8000 GitHub - adamayoung/TMDb at 11.0.0
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TMDb - The Movie Database

CI Integration Documentation

A Swift Package for The Movie Database (TMDb) https://www.themoviedb.org


  • Swift 5.9+
  • OS
    • macOS 13+
    • iOS 16+
    • watchOS 9+
    • tvOS 16+
    • visionOS 1+


Add the TMDb package as a dependency to your Package.swift file, and add it as a dependency to your target.

// swift-tools-version:5.9

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "MyProject",

  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/adamayoung/TMDb.git", from: "11.0.0")

  targets: [
    .target(name: "MyProject", dependencies: ["TMDb"])

Xcode project

Add the TMDb package to your Project's Package dependencies.


Get an API Key

Create an API key from The Movie Database web site https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api.


Documentation and examples of usage can be found at https://adamayoung.github.io/TMDb/documentation/tmdb/



Install homebrew and the follow formulae

  • swiftlint
  • swiftformat
  • markdownlint
brew install swiftlint swiftformat markdownlint

Before submitting a PR

Unit and Integration Tests

Ensure all new code is covered by unit tests. If any new methods are added to services that make calls to TMDb API endpoints, ensure there are integration tests covering these.

Coding Style

Coding style is enforced by swiftlint and swiftformat.

Use the following command to lint the codebase:

make lint

To format the codebase use:

make format

DocC Documentation

Ensure all public classes, structs, properties and methods are commented

The DocC documentation can be built and hosted locally by

make preview-docs

See DocC | Apple Developer Documentation for more details.

CI Checks

Before submitting a PR, ensure all CI checks will pass:

make ci

CI checks are made up of the follow tasks:

make lint
make lint-markddown
make test
make test-ios
make test-watchos
make test-tvos
make test-linux
make integration-test
make build-release
make build-docs

In order to run integration tests the TMDB_API_KEY environment variable needs to be set.

Running unit tests on Linux requires Docker to be running.



This library is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.