The project has been made using the React truffle box and Material UI.
Note the contracts have been deployed on the Rinkeby test network. So, to use the React app, please switch over to the Rinkeby test network on your Metamask wallet.
You can find it here -
Exchange smart contract uses the constant product function, xy = k(constant) to facilitate the exchange of an ERC20 token with Ether.
Assume that there are 2 tokens A and B in an exchange contract. Let x be the number of A tokens and y be the number of B tokens in the contract. A user wants to swap dx number of A tokens, to get dy number of B tokens back. This swapping of tokens would happen in such a way that even after the trade takes place the product of the amount of both the tokens would still be the same constant - k.
So, (x + dx)(y - dy) = k
=> xy - xdy + ydx - dxdy = xy (as xy = k)
=> dy(dx + x) = ydx
=> dy = y(dx/(dx + x))
dy = y(dx/(dx + x)) is the formula which is being used here to facilitate the swaps.
Before proceeding, ensure that you have truffle installed. You can install it using the following command
npm install -g truffle
After cloning the repo, the following changes need to be made -
Rename .secretExample
as .secret
and replace insert your Mnemonic phrase
with the Mnemonic phrase of your MetaMask account
Rename .envExample
as .env
and replace YOUR_INFURA_KEY
with your Infura key for the Rinkeby Test network.
Then install the neccessary dependencies. To do this, start a new terminal in the repo. Inside the terminal, type the following commands -
cd TokenSwap
npm install
Next compile the solidity files -
truffle compile
You can now deploy the files locally using Ganache -
truffle migrate
You can download Ganache from here
You can also test the files using the command -
truffle test
To deploy the contracts on Rinkeby -
truffle migrate --network rinkeby
To deploy the contracts on Goerli -
truffle migrate --network goerli
Go to the client folder -
cd client
Install packages -
npm install
To start the React App -
npm start