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Code Style Guide: CSS

ajcw edited this page Dec 18, 2012 · 10 revisions

This is the Code Style guide for CSS. See the main Code Style Guide page for other languages.


Use an indent of two spaces, with no tabs.

Names & Capitalization

ID names should be in lowerCamelCase.

#pageContainer {

Class names should be in lowercase, with words separated by underscores.

.my_class_name {

HTML elements should be in lowercase.

body, div {

Use External Stylesheets

Do not write inline styles or embedded styles unless unavoidable. Inlining or embedding styles is most likely avoidable — ask the ThinkUp mailing list if you’re not sure.

For performance reasons (see Steve Souder’s blog), always link to external stylesheets using the <link> syntax rather than the import syntax.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="a.css"> <!-- Okay -->
<style type="text/css">@import url("a.css");</style> <!-- Not Okay -->

Write Valid CSS

ThinkUp’s CSS should be valid to the CSS 2.1 specification. CSS 3.0 rules are acceptable as long as they degrade gracefully.

Run any CSS you write through the W3C validator and ensure it passes before submitting a pull request.


Comments are strongly encouraged. Concerned about performance? Don’t worry, comments can be removed by CSS minification utilities for use on production servers.

Comments that refer to selector blocks should be on a separate line immediately before the block to which they refer. Short inline comments may be added after a property-value pair, preceded with a space.

/* Comment about this selector block. */
selector {
  property: value; /* Comment about this property-value pair. */

Only C style comments (/* Comment goes here. */) are valid for CSS code. Do not use C++ style comments (// Comment goes here.).


Selectors should be on a single line, with a space after the last selector, followed by an opening brace. A selector block should end with a closing curly brace that is unindented and on a separate line. A blank line should be placed between each selector block. Selectors should never be indented.

selector {

selector {

Multiple selectors should each be on a single line, with no space after each comma.

selector4 {

When selecting HTML elements, write the selector in lowercase.

div { /* Okay */
DIV { /* Not okay */

Property-Value Pairs

Property-value pairs should be listed starting on the line after the opening curly brace. Each pair should:

  • be on its own line;
  • be indented one level;
  • have a single space after the colon that separates the property name from the property value; and
  • end in a semicolon.
selector {
  name: value;
  name: value;

Multiple property-value pairs should be listed in alphabetical order by property.

/* Not okay */
body {
  font-weight: normal;
  width: 500px;
  background: #000;

/* Okay */
body {
  background: #000;
  font-weight: normal;
  width: 500px;

For properties with multiple values, separate each value with a single space following the comma(s).

  font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;

If a single value contains any spaces, that value must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

  font-family: "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, sans-serif;


When denoting color using hexadecimal notation, use all capital letters. Both three-digit and six-digit hexadecimal notation are acceptable; if it’s possible to specify the desired color using three-digit hexadecimal notation, do so as you’ll save the end-user a few bytes of download time.

  color: #FFF;    /* Okay */
  color: #FE9848; /* Okay */
  color: #fff;    /* Not okay */


When denoting the dimensions — that is, the width or height — of an element or its margins, borders, or padding, specify the units in either em, px, or %. If the value of the width or height is 0, do not specify units.

  width: 12px;  /* Okay */
  width: 12%;   /* Okay */
  width: 12em;  /* Okay */
  width: 12rem; /* Okay */
  width: 0;     /* Okay */
  width: 12;    /* Not okay */
  width: 0px;   /* Not okay */
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