Simple REST-style web service for the CVE searching.
You must have running ruby, git, mongodb and nginx in your local machine.
curl --ssl -s | bash -
Search for an specific CVE using its ID
Search for several CVEs
Search for CVEs related to a CPE without versions
List all the available CPEs with versions
Search for CVEs related to a CPE with versions
- http://localhost:port/v1/cpe_with_version/samba:samba:4.0.0
- http://localhost:port/v1/cpe_with_version/samba:samba:4.0.0,apache:http_server:2.4.4
- Don't forget to encode the URI if that has special characters, example:
- URI::encode('/v1/cpe_with_version/cisco:ios:15.4%282%29t1')
List all the available CPEs with versions
- Clone our repository.
git clone
- Install the ruby dependencies.
bundle install
- Configure your database.
vi config/database.yml
- Download, create and populate the database for your environment from the National Vulnerability Database via the NVD CVE/CPE API.
Note: The new API service is JSON only.
RACK_ENV=development ./bin/nvd_download_and_seed
** The download may take hours to complete **
- Start the server.
RACK_ENV=development puma
CVEServer is released under the MIT License