Chrisbin’s MacBook Pro is a portfolio website created as a web Simulation of macOS Big Sur using Flutter web. The idea is to provide a glimpse at my personal MacBook Pro. The project shows the powe…
Studying for a tech interview sucks. Here's an open source cheat sheet to help
Flutter Design Patterns application
An experimental project to depict web routing in flutter
Highly Subjective Roadmap to Flutter Development
An app showcasing Flutter components, with side-by-side source code view.
Flutter package to display tweets from a Twitter API JSON (v1 or v2) on Android and iOS. Support for Tweets with 1-4 photos, Video, GIFs, hashtags, mentions, symbols, urls, quoted Tweets and retweets.
✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by
A collection of fun Flutter experiments, created by gskinner, in partnership with Google.
Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs.
Superpowers for Dart. Collection of useful static extension methods.
Flutter Version Management: A simple CLI to manage Flutter SDK versions.
Time Tracking app with Flutter & Firebase
Flipper (Extensible mobile app debugger) for flutter.
Clean architecture flutter: A Flutter package that makes it easy and intuitive to implement Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture in Flutter. This package provides basic classes that are tuned to work wit…
The portfolio site for JFK.DEV, built with Flutter.
Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired from Retrofit.
A demonstration of dynamic cropping in Flutter.
A sampling of patterns for dealing with side effects in Flutter
Flutter package for creating awesome animations.
A collection of samples demonstrating different frameworks and techniques for automated testing
A Kotlin library that makes using SharedPreferences less scary.
A functional reactive framework for managing state evolution and side-effects.