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GCP HA storage solution for DB migration


Core Steps

(1) to set up Spanner instance (in GCP storage catalog)

(2) to create DB (schema & table)

(3) to load data

(4) to commit row data for column due to timestamp (DateTime convertor is included)

(5) to query from Sapnner DB

(6) to delete Spanner instance to free up resources

Key Characters

  1. HA

  2. Scalability

  3. Distribution

  4. Relational DB

  5. ACID (supported)

from step 1:

to create a Spanner Instance

  • 1.1, In Cloud Console, Nagivation Bar >> Storage >> Spanner


form step 2:

to create DB

  • 2.1, use Sample Code Below =>

      using System;
      using System.Threading.Tasks;
      using Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data;
      using CommandLine;
      namespace GoogleGame.ScoreBoard
          [Verb("create", HelpText = "Create a sample Cloud Spanner database "
              + "along with sample 'Players' and 'Scores' tables in your project.")]
      class CreateOptions
          [Value(0, HelpText = "The project ID of the project to use "
              + "when creating Cloud Spanner resources.", Required = true)]
          public string projectId { get; set; }
          [Value(1, HelpText = "The ID of the instance where the sample database "
              + "will be created.", Required = true)]
          public string instanceId { get; set; }
          [Value(2, HelpText = "The ID of the sample database to create.",
              Required = true)]
          public string databaseId { get; set; }
      public class Program
          enum ExitCode : int
              Success = 0,
              InvalidParameter = 1,
          public static object Create(string projectId,
              string instanceId, string databaseId)
              var response =
                  CreateAsync(projectId, instanceId, databaseId);
              Console.WriteLine("Waiting for operation to complete...");
              Console.WriteLine($"Operation status: {response.Status}");
              Console.WriteLine($"Created sample database {databaseId} on "
                  + $"instance {instanceId}");
              return ExitCode.Success;
          public static async Task CreateAsync(
              string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
              // Initialize request connection string for database creation.
              string connectionString =
                  $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}";
              using (var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString))
                  string createStatement = $"CREATE DATABASE `{databaseId}`";
                  string[] createTableStatements = new string[] {
                    // Define create table statement for Players table.
                    @"CREATE TABLE Players(
                      PlayerId INT64 NOT NULL,
                      PlayerName STRING(2048) NOT NULL
                    ) PRIMARY KEY(PlayerId)",
                    // Define create table statement for Scores table.
                    @"CREATE TABLE Scores(
                      PlayerId INT64 NOT NULL,
                      Score INT64 NOT NULL,
                      Timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL OPTIONS(allow_commit_timestamp=true)
                    ) PRIMARY KEY(PlayerId, Timestamp),
                        INTERLEAVE IN PARENT Players ON DELETE NO ACTION" };
                  // Make the request.
                  var cmd = connection.CreateDdlCommand(
                      createStatement, createTableStatements);
                      await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                  catch (SpannerException e) when
                      (e.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.AlreadyExists)
                      // OK.
          public static int Main(string[] args)
              var verbMap = new VerbMap<object>();
                  .Add((CreateOptions opts) => Create(
                      opts.projectId, opts.instanceId, opts.databaseId))
                  .NotParsedFunc = (err) => 1;
              return (int)verbMap.Run(args);


  • 2.2, to ues Sample code below for project file which is called ScoreBoard.csproj=>

      <PackageReference Include="CommandLineParser" Version="2.8.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data" Version="2.0.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Google.Cloud.Spanner.V1" Version="2.0.0" />
      <ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\commandlineutil\Lib\CommandLineUtil.csproj" />
  • 2.3, check Ref in the step 2.2 =>

    This change adds references:

      to the two C# Spanner Nuget packages "Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data" and "Google.Cloud.Spanner.V1" that you need to interact with the Cloud Spanner API.
      to the open source "CommandLineParser Nuget package" which is a handy library for handling command line input for console applications.
      to the "CommandLineUtil" project which is part of the dotnet-doc-samples Github repository and provides a useful "verbmap" extension to the CommandLineParser.

