mtpThemeManger is a theme manager for iOS:
- Apply theme to whole app
- Supports multiple theme
- Supports night mode
- Supports styles
- Full customizable
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 9+
mtpThemeManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'mtpThemeManager'
- Import mtpThemeManager
- Define a class that conform Theme protocol
class RedTheme:Theme {
required init() {}
var id: Int=1
var displayName: String="Red"
var tintColor: UIColor = .red
- Apply your theme in AppDelegate like this
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
eManager.shared.setTheme(theme: RedTheme())
return true
thats it, now run your app and enjoy it
To apply night mode you must conform DayNightTheme protocol
class RedTheme:DayNightTheme {
required init() {}
var id: Int=1
var displayName: String="Red"
var tintColor: UIColor = .red
and then apply your theme like this
ThemeManager.shared.setTheme(dayNight: RedTheme(), nightModeStatus: .enable)
ThemeManager.shared.setTheme(dayNight: RedTheme())
ThemeManager.shared.nightModelStatus = .enable
You can customize whole theme for example to customize status bar, just override statusBarStyle variable in your theme
class RedTheme:Theme {
required init() {}
var id: Int=1
var displayName: String="Red"
var tintColor: UIColor = .red
// you can override styles in your theme
var statusBarStyle: StatusBarStyle=StatusBarStyle(backgroundColor: .red, style: .lightContent)
- var id:Int{get}
- var displayName:String{get}
- var tintColor:UIColor{get}
- var primaryTextColor:UIColor{get}
- var backgroundColor:UIColor{get}
- var navigationBarStyle:NavigationBarStyle{get}
- var tabBarStyle:TabBarStyle{get}
- var toolbarStyle:ToolbarStyle{get}
- var searchBarStyle:SearchBarStyle{get}
- var statusBarStyle:StatusBarStyle{get}
- var keyboardStyle:KeyboardStyle{get}
- var buttonStyle:ButtonStyle{get}
- var textFieldStyle:TextFieldStyle{get}
- var textViewStyle:TextViewStyle{get}
- var activityIndicatorViewStyle : ActivityIndicatorViewStyle {get}
- var scrollViewStyle:ScrollViewStyle{get}
- var segmentedControlStyle:SegmentedControlStyle{get}
- var stepperStyle:StepperStyle{get}
- var pageControlStyle:PageControlStyle{get}
- var progressViewStyle:ProgressViewStyle{get}
- var sliderStyle:SliderStyle{get}
- var switchStyle:SwitchStyle{get}
In addition to the above properties, the DayNightTheme include the following properties too
- var tintColorNight:UIColor{get}
- var primaryTextColorNight:UIColor{get}
- var backgroundColorNight:UIColor{get}
- var navigationBarStyleNight:NavigationBarStyle{get}
- var tabBarStyleNight:TabBarStyle{get}
- var toolbarStyleNight:ToolbarStyle{get}
- var searchBarStyleNight:SearchBarStyle{get}
- var statusBarStyleNight:StatusBarStyle{get}
- var keyboardStyleNight:KeyboardStyle{get}
- var buttonStyleNight:ButtonStyle{get}
- var textFieldStyleNight:TextFieldStyle{get}
- var textViewStyleNight:TextViewStyle{get}
- var activityIndicatorViewStyleNight : ActivityIndicatorViewStyle {get}
- var scrollViewStyleNight:ScrollViewStyle{get}
- var segmentedControlStyleNight:SegmentedControlStyle{get}
- var stepperStyleNight:StepperStyle{get}
- var pageControlStyleNight:PageControlStyle{get}
- var progressViewStyleNight:ProgressViewStyle{get}
- var sliderStyleNight:SliderStyle{get}
- var switchStyleNight:SwitchStyle{get}
One of mtpThemeManager features are styles, you can define styles and use them wherever you need for example i define two button style and use them
let roundButtonStyle=ButtonStyle(tintColor: .orange, borderColor: .orange, borderWidth: 2, cornerRadius: 9)
let riseduttonStyle=ButtonStyle(backgroundColor: UIColor.init(red: 90/255, green: 200/255, blue: 250/255, alpha: 1) , tintColor: .white)
override func viewDidLoad() {
button1.setStyle(style: roundButtonStyle)
button2.setStyle(style: roundButtonStyle)
button3.setStyle(style: roundButtonStyle)
button4.setStyle(style: riseduttonStyle)
- StatusBarStyle
- NavigationBarStyle
- TabBarStyle
- ToolbarStyle
- SearchBarStyle
- TextFieldStyle
- TextViewStyle
- ButtonStyle
- ActivityIndicatorViewStyle
- ScrollViewStyle
- SegmentedControlStyle
- StepperStyle
- PageControlStyle
- ProgressViewStyle
- SliderStyle
- SwitchStyle
- KeyboardStyle
You can access current theme properties like current tint color and etc
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.tintColor = .white
// apply current themeColor to navigation bar barTintColor
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = ThemeManager.shared.tintColor
- public var tintColor:UIColor?
- public var backgroundColor:UIColor?
- public var primaryTextColor:UIColor?
- public var navigationBarStyle:NavigationBarStyle?
- public var tabBarStyle:TabBarStyle
- public var toolbarStyle:ToolbarStyle?
- public var searchBarStyle:SearchBarStyle?
- public var statusBarStyle:StatusBarStyle?
- public var buttonStyles:ButtonStyle?
- public var textFieldStyle:TextFieldStyle?
- public var textViewStyle:TextViewStyle?
- public var keyboardStyle:KeyboardStyle?
- public var activityIndicatorViewStyle:ActivityIndicatorViewStyle?
- public var switchStyle:SwitchStyle?
- public var sliderStyle:SliderStyle?
- public var progressViewStyle:ProgressViewStyle?
- public var pageControlStyle:PageControlStyle?
- public var stepperStyle:StepperStyle?
- public var segmentedControlStyle:SegmentedControlStyle?
- public var scrollViewStyle:ScrollViewStyle?
There is a notification that fired when theme did changed
override func viewDidLoad() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(themeDidChanged(notification:)), name: NSNotification.Name.ThemeDidChange, object: nil)
@objc func themeDidChanged(notification:Notification) {
if let theme=notification.object as? Theme{
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Mostafa Taghipour,
mtpThemeManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.