Columbia University
- New York, NY
- https://yunzhuli.github.io/
- @YunzhuLiYZ
- Pro
Code for "Dynamic 3D Gaussian Tracking for Graph-Based Neural Dynamics Modeling" (CoRL 2024)
[CoRL 24] GenDP: 3D Semantic Fields for Category-Level Generalizable Diffusion Policy
ReKep: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning of Relational Keypoint Constraints for Robotic Manipulation
[RSS24] AdaptiGraph: Material-Adaptive Graph-Based Neural Dynamics for Robotic Manipulation
[CoRL 2024] RoboEXP: Action-Conditioned Scene Graph via Interactive Exploration for Robotic Manipulation
VoxPoser: Composable 3D Value Maps for Robotic Manipulation with Language Models
[CoRL 24 Oral] D^3Fields: Dynamic 3D Descriptor Fields for Zero-Shot Generalizable Rearrangement
[RSS 23] Dynamic-Resolution Model Learning for Object Pile Manipulation
OmniGibson: a platform for accelerating Embodied AI research built upon NVIDIA's Omniverse engine. Join our Discord for support: https://discord.gg/bccR5vGFEx
Understanding Self-Supervised Learning in a non-IID Setting
A comprehensive list of Implicit Representations and NeRF papers relating to Robotics/RL domain, including papers, codes, and related websites
Code for the paper Learning Visible Connectivity Dynamics for Cloth Smoothing
A PyTorch implementation of Implicit Behavioral Cloning
A Python package that provides evaluation and visualization tools for the DexYCB dataset
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
A curated list of resources on implicit neural representations.
A curated list of awesome neural radiance fields papers
[NeurIPS 2020] Causal Discovery in Physical Systems from Videos
SoftGym is a set of benchmark environments for deformable object manipulation.
[ICLR 2020] Learning Compositional Koopman Operators for Model-Based Control
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education 📚
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
[ICML 2019] Circuit-GNN: Graph Neural Networks for Distributed Circuit Design http://circuit-gnn.csail.mit.edu/
Narrow-Band Topology Optimization on a Sparsely Populated Grid, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2018)
Links to works on deep learning algorithms for physics problems, TUM-I15 and beyond
Project for paper "Learning 3D Human Dynamics from Video"