DB Migration - 1 -> Create DB

  • 2.4, run the C# App =>

    $dotnet run
    $dotnet run create
    $dotnet run create [PROJECT_ID] [spanner instance name] [app file name]
    $dotnet run create [PROJECT_ID] [spanner name see step 1.1] scoreboard
      Waiting for operation to complete...
      Operation status: RanToCompletion
      Created sample database scoreboard on instance cloudspanner-leaderboard
  • 2.5, check resulting output in Cloud Console =>

    spanner db

from step 3

to add ACID feature code block and load data.

  • 3.1, add insert cmd code block under "Verbmap"

          [Verb("insert", HelpText = "Insert sample 'players' records or 'scores' records "
                  + "into the database.")]
              class InsertOptions
                  [Value(0, HelpText = "The project ID of the project to use "
                      + "when managing Cloud Spanner resources.", Required = true)]
                  public string projectId { get; set; }
                  [Value(1, HelpText = "The ID of the instance where the sample database resides.",
                      Required = true)]
                  public string instanceId { get; set; }
                  [Value(2, HelpText = "The ID of the database where the sample database resides.",
                      Required = true)]
                  public string databaseId { get; set; }
                  [Value(3, HelpText = "The type of insert to perform, 'players' or 'scores'.",
                      Required = true)]
                  public string insertType { get; set; }
  • 3.2, add methods below beneath the existing method called "CreateAsync" =>

      public static object Insert(string projectId,
          string instanceId, string databaseId, string insertType)
          if (insertType.ToLower() == "players")
              var responseTask =
                  InsertPlayersAsync(projectId, instanceId, databaseId);
              Console.WriteLine("Waiting for insert players operation to complete...");
              Console.WriteLine($"Operation status: {responseTask.Status}");
          else if (insertType.ToLower() == "scores")
              var responseTask =
                  InsertScoresAsync(projectId, instanceId, databaseId);
              Console.WriteLine("Waiting for insert scores operation to complete...");
              Console.WriteLine($"Operation status: {responseTask.Status}");
              Console.WriteLine("Invalid value for 'type of insert'. "
                  + "Specify 'players' or 'scores'.");
              return ExitCode.InvalidParameter;
          Console.WriteLine($"Inserted {insertType} into sample database "
              + $"{databaseId} on instance {instanceId}");
          return ExitCode.Success;
      public static async Task InsertPlayersAsync(string projectId,
          string instanceId, string databaseId)
          string connectionString =
              $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}"
              + $"/databases/{databaseId}";
          Int64 numberOfPlayers = 0;
          using (var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString))
              await connection.OpenAsync();
              using (var tx = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync())
                  // Execute a SQL statement to get current number of records
                  // in the Players table.
                  var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(
                      @"SELECT Count(PlayerId) as PlayerCount FROM Players");
                  cmd.Transaction = tx;
                  using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                      while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                          long parsedValue;
                          if (reader["PlayerCount"] != DBNull.Value)
                              bool result = Int64.TryParse(
                                      out parsedValue);
                              if (result)
                                  numberOfPlayers = parsedValue;
                  // Insert 100 player records into the Players table.
                  using (cmd = connection.CreateInsertCommand(
                      "Players", new SpannerParameterCollection
                      { "PlayerId", SpannerDbType.String },
                      { "PlayerName", SpannerDbType.String }
                      cmd.Transaction = tx;
                      for (var x = 1; x <= 100; x++)
                          cmd.Parameters["PlayerId"].Value =
                          cmd.Parameters["PlayerName"].Value =
                              $"Player {numberOfPlayers}";
                  await tx.CommitAsync();
          Console.WriteLine("Done inserting player records...");
      public static async Task InsertScoresAsync(
          string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
          string connectionString =
          $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}"
          + $"/databases/{databaseId}";
          // Insert 4 score records into the Scores table for each player in the Players table.
          using (var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString))
              await connection.OpenAsync();
              Random r = new Random();
              bool playerRecordsFound = false;
              var cmdLookup = connection.CreateSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM Players");
              using (var reader = await cmdLookup.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                  while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                      if (!playerRecordsFound)
                          playerRecordsFound = true;
                      using (var tx = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync())
                      using (var cmd = connection.CreateInsertCommand(
                          "Scores", new SpannerParameterCollection
                          { "PlayerId", SpannerDbType.String },
                          { "Score", SpannerDbType.Int64 },
                          { "Timestamp", SpannerDbType.Timestamp }
                          cmd.Transaction = tx;
                          for (var x = 1; x <= 4; x++)
                              DateTime randomTimestamp = DateTime.Now
                                  .AddYears(r.Next(-2, 1))
                                  .AddMonths(r.Next(-12, 1))
                                  .AddDays(r.Next(-10, 1))
                                  .AddSeconds(r.Next(-60, 0))
                                  .AddMilliseconds(r.Next(-100000, 0));
                              cmd.Parameters["PlayerId"].Value =
                              // Insert random score value between 10000 and 1000000.
                              cmd.Parameters["Score"].Value = r.Next(1000, 1000001);
                              // Insert random past timestamp
                              // value into Timestamp column.
                              cmd.Parameters["Timestamp"].Value =
                          await tx.CommitAsync();
                  if (!playerRecordsFound)
                      Console.WriteLine("Parameter 'scores' is invalid since "
                      + "no player records currently exist. First insert players "
                      + "then insert scores.");
                      Console.WriteLine("Done inserting score records...");
  • 3.3, add following code into Main method =>

