanetaryBody
    extension PlanetaryBody: @unchecked Sendable { }
    // RIGHT
    @preconcurrency import PlanetaryBody

    3. Restructure code so the compiler can verify that it is thread-safe

    If possible, restructure code so that the compiler can verify that it is thread safe. This lets you use a Sendable conformance instead of an unsafe @unchecked Sendable conformance.

    When conforming to Sendable, the compiler will emit an error in the future if you attempt to make a change that is not thread-safe. This guarantee is lost when using @unchecked Sendable, which makes it easier to accidentally introduce changes which are not thread-safe.

    For example, given this set of classes:

    class PlanetaryBody { 
      let mass: Double  
    class Planet: PlanetaryBody { 
      let star: Star
    // NOT IDEAL: no compiler-enforced thread safety.
    extension PlanetaryBody: @unchecked Sendable { }

    the compiler can't verify PlanetaryBody is Sendable because it is not final. Instead of using @unchecked Sendable, you could restructure the code to not use subclassing:

    // BETTER: Compiler-enforced thread safety.
    protocol PlanetaryBody: Sendable {
      var mass: Double { get }
    final class Planet: PlanetaryBody, Sendable {
      let mass: Double
      let star: Star

    Using @unchecked Sendable when necessary

    Sometimes it is truly necessary to use @unchecked Sendable. In these cases, you can add a // swiftlint:disable:next no_unchecked_sendable annotation with an explanation for how we know the type is thread-safe, and why we have to use @unchecked Sendable instead of Sendable.

    A canonical, safe use case of @unchecked Sendable is a class where the mutable state is protected by some other thread-safe mechanism like a lock. This type is thread-safe, but the compiler cannot verify this.

    struct Atomic<Value> {
      /// `value` is thread-safe because it is manually protected by a lock.
      var value: Value { ... }
    // WRONG: disallowed by linter
    extension Atomic: @unchecked Sendable { }
    // WRONG: suppressing lint error without an explanation
    // swiftlint:disable:next no_unchecked_sendable
    extension Atomic: @unchecked Sendable { }
    // RIGHT: suppressing the linter with an explanation why the type is thread-safe
    // Atomic is thread-safe because its underlying mutable state is protected by a lock.
    // swiftlint:disable:next no_unchecked_sendable
    extension Atomic: @unchecked Sendable { }

    It is also reasonable to use @unchecked Sendable for types that are thread-safe in existing usage but can't be refactored to support a proper Sendable conformance (e.g. due to backwards compatibility constraints):

    class PlanetaryBody { 
      let mass: Double  
    class Planet: PlanetaryBody { 
      let star: Star
    // WRONG: disallowed by linter
    extension PlanetaryBody: @unchecked Sendable { }
    // WRONG: suppressing lint error without an explanation
    // swiftlint:disable:next no_unchecked_sendable
    extension PlanetaryBody: @unchecked Sendable { }
    // RIGHT: suppressing the linter with an explanation why the type is thread-safe
    // PlanetaryBody cannot conform to Sendable because it is non-final and has subclasses.
    // PlanetaryBody itself is safely Sendable because it only consists of immutable values.
    // All subclasses of PlanetaryBody are also simple immutable values, so are safely Sendable as well.
    // swiftlint:disable:next no_unchecked_sendable
    extension PlanetaryBody: @unchecked Sendable { }
  • (link) Avoid defining properties that are then returned immediately. Instead, return the value directly. SwiftFormat: redundantProperty


    Property declarations that are immediately returned are typically redundant and unnecessary. Sometimes these are unintentionally created as the byproduct of refactoring. Cleaning them up automatically simplifies the code. In some cases this also results in the return keyword itself being unnecessary, further simplifying the code.

    // WRONG
    var spaceship: Spaceship {
      let spaceship = spaceshipBuilder.build(warpDrive: warpDriveBuilder.build())
      return spaceship
    // RIGHT
    var spaceship: Spaceship {
      spaceshipBuilder.build(warpDrive: warpDriveBuilder.build())
    // WRONG
    var spaceship: Spaceship {
      let warpDrive = warpDriveBuilder.build()
      let spaceship = spaceshipBuilder.build(warpDrive: warpDrive)
      return spaceship
    // RIGHT
    var spaceship: Spaceship {
      let warpDrive = warpDriveBuilder.build()
      return spaceshipBuilder.build(warpDrive: warpDrive)
  • (link) Avoid using () as a type. Prefer Void.

    // WRONG
    let result: Result<(), Error>
    // RIGHT
    let result: Result<Void, Error>
  • (link) Avoid using Void() as an instance of Void. Prefer ().

    let completion: (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void 
    // WRONG
    // RIGHT

⬆ back to top

File Organization

  • (link) Alphabetize and deduplicate module imports within a file. Place all imports at the top of the file below the header comments. Do not add additional line breaks between import statements. Add a single empty line before the first import and after the last import. SwiftFormat: sortedImports SwiftFormat: duplicateImports


    • A standard organization method helps engineers more quickly determine which modules a file depends on.
    • Duplicated import statements have no effect and should be removed for clarity.
    // WRONG
    //  Copyright © 2018 Airbnb. All rights reserved.
    import DLSPrimitives
    import Constellation
    import Constellation
    import Epoxy
    import Foundation
    // RIGHT
    //  Copyright © 2018 Airbnb. All rights reserved.
    import Constellation
    import DLSPrimitives
    import Epoxy
    import Foundation

    Exception: @testable import should be grouped after the regular import and separated by an empty line.

