8000 GitHub - JREAM/config-sublime: My Sublime Text 3 Configuration
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Config Sublime

These are my sublime settings, keymap, and configurations.

  • OS - Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10
  • Version - Sublime Text 3, Build 3126
  • Wording
    • Packages - Plugins, Extensions, Addons
    • KeyBindings - Hotkeys, Shortcuts
    • Settings - Configuration Settings Globally, or for a Plugin


These are Paths on Linux to the Sublime Text 3 configuration files.

  • ~/.config/sublime-text-3/
    • /Backup
    • /Cache
    • /Index (Don't Touch)
    • /Installed Packages
    • /Local
      • Auto Save Session.sublime_session
      • License.sublime_license
      • Session.sublime_session
    • /Packages
      • /ColorPicker (Example)
        • Colorpicker.sublime-settings (Overwrite Default Settings)
        • Default (Linux).sublime-keymap (Overwrite Default KeyBindings)
      • /User (All User Settings/Keybindings)
        • Preferences.sublime-settings (Your Custom Settings)
        • Default (Linux).sublime-keymap (Your Custom KeyBindings)
      • I cannot find the Default Package, It seems like it's just part of Users maybe.
        • NOTE: I installed the .deb file
  • