This repository shows a simple demo of various fundamental merger tree configurations of Bonsai. We will continue upload relavant files onto here.
This directory supports both SDAccel 2018.3, SDAccel 2019.1, Vitis 2019.2. For better version control, we suggest you using the latest Vitis 2019.2 flow.
You may need to download the Vitis_Accel 2019.2 github directory from Xilinx Github. Then copy our Bonsai directory into its rtl_kernel folder.
We provide a simple random data generator in the merger_tree_pl/data/datagen.c, which will generate 2^N
elements. The following commands show an example of generating a random dataset callded "data_1^20.txt" with 1M elements.
cd TreeConfig/merger_tree_p4_l4/data/
gcc -o datagen datagen.c
./datagen 20
For hardware emulation, you can specify the input testbech as well as the number of elements you want to sort by changing the Makefile correspondingly as below.
check: all
ifeq ($(TARGET),$(filter $(TARGET),sw_emu hw_emu))
ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH), x86)
$(CP) $(EMCONFIG_DIR)/emconfig.json .
XCL_EMULATION_MODE=$(TARGET) ./$(EXECUTABLE) $(BUILD_DIR)/merger_tree_p*_l*.xclbin ./data/data_1^N.txt N
Since hardware emulation only supports a default device, so you may also need to change line 80 in src/host.cpp
and speficy devices[0]
cl::Device device = devices[0];
To run hardware emulation, please type
make check TARGET=hw_emu DEVICE=<FPGA platform>
First, you need to find the taget platform installed on your serve by typing
xbutil list
Below is an example of available platforms
[0] 0000:d8:00.1 xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3(ID=0x5e278820) user(inst=131)
[1] 0000:af:00.1 xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_2(ID=0x5d14fbe6) user(inst=130)
[2] 0000:5e:00.1 xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 user(inst=129)
[3] 0000:3b:00.1 xilinx_u200_qdma_201920_1(ID=0x5dccb0ca) user(inst=128)
If we want to run on the Xilinx u250 platform, then change line 80 in src/host.cpp
to speficy devices[1]
For hardware on-board test, you need to generate the bitstream first using the following command. The default path of the generated bitstream is in folder ./build_dir.hw.<FPGA platform>
make all TARGET=hw DEVICE=<FPGA platform>
Then you may be able to run the on-board test as follows.
./host ./build_dir.hw.<FPGA platform> ./data/data_1^N.txt N
Bonsai supports various Xilinx platforms such as: VCU1525(ASW F1), U200 and U250. The only difference across different platforms is when running a tree using multiple DRAM banks, Bonsai may experience different place&route strategy, as different platforms have different organizations of DRAM banks and SLRs. For any further information or support, please send email to <>.