    // WRONG
    //  Copyright © 2018 Airbnb. All rights reserved.
    import DLSPrimitives
    @testable import Epoxy
    import Foundation
    import Nimble
    import Quick
    // RIGHT
    //  Copyright © 2018 Airbnb. All rights reserved.
    import DLSPrimitives
    import Foundation
    import Nimble
    import Quick
    @testable import Epoxy
  • (link) Limit consecutive whitespace to one blank line or space (excluding indentation). Favor the following formatting guidelines over whitespace of varying heights or widths. SwiftFormat: consecutiveBlankLines SwiftFormat: consecutiveSpaces

    // WRONG
    struct Planet {
      let mass:          Double
      let hasAtmosphere: Bool
      func distance(to: Planet) { }
    // RIGHT
    struct Planet {
      let mass: Double
      let hasAtmosphere: Bool
      func distance(to: Planet) { }
  • (link) Files should end in a newline. SwiftFormat: linebreakAtEndOfFile

  • (link) Declarations that include scopes spanning multiple lines should be separated from adjacent declarations in the same scope by a newline. Insert a single blank line between multi-line scoped declarations (e.g. types, extensions, functions, computed properties, etc.) and other declarations at the same indentation level. SwiftFormat: blankLinesBetweenScopes


    Dividing scoped declarations from other declarations at the same scope visually separates them, making adjacent declarations easier to differentiate from the scoped declaration.

    // WRONG
    struct SolarSystem {
      var numberOfPlanets: Int {
      func distance(to: SolarSystem) -> AstronomicalUnit {
    struct Galaxy {
      func distance(to: Galaxy) -> AstronomicalUnit {
      func contains(_ solarSystem: SolarSystem) -> Bool {
    // RIGHT
    struct SolarSystem {
      var numberOfPlanets: Int {
      func distance(to: SolarSystem) -> AstronomicalUnit {
    struct Galaxy {
      func distance(to: Galaxy) -> AstronomicalUnit {
      func contains(_ solarSystem: SolarSystem) -> Bool {
  • (link) Remove blank lines at the top and bottom of scopes, excluding type bodies which can optionally include blank lines. SwiftFormat: blankLinesAtStartOfScope SwiftFormat: blankLinesAtEndOfScope

    // WRONG
    class Planet {
      func terraform() {
    // RIGHT
    class Planet {
      func terraform() {
    // Also fine!
    class Planet {
      func terraform() {
  • (link) Each type and extension which implements a conformance should be preceded by a MARK comment. SwiftFormat: markTypes

    • Types should be preceded by a // MARK: - TypeName comment.
    • Extensions that add a conformance should be preceded by a // MARK: - TypeName + ProtocolName comment.
    • Extensions that immediately follow the type being extended should omit that type's name and instead use // MARK: ProtocolName.
    • If there is only one type or extension in a file, the MARK comment can be omitted.
    • If the extension in question is empty (e.g. has no declarations in its body), the MARK comment can be omitted.
    • For extensions that do not add new conformances, consider adding a MARK with a descriptive comment.
    // MARK: - GalaxyView
    final class GalaxyView: UIView {  }
    // MARK: ContentConfigurableView
    extension GalaxyView: ContentConfigurableView {}
    // MARK: - Galaxy + SpaceThing, NamedObject
    extension Galaxy: SpaceThing, NamedObject {}
  • (link) Use // MARK: to separate the contents of type definitions and extensions into the sections listed below, in order. All type definitions and extensions should be divided up in this consistent way, allowing a reader of your code to easily jump to what they are interested in. SwiftFormat: organizeDeclarations

    • // MARK: Lifecycle for init and deinit methods.
    • // MARK: Open for open properties and methods.
    • // MARK: Public for public properties and methods.
    • // MARK: Package for package properties and methods.
    • // MARK: Internal for internal properties and methods.
    • // MARK: Fileprivate for fileprivate properties and methods.
    • // MARK: Private for private properties and methods.
    • If the type in question is an enum, its cases should go above the first // MARK:.
    • Do not subdivide each of these sections into subsections, as it makes the method dropdown more cluttered and therefore less useful. Instead, group methods by functionality and use smart naming to make clear which methods are related. If there are enough methods that sub-sections seem necessary, consider refactoring your code into multiple types.
    • If all of the type or extension's definitions belong to the same category (e.g. the type or extension only consists of internal properties), it is OK to omit the // MARK:s.
    • If the type in question is a simple value type (e.g. fewer than 20 lines), it is OK to omit the // MARK:s, as it would hurt legibility.
  • (link) Within each top-level section, place content in the following order. This allows a new reader of your code to more easily find what they are looking for. SwiftFormat: organizeDeclarations

    • Nested types and type aliases
    • Static properties
    • Static property with body
    • Class properties with body
    • SwiftUI dynamic properties (@State, @Environment, @Binding, etc), grouped by type
    • Instance properties
    • Instance properties with body
    • Static methods
    • Class methods
    • Instance methods

    Computed properties and properties with property observers should appear at the end of the set of declarations of the same kind. (e.g. instance properties.)

