A SSH honeypot is a security mechanism designed to detect and deflect unauthorized access attempts to a network or server by mimicking a legitimate SSH (Secure Shell) service. It operates by presenting a fake SSH server that appears real to potential attackers, enticing them to interact with it. The honeypot logs all activities, enabling administrators to analyze intrusion attempts, gather information about attackers, and enhance their overall cybersecurity defenses.
Endlessh is a tool used for setting up an SSH honeypot. A tarpit, in this context, refers to a service that intentionally slows down or "traps" potential attackers, making it difficult for them to carry out their attacks quickly. So, an Endlessh tarpit is essentially an SSH honeypot created using Endlessh that traps and slows down SSH attackers, wasting their time and resources.
Creating an SSH Endlessh honeypot involves several steps:
Setting up a Linux system: Start by setting up a Linux system where you'll run the Endlessh honeypot. You can use a virtual machine or a dedicated server for this purpose.
Installing Endlessh: Clone the Endlessh repository from GitHub or download the source code. Compile it on your Linux system following the instructions provided in the repository's README file.
Configuring Endlessh: Once compiled, configure Endlessh according to your preferences. This typically involves specifying the port on which Endlessh will listen for incoming connections and adjusting any other settings as needed.
Starting Endlessh: After configuring Endlessh, start the honeypot service. You can do this by running the Endlessh executable with appropriate command-line arguments or by creating a systemd service unit if you're using a systemd-based Linux distribution.
Monitoring and analyzing logs: Monitor the logs generated by Endlessh to track incoming connection attempts. Analyze these logs regularly to identify potential attackers and understand their tactics.
Stuck them forever: Endlessh will generate random weird lines time to time when the attackers try to login and they face they are stucked but can't get access to the port.
By following these steps, you can set up an SSH Endlessh honeypot to detect and deter potential attackers while gathering valuable insights into their activities.
Go to your Linux or Virtual machine and copy paste this code.
git clone https://github.com/skeeto/endlessh
After its done use command
cd endlessh
After changing directory Use the command
Install the sudo package
sudo apt install libc6-dev
Move the folder to usr/local/bin
sudo mv endlessh /usr/local/bin/
Verify your folder by this command
which endlessh
After Verification of folder Run this command to copy the file to another folder
`sudo cp util/endlessh.service /etc/systemd/system`

Enable the systemd server
`sudo systemctl enable endlessh`
Create a configuration file
`mkdir -p /etc/endlessh`
Create a folder in etc/endlessh/config
`sudo nvim /etc/endlessh/config`
Edit it to "Port 22" and save the file

Now we are ready to start endlessh So now run this code
`sudo systemctl start endlessh`
Now verify that it is running on "Port 22" by running this command
`netstat -tulpn | grep endlessh`

Now If anyone tries to login "port 22" the cursor will stopped at his place an delay the time of hacker

The endlessh will show up those weird random lines which are generated at each 30 seconds to the attackers and waste their time then stuck them forever