Brevent, black prevent, can app-standby (Since Android 6.0) or force-stop apps without ROOT, prevent apps from running in long time.
- Code: WTFPL and MIT (SimpleAdb, SimpleSu)
- Logo: Commercial
- Drawable: from Android Studio, Apache License Version 2.0
See According WTFPL, you're free to modify codes.
However, please change name if you modify codes.
Since 2.1.5, you cannot name app as Brevent, nor Βrevent or so.
Since 2.1.6, you cannot use Brevent's package name.
Currently, default name and package name is Nrevent
, means Not Brevent
黑域,黑科技阻止,无须 ROOT 即可待机(App Standby, Android 6.0 引入,部分设备不支持)或者强行停止应用,防止程序持续运行。
- 代码: WTFPL 及 MIT (SimpleAdb, SimpleSu)
- 图标: 商业许可
- 其它图片: 来自 Android Studio,Apache License Version 2.0
请参见。根据 WTFPL 协议,您可自由修改黑域代码。
但是,如果您改动代码,请换个名字,当然也不能叫黒域;同时,2.1.6 以后,包名也须修改。