EasyCID is a practical and efficient tool for analyzing unknown mixtures with Raman spectroscopy. EasyCID provides a total workflow of component Identification consisting of three functions: create the spectral database for managing Raman spectra, build the CNN model for each pure compound in spectral database, and identify the components in the unknown mixtures automatically and efficiently. In EasyCID, all the above functions can be easily implemented with the assistance of the graphical user interface (GUI).
The current install version of EasyCID only supports Windows 64-bit version. It has been test on Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Install Package: EasyCID-1.0.1-Windows.exe
Install Git
Open commond line, create environment and enter with the following commands:
conda create -n EasyCID python=3.7 conda activate EasyCID
Clone the repository and enter:
git clone https://github.com/Ryan21wy/EasyCID.git cd EasyCID
Install dependency with the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run MainCode.py:
python MainCode.py
- Build Database & Import Data
- Training CNN Models
- Prediction
- Save Results
The Full video for using the EasyCID is available at the video folder.
For the details on how to use EasyCID, please check PDF ducomentation.
The html ducomentation and a demo are provided in the EasyCID GUI.
Wang Yue
E-mail: ryanwy@csu.edu.cn