KISS genealogy tree visualization depending on d3.js only.
This tool can only display tree-like genealogies, e.g. all nodes are descendants of one given ancestor, like in a pedigree tree. It won't be able to render generic genealogy graphs with non-unique root ancestor.
A basic setup requires only to put 3 files in a directory, and you'll be able to view the result locally with a browser:
- genealogic-d3.js
- an HTML file (cf. index.html template)
- a JSON 'genealogy' file, describing a descendants tree
- optionally, a subdirectory containing miniatures .jpg images, named after the genealogy nodes .name attributes.
JSON genealogy structure :
"name": "Node name",
"caption": "Optional caption",
"miniature_img_url": "Optional image url",
"partner": {
// Optional node with all standard attributes available, except .children
"children": [ // Optional
// Recurse
You can check the skywalker_genealogy.json for a complete example.
The bundles also include the JS & CSS code for the birthday calendar. The following will generate them, plus a HTML file containing both the calendar and genealogy, assuming there is a file called ${genealogy}_genealogy.json and a directory miniatures${genealogy}/_ containing the pictures :
make genealogy=skywalker
For the needs of the demo, index.html is a bit verbose. There is a basic HTML file skeleton to use genealogic.d3
<script type="text/javascript" src="bundle.js"></script>
<svg width="1000" height="1000" id="genealogic-tree"/>
<svg id="genealogic-miniature"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
json_input_genealogy: 'my-family-genealogy.json',
path_to_miniature_imgs: 'miniatures_dir/'
use_fixed_miniature: false, // Defaults to true
- svg_tree_selector : CSS selector to the main HTML element where the tree will be inserted.
- json_input_genealogy : URI to the JSON genealogy file, or a javascript genealogy dictionary
- path_to_miniature_imgs : miniatures images directory URI. If this evaluate to false, only miniatures specified through the optional .miniature_img_url attribute will be used.
- miniature_img_ext : the miniatures image files extension
- use_fixed_miniature : whether to use a unique floating circle to viusalize miniatures, or else embed them inside each node circle
- miniature_svg_selector : CSS selector to the HTML element that will be used as the miniature "window".
- miniature_photo_size : in pixels
- packing_generation_factor : control the differences in sizes of the node circles: it must always be higher than the tree max depth, with high values meaning that all circles will be the same size
- d3_color_scale : cf.
- wrapped_text_line_height_ems : spacing in ems between names / captions multiple lines when text needs to be wrapped
- post_rendering_callback : if defined, this function will be executed once d3.js rendering over
The list of all those parameters default values can be found in the source code here:
This visualization tool can be combined with an 'upload-and-crop-your-own-picture' plugin, to let members of the family upload their photos themselves. E.g. :
Also, this is a useful command to list missing miniatures:
diff <(jq -r '..|objects|.name' genealogy.json | sort) <(ls miniatures | sed 's/\..*//' | sort)
Tl;dr plain English version:
- Anakin:
- Padmé:
- Luke:
- Mara:
- Ben:
- Han:
- Leia:
- Jacen:
- Jaina:
- more code source comments
- cyclotymic complexity below 5
- better handle homonyms
- mobile-friendly responsive version