I am quite tall, I have curly hair. I tell everyone favourite animal is the Capybara, but really it's a Fox 🦊.
Like guinea pigs the size of sheep - Photo by Arpingstone
I don't make anything important. Got a couple of things that others seem to like though
- git-mit - Helps you set co-authers on git commits, and will add in ticket numbers for you
- A Good README Template - Semi-tutorial, semi-template on how to make a good README
- A snippet pack for alfred - I wanted all the Emoji's in my alfred, so I made this
- dotfiles - My dotfiles are also kicking about in here too
I have spoken a bunch of places, Google is the best way to find those, but here's some recent recordings I kinda like
I also sometimes write things. Lately that's been on the Armakuni blog, like this VSM article.
If you want to read the terrible things I tweet and toot, you can follow below. I mostly tweet about tech-y stuff and sometimes trans stuff.