Using the Principles of Virology to match biology and artificial life for synthetic production by using another symbolic language generated with interactions of a computer (hint) like the Influenza virus. The symbolic langugae to describe behavior or logic, like how math does for physics, is all that is wanted. 1993FD is not the AIS. I threw away the book in 2016 created by a doctor and never brought the one called Artificial Chemistry. I will probably never work on NAB(immune system).
Without the language like math, it is useless to do this work. Biology to Synthetic Biology may be easy. Synthetic Biology to Artificial Life will require an inaccurate set of rules that generate two languages for the behavior (SB to AL) and definition (B and SB) on any virus.
B -> SB -> AL -> SB -> B
Biology (
The Influenza Viruses ISBN 10: 146128094X / ISBN 13: 9781461280941
Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis, and Control of Animal Viruses, 2nd Edition ISBN-13: 978-1555812591, ISBN-10: 1555812597
Synthetic Biology (
Recent success with molecular programming: . Past success with molecular programming:!publications
Artificial Life (
Helpful books:
Artificial Life
Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and Evolution ISBN 10: 0929408071ISBN 13: 9780929408071
Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques (book by author)
- steal
- Dell - only open hardware
- HP - super duter, computing biology, not destructive, completely intuitive system
- spy - spy([bloat]soft)ware
- (GET) rape - virus, worm, tro-jan
- forget - police (people), military (government), ...oh so stupid
- repeat - mal(soft)ware
NASA | Italy | Air Force | Texas | MIT | Import Tuner | Waiting 2030 | Waiting 2040 |
Yu-Gi-Oh | Elf or Vampire | XMEN | Mirror Edge | Juiced | Mario | Zelda | |
Government | The Order | The Society | Police | Gang | Professional | Ariana | |
a game | supernatural eye | protected | relations | family | sport | character |
2030-4 activity(gov)/dt home(lovenotpleasure,royal)/usefultoyou(divine)
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