Hello, my name is Sourav Goswami, I'm a developer currently at Cybergizer. I have over 5 years of extensive working experience with Ruby and C Programming languages.
I love to code, and my only hobbies are either to code or tinker with electronic stuff - I always listen to music as well!
I also love to write on Quora, Ruby-Forum, and other sites to spread the little knowledge I possess, also learn something new in the way!
I love to binge watch some good youtube channels like Creel, Javidx9, Veritasium, VSauce, BranchEducation, NumberPhile, ComputerPhile - to name a few!
I believe Programmers are like 21st centuries architect, slowly pushing humanity beyond the limit. Through the little I do, my target remains helping fellow developers with some better and faster libraries, and other people through some cool, faster tools with a lot of features.