10000 GitHub - TennisGazelle/blender-pipeline: a simple pipeline for new and experienced blender artists.
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blender-as-a-pipeline (BAAP)

Template pipeline for individual, small-team sized Blender project development.

Build Status
Sample PR Render Build PR Render
Sample Full Render Build Full Render
Docker Container Creation Build Docker Image Publishing

This uses Docker to run a small image of blender into a Github Action that has staged rendering. The Stages in rendering are tightly coupled with the animator's workflow in mind.

Quick Links

Site URL
Docker Container https://hub.docker.com/r/tennisgazelle/blender-pipeline
Website Repo https://github.com/TennisGazelle/baap-website
Website https://github.com/TennisGazelle/blender-pipeline

Diagram of Blender Pipeline

Quick start


Needed to be installed/configured on your local machine.

  • python3
    • pyyaml
  • blender (technically optional)
  • docker
    • You may run ./scripts/install_docker_linux.sh if you are using a linux machine.

Set Up

Copy this repo's contents to your projects workdir. Place your blender files into blender/ and your image resource files into imgs/resources. Be sure to relink everything.

Terminology - "Stage"

A stage is a specific rendering configuration, details in config.yaml, consisting of at least one blender file to be rendered. The information held in such a stage includes:

  buffer_frames: 1-9,11-20      # frames 1 through 20 except 10
  force_update: false           # force frame to rerender, even if file exists
  render_output: 'imgs/buffer/' # where to put the output of that file
  engine: CYCLES                # EEVEE support coming soon
  blend_file: scene.blend       # the blend file in question
  render_format: PNG            # what format the output should be in
  blender_flags: ''             # parameters for blender to be used in the docker call
file_output_format: '{bfile}_{stage}_####'

for blender_flags:, use flags found for blender arguments found here

file_output_format arguments:

Arg Desc
bfile Blender file
stage Name of stage
#### Frame number

In this project, Stage scene refers to the blend file that contains the models/textures to be build, and stage edit includes the blender file with post processing.

Terminology - "Model"

A model is reference to an OBJ file outputted by a 3D modeler, void of static (image) and dynamic (procedural) texture information. A model may be autorendered in turnstyle format based on configuration as defaulted below:

  - cool_cube:
    obj_file: 'blender/models/curve-skeleton-cube.obj'
    render_output: 'imgs/out/models/'
    scaling_factor: 1 # default (1)
    remove_doubles: true # default (false)
    edge_split: false # default (false)
    depth_scale: 1.4 # default (1.4)
    color_depth: 8 # default (8)
    format: PNG # default PNG
    video: false # default (false); if true, format is ____ and rotation_iteration will be 5 sec rotation at 30 fps (150)
    resolution: 600 # is square; default (600)
    rotation_iterations: 30 # default 6
      - color # default only one active
      - depth
      - normal
      - albedo
      - id
model_output_format: '{model}_{angle}_{map}

model_output_format arguments:

Arg Desc
model name of model (ex. 'cool_cube')
objfile Object file
angle Angle of Camera [0-360)
map which type of map it is (see models.MODEL_NAME.include options)

In this project, cool_cube is the shape found in blender/cool_scene.blend.


  1. (optional) Set up the Docker image locally (this will take some time).
docker build -t blender-pipeline scripts/

You can also just download the image to save time

docker pull tennisgazelle/blender-pipeline:latest
  1. If you just downloaded this project, first set the paths of your working directory.
make set_paths

You can verify the output of this with make get_paths

  1. Render the scene stage
make scene_render
  1. Render the post processing stage (edit)
make edit_render

Raw, individual frames will populate in imgs/buffer/ without post processing. A video file will be found in imgs/out/ with post processing.

Research and Bibliography

Links I want to use
