Due to a combination of factors such as not having enough time, whatsapp being really hard to theme / changes often, and the existence of my friend's vednoc dark-whatsapp, I decided to archive this theme. If you like the deepdark/breezedark colors feel free to check out vednoc's dark-switcher.
Talk with thy friends in the dark. May the dark be kinder on thine eyes. (WhatsApp dark theme)
This is a dark theme for WhatsApp inspired by FT DeepDark.
Also, credit where credit is due. (@KDE, @horst3180, @linuxmint, Firefox, YouTube and Discord)
- Stylus - get the addon for Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
- This is only available using Stylus (see the documentation).
- Also see the documentation for information about customizing the theme. 🎉
Theme as a userstyle here.
You can also install all my themes at once from here.
The colors are available in the code; different colors can be used.
Due to privacy reasons I will not upload any more images. Please look at my other themes to get an idea of the color palettes if you don't know how they look.