    // WRONG
    class PlanetView: UIView {
      static var startOfTime { -CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude / 0 }
      var atmosphere: Atmosphere {
         didSet {
           print("oh my god, the atmosphere changed")
      override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
      var gravity: CGFloat
      static let speedOfLight: CGFloat = 300_000
    // RIGHT
    class PlanetView: UIView {
      static let speedOfLight: CGFloat = 300_000
      static var startOfTime { -CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude / 0 }
      override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
      var gravity: CGFloat
      var atmosphere: Atmosphere {
         didSet {
           print("oh my god, the atmosphere changed")

    SwiftUI Properties are a special type of property that lives inside SwiftUI views. These views conform to the DynamicProperty protocol and cause the view's body to re-compute. Given this common functionality and also a similar syntax, it is preferred to group them.

    // WRONG
    struct CustomSlider: View {
      // MARK: Internal
      var body: some View {
      // MARK: Private
      @Binding private var value: Value
      private let range: ClosedRange<Double>
      @Environment(\.sliderStyle) private var style
      private let step: Double.Stride
      @Environment(\.layoutDirection) private var layoutDirection
    // RIGHT
    struct CustomSlider: View {
      // MARK: Internal
      var body: some View {
      // MARK: Private
      @Environment(\.sliderStyle) private var style
      @Environment(\.layoutDirection) private var layoutDirection
      @Binding private var value: Value
      private let range: ClosedRange<Double>
      private let step: Double.Stride

    Additionally, within the grouping of SwiftUI properties, it is preferred that the properties are also grouped by their dynamic property type. The group order applied by the formatter is determined by the first time a type appears:

    // WRONG
    struct CustomSlider: View {
      @Binding private var value: Value
      @State private var foo = Foo()
      @Environment(\.sliderStyle) private var style
      @State private var bar = Bar()
      @Environment(\.layoutDirection) private var layoutDirection
      private let range: ClosedRange<Double>
      private let step: Double.Stride
    // RIGHT
    struct CustomSlider: View {
      @Binding private var value: Value
      @State private var foo = Foo()
      @State private var bar = Bar()
      @Environment(\.sliderStyle) private var style
      @Environment(\.layoutDirection) private var layoutDirection
      private let range: ClosedRange<Double>
      private let step: Double.Stride
  • (link) Add empty lines between property declarations of different kinds. (e.g. between static properties and instance properties.) SwiftFormat: organizeDeclarations

    // WRONG
    static let gravityEarth: CGFloat = 9.8
    static let gravityMoon: CGFloat = 1.6
    var gravity: CGFloat
    // RIGHT
    static let gravityEarth: CGFloat = 9.8
    static let gravityMoon: CGFloat = 1.6
    var gravity: CGFloat
  • (link) Remove unused private and fileprivate properties, functions, and typealiases SwiftFormat: unusedPrivateDeclaration


    Improves readability since the code has no effect and should be removed for clarity.

    // WRONG: Includes private declarations that are unused
    struct Planet {
      var ageInBillionYears: Double {
        ageInMillionYears / 1000
      private var ageInMillionsOfYears: Double
      private typealias Dependencies = UniverseBuilderProviding // unused
      private var mass: Double // unused
      private func distance(to: Planet) { } // unused
    // RIGHT
    struct Planet {
      var ageInBillionsOfYears: Double {
        ageInMillionYears / 1000
      private var ageInMillionYears: Double
  • (link) Remove empty extensions that define no properties, functions, or conformances. SwiftFormat: emptyExtension


    Improves readability since the code has no effect and should be removed for clarity.

    // WRONG: The first extension is empty and redundant.
    extension Planet {}
    extension Planet: Equatable {}
    // RIGHT: Empty extensions that add a protocol conformance aren't redundant.
    extension Planet: Equatable {}

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Objective-C Interoperability

  • (link) Prefer pure Swift classes over subclasses of NSObject. If your code needs to be used by some Objective-C code, wrap it to expose the desired functionality. Use @objc on individual methods and variables as necessary rather than exposing all API on a class to Objective-C via @objcMembers.

    class PriceBreakdownViewController {
      private let acceptButton = UIButton()
      private func setUpAcceptButton() {
          action: #selector(didTapAcceptButton),
          forControlEvents: .touchUpInside)
      private func didTapAcceptButton() {
        // ...

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We encourage you to fork this guide and change the rules to fit your team’s style guide. Below, you may list some amendments to the style guide. This allows you to periodically update your style guide without having to deal with merge conflicts.

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