This project serves as an example for dependency management in MATLAB. It uses PackMan (which is based on DepMat by Tom Doel, to fetch packages from git (e.g. from github).
To start a new project that depends on other repos, you can:
- Clone of this repo to use it as the starting point for your project by running:
>> !git clone MyProject
- Go into the project directory:
>> cd MyProject
Modify getDepList.m to reflect your list of dependencies.
Any time you want to install or update the dependencies, call installDeps:
>> installDeps
If you need to add more dependencies, repeat 3 and 4.
Before running your code (e.g. in a main.m script), to add dependencies to the MATLAB path, use the Package Manager object as follows:
>> pm = installDeps;
>> addpath(pm.genPath());