8000 GitHub - SleekPanther/bellman-ford: Shortest Paths from every vertex to a goal vertex allowing negative-weight edges (when Dijkstra's fails)
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Shortest Paths from every vertex to a goal vertex allowing negative-weight edges (when Dijkstra's fails)

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Bellman Ford (Shortest Paths with Negative Weights)

Dynamic programming algorithm to find the shortest paths from every vertex to the goal vertex. Edges can have negative weights, but no negative-weight cycles (otherwise you could keep looping over a negative-weight cycle to get an infinitely negative number & shortest path would have no meaning). Dijkstra's fails for negative-wiehgt edges but Bellman-Ford can do it.

Optimal Substructure

The shortest path between any 2 vertices uses at most n-1 edges (n=number of vertices). Since there cannot be any negative-weight cycles, any more than n-1 edges would only add to the total path cost so the algorithm stops when n-1 edges have been considered.
Bellman-Ford considers the shortest paths in increasing order of number of edges used starting from 0 edges (hence infinity for all but the goal node), then shortest paths using 1 edge, up to n-1 edges.


Input Graphs

Graph 1

Graph 2


  • int[][][] graph is an adjacency list for a weighted, directed graph
    • graph[0] contains all edges FROM vertex 0
    • Each graph[0][v] is an edge as a 2D array containing [destinationVertex, edgeWeight]
    • So for Graph 1, graph[0] is { {1, 6}, {2, 7} }, meaning there are 2 edges FROM vertex 0:
      1. (0 → 1) weight=6
      2. (0 → 2) weight=7
    • Put an empty array {} in a row for a vertex that has no outgoing edges (see graph 2 for example)
  • String[] vertexNames convert array index (e.g. 0, 1, 2, ...) to human-readable names
    The Dynamic Programming deals with vertices as int, but prints the final paths using this conversion array
  • startingVertex & a goalVertex as int. These indexes correspond to vertexNames[] and graph[][][], but S and T don't have to be the 1st & last items in the arrays, they don't even have to be called "S" and "T"

Graph 1 Memoization Table

For Bellman-Ford, the last row is the most important. This final row holds cost of the shortest path from any vertex to the goal vertex using using at most n-1 edges. (A value is infinity if it cannot be reached)
Retracing the actual path is done using the successors[]. Each entry in the memoization table also contains the next vertex in the path (or -1 if no path has been found).
Follow the path by looking 1 row above and at the column indicated by the successor. Stop when the goalVertex is reached

Code Notes

  • In findShortestPaths, i is an edge counter representing how many edges can currently be included in the shortest path
  • printTable() displays "inf" for "infinity" because the underlying code uses Integer.MAX_VALUE and 10-digit numbers mess up the column alignment when printing
  • Integer.MAX_VALUE represents infinity, but that requires some extra code to make sure overflow doesn't occur.
    if(memoTable[i-1][destinationVertex] != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
    This makes sure that the previous row's value is NOT infinity before adding the weight of the new edge, otherwise it would result in a hugely negative number
  • possiblePathCosts holds costs of all possible paths coming FROM the sourceVertex and also the successor where that path went. The minimum of all these paths 1 edge away from sourceVertex is chosen and the successor is also stored