       .Add((InsertOptions opts) => Insert(
                      opts.projectId, opts.instanceId, opts.databaseId, opts.insertType))
  • 3.4, run App again to create Schema and Table =>

       dotnet run
        create     Create a sample Cloud Spanner database along with sample 'Players' and 'Scores' tables in your project.
  • 3.5, to load data.

       dotnet run insert
        value pos. 0    Required. The project ID of the project to use when managing Cloud Spanner resources.
        value pos. 1    Required. The ID of the instance where the sample database resides.
        value pos. 2    Required. The ID of the database where the sample database resides.
        value pos. 3    Required. The type of insert to perform, 'players' or 'scores'.

DB Migration - 2 -> Load Data

dotnet run insert [PROJECT_ID] [spanner instance name] [app name] [column name]

dotnet run insert [PROJECT_ID] cloudspanner-leaderboard scoreboard players

Waiting for insert players operation to complete...
Done inserting player records...
Operation status: RanToCompletion
Inserted players into sample database scoreboard on instance cloudspanner-leaderboard

DB Migraion - 3 -> Commit within TimeStamp

from step 4

Timestamp code

  • 4.1, add timestamp column to table =>

      CREATE TABLE Scores(
       PlayerId INT64 NOT NULL,
       Score INT64 NOT NULL,
       Timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL OPTIONS(allow_commit_timestamp=true)
     ) PRIMARY KEY(PlayerId, Timestamp),
  • 4.2, to run app again, and to load row data append timestamp.

      dotnet run insert [PROJECT_ID] cloudspanner-leaderboard scoreboard scores
      Waiting for insert players operation to complete...
      Done inserting player records...
      Operation status: RanToCompletion
      Inserted scores into sample database scoreboard on instance cloudspanner-leaderboard
  • 4.3, create generatior code for timestamp convert into DateTime =>

