The toolkit is built on top of TensorFlow/Keras. It is shipped with a ready-to-train CNN-1DRNN-CTC [1] model and all the surrounding code enabling training, performance evaluation, and prediction.
In a nutshell, you only have to tell the toolkit how to obtain the raw handwriting examples of a form line image -> text. The rest will be taken care of automatically including things like data preprocessing, normalization, generating batches of training data, training, etc.
You can train the model on the IAM Handwriting dataset as well as your own. Also, the code should work for arbitrary written language, not just English (at least in theory).
- built-in model implementations
- automatic data pre-processing
- training on your own data
- built-in performance metrics: LER (Label Error Rate)
- handwriting language independence
- Python >= 3.6
- TensorFlow >= 2.0
- tested on Ubuntu
git clone
cd Keras-HTR
Optionally, create and activate a Python virtual environment:
virtualenv --python=/path/to/python3/executable venv
. venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create working line-level HTR system in just 4 steps:
- Create a subclass of Source class representing raw data examples
- Use the data source to build a dataset
- Train model with a particular architecture on that dataset
- Take trained model and use it to perform recognition
You only need to focus on the first step. Once you implement a class for a data source, the steps that follow will automatically pre-process the data, train a neural network and save it.
Below is example of training CNN-1DRNN-CTC model on synthetic images using SyntheticSource class.
python --source='keras_htr.data_source.synthetic.SyntheticSource' --destination=temp_ds --size=1000
Note that the source argument expects a fully-qualified name of a class representing a data source.
python temp_ds --units=64 --epochs=80 --model_path=conv_lstm_model
After every 10 training epochs, the script will show predictions made by the neural network. In addition, it will compute and show the LER metric for training and validation examples. You can specify how frequently you would like to do this step via --debug_interval argument (default is 10).
The script will save a model at the end of each training epoch. Therefore, you may interrupt (Ctrl+C) the script when
a loss becomes small enough. A self-contained model for inference will be saved in conv_lstm_model/inference_model.h5
You can load the model later like so:
import tensorflow as tf
tf.keras.models.load_model('conv_lstm_model/inference_model.h5', custom_objects={'tf': tf})
python conv_lstm_model temp_ds/test
For each image in a given path, the script will display it on the screen, make a prediction, compare it with ground truth text and compute the LER score.
Recognize an image taken from a test dataset after necessary preprocessing was already applied
python conv_lstm_model temp_ds/character_table.txt temp_ds/test/0.png
To recognize an arbitrary raw image, pass an argument --raw=True (this will ensure that all necessary preprocessing steps will be applied such as binarization, resizing, etc.):
python conv_lstm_model temp_ds/character_table.txt /path/to/unseen_image.png --raw=True
A data source is a Python generator that yields raw examples in the form of tuples (line_image, text). The Keras-HTR toolkit uses data sources to construct a train/val/test split, build a character table, collect useful meta-information about the data set such as average image height, width and more.
It is generator of printed text examples
It is generator of handwritings taken from IAM handwriting database. Before you can use this source, you have to download the actual database.
- create a directory named iam_database in the repository directory
- register an account on
- download xml.tgz archive file (you will be prompted to enter your password)
curl -o iam_database/xml.tgz -u <user_name>
- download lines.tgz archive file (you will be prompted to enter your password)
curl -o iam_database/lines.tgz -u <user_name>
- extract both archives
The project directory structure should look as follows:
Create 1000 training examples using IAM database:
python --source='iam' --destination=temp_ds --size=1000
To train a model on your data, you need to create a subclass of Source class and implement an iterator method that yields a pair (line_image, text) at 7148 each step. Here line_image is either a path to an image file or Pillow image object, the text is a corresponding transcription.
Let's create a dummy source that produces a total of 100 pairs of random images with some text.
- create a python file in keras_htr/data_source directory
- create a subclass of Source class and implement its
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from keras_htr.data_source.base import Source
class MySource(Source):
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(100):
a = np.round(np.random.random((300, 500, 1)) * 255)
image = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.array_to_img(a)
yield image, "Line of text {}".format(i)
- use this source by providing it's fully-qualified class name
python --source='keras_htr.data_source.mysource.MySource' --destination=temp_ds --size=100
Pre-requisite: you have to setup IAMSource first (see the section on IAMSource above).
Prepare a dataset by extracting 8000 examples from IAM database and preprocessing them (it might take a few minutes)
python --source='iam' --destination=temp_ds --size=8000
Begin training a cnn-1drnn-ctc model for 80 epochs using 256 hidden units in LSTM layers. When validation loss stops decreasing, press Ctrl+C to stop the script execution.
python temp_ds --units=256 --epochs=80 --model_path=conv_lstm_model
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