Ivy is a modern, minimalistic and efficient 3D framework. It can be used as a rendering and ecs backend for your game or simulation. Supported platforms are Windows 10 and GNU/Linux with a kernel >= 5.0. Note that this is my honours project for my bachelors degree in Games Programming at SAE Institute Munich.
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- Multiplatform (Linux & Windows)
- Multiple mesh and texture formats
- Easy material and shader pipeline
- Input system, window management, fast logging
- Integrated ImGui
- PBR lighting for directional lights and spot lights
- PBR roughness & metallic workflow with texture support
- Image based lighting
- Cascaded shadow mapping
- Postprocessing pass
- Motion blur & depth of field
- Atmospheric scattering (disabled by default)
- Skeletal animation
- API Documentation
Get started by cloning this repository: git clone https://github.com/TKscoot/Ivy/
- C++17 Compiler
- GCC >=7 (Linux)
- MSVC >=15.9 (Windows)
- Premake 5
- OpenGL >= 4.5 capable graphics card
- OpenGL >= 4.5
- GLAD (included)
- GLFW (included)
- Assimp (included)
- glm (included)
- ImGui (included)
- spdlog (included)
- stb_image (included)
- std17
On Windows Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 are recommended. Compiling on Linux was tested with GCC. LL A34E VM/Clang could work but has not been tested.
Generate project files with Premake5. Make sure your premake executable is in the root folder of the Ivy repository or in your %PATH%. Open a command prompt and navigate to the repo root folder and execute following commands.
For Visual Studio 2017 do:
.\premake5.exe vs2017
For Visual Studio 2019 do:
.\premake5.exe vs2019
Then open the Solution and build it inside Visual Studio.
The .lib file of the Ivy Framework can be found in Build/Bin
The .lib files of the external libraries can be found in projects/Ivy/dependencies
Make sure you have the correct GCC version, premake5 and all dependencies installed.
Every distribution
Download premake-5.0.0-alpha15-linux.tar.gz from the Premake Homepage. Unpack the content to your Ivy repository folder or any folder in your path.
Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S premake
Information about Premake5 and all supported project file generators can be found here!
To generate a GNU makefile with premake you need to execute following command:
premake5 gmake
To build Ivy just type:
The demo program can be run from Build/Bin/Sandbox/<configuration>.
To use the framework you have to link against following libraries: Ivy GLAD ImGui glfw assimp
Linking only to Ivy
is coming soon™.
If you want to use premake for your project you can use the "Sandbox" template project from the premake5.lua file in the root of the repo.
#include <Ivy.h>
using namespace Ivy;
int main()
// Creating the Engine object
Ptr<Engine> engine = CreatePtr<Engine>();
// Initializing Ivy and creating a window
engine->Initialize(1280, 720, "Sample App");
// Getting the pointer to the scene
Ptr<Scene> scene = Scene::GetScene();
// Setting up skybox with 6 textures for the cubetexture
Vector<String> skyboxTextures =
// Telling the scene to use these textures as skybox
// Changing the direction of the default directional light
scene->SetDirectionalLightDirection(Vec3(-2.0f, 4.0f, -1.0f));
// Adding a pointlight to our scene
Vec3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
Vec3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f),
Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
// Adding an entity to our scene
Ptr<Entity> sampleEntity = scene->CreateEntity();
// Attaching a Mesh component to our sample entity
sampleEntity->AddComponent(CreatePtr<Mesh>(sampleEntity.get(), "assets/models/Cerberus.FBX"));
// Getting the default Material component from our entity
Ptr<Material> sampleMat = towerEntity->GetFirstComponentOfType<Material>();
// Assigning normal, metallic and roughness PBR textures to the material
sampleMat->LoadTexture("assets/textures/Cerberus/Cerberus_N.tga", Material::TextureMapType::NORMAL);
sampleMat->LoadTexture("assets/textures/Cerberus/Cerberus_M.tga", Material::TextureMapType::METALLIC);
sampleMat->LoadTexture("assets/textures/Cerberus/Cerberus_R.tga", Material::TextureMapType::ROUGHNESS);
// Game loop while the engine shouldn't terminate
// Exit our program when the escape key is pressed down
// Telling Ivy to begin the new frame