         DateTime randomTimestamp = DateTime.Now
           .AddYears(r.Next(-2, 1))
           .AddMonths(r.Next(-12, 1))
           .AddDays(r.Next(-10, 1))
           .AddSeconds(r.Next(-60, 0))
           .AddMilliseconds(r.Next(-100000, 0));
      cmd.Parameters["Timestamp"].Value = randomTimestamp.ToString("o");
  • 4.4, check resulting output in cloud console =>

spanner db data loaded

DB Migration - 4 -> Query from Spanner Instance DB app

  • 5.1,

      [Verb("query", HelpText = "Query players with 'Top Ten' scores within a specific timespan "
          + "from sample Cloud Spanner database table.")]
      class QueryOptions
          [Value(0, HelpText = "The project ID of the project to use "
              + "when managing Cloud Spanner resources.", Required = true)]
          public string projectId { get; set; }
          [Value(1, HelpText = "The ID of the instance where the sample data resides.",
              Required = true)]
          public string instanceId { get; set; }
          [Value(2, HelpText = "The ID of the database where the sample data resides.",
              Required = true)]
          public string databaseId { get; set; }
          [Value(3, Default = 0, HelpText = "The timespan in hours that will be used to filter the "
              + "results based on a record's timestamp. The default will return the "
              + "'Top Ten' scores of all time.")]
          public int timespan { get; set; }
    • 5.2, add code below under existing method called "InsertScoreAsync" =>

        public static object Query(string projectId,
                  string instanceId, string databaseId, int timespan)
                  var response = QueryAsync(
                      projectId, instanceId, databaseId, timespan);
                  return ExitCode.Success;
      public static async Task QueryAsync(
                  string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId, int timespan)
                  string connectionString =
                  $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/"
                  + $"{instanceId}/databases/{databaseId}";
                  // Create connection to Cloud Spanner.
                  using (var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString))
                      string sqlCommand;
                      if (timespan == 0)
                          // No timespan specified. Query Top Ten scores of all time.
                          sqlCommand =
                              @"SELECT p.PlayerId, p.PlayerName, s.Score, s.Timestamp
                                  FROM Players p
                                  JOIN Scores s ON p.PlayerId = s.PlayerId
                                  ORDER BY s.Score DESC LIMIT 10";
                          // Query Top Ten scores filtered by the timepan specified.
                          sqlCommand =
                              $@"SELECT p.PlayerId, p.PlayerName, s.Score, s.Timestamp
                                  FROM Players p
                                  JOIN Scores s ON p.PlayerId = s.PlayerId
                                  WHERE s.Timestamp >
                                      INTERVAL {timespan.ToString()} HOUR)
                                  ORDER BY s.Score DESC LIMIT 10";
                      var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand(sqlCommand);
                      using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                          while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                              Console.WriteLine("PlayerId : "
                                + reader.GetFieldValue<string>("PlayerId")
                                + " PlayerName : "
                                + reader.GetFieldValue<string>("PlayerName")
                                + " Score : "
                                + string.Format("{0:n0}",
                                + " Timestamp : "
                                + reader.GetFieldValue<string>("Timestamp").Substring(0, 10));
  • 5.3, add following code into Main method =>

      .Add((QueryOptions opts) => Query(
                          opts.projectId, opts.instanceId, opts.databaseId, opts.timespan))
  • 5.4, to run app again.

     dotnet run 
       create     Create a sample Cloud Spanner database along with sample 'Players' and 'Scores' tables in your project.
  • 5.5, to do query from app.

     dotnet run query
      value pos. 0    Required. The project ID of the project to use when managing Cloud Spanner resources.
       value pos. 1    Required. The ID of the instance where the sample data resides.
       value pos. 2    Required. The ID of the database where the sample data resides.
       value pos. 3    (Default: 0) The timespan in hours that will be used to filter the results based on a record's timestamp. The default will return the 'Top Ten' scores of all time.
  • 5.6, to do query from Spanner Instance DB app.

    dotnet run query PROJECT_ID [spanner instance name] [app name]
    dotnet run query PROJECT_ID cloudspanner-leaderboard scoreboard
      PlayerId : 1843159180 PlayerName : Player 87 Score : 998,955 Timestamp : 2016-03-23
      PlayerId : 61891198 PlayerName : Player 19 Score : 998,720 Timestamp : 2016-03-26
      PlayerId : 340906298 PlayerName : Player 48 Score : 993,302 Timestamp : 2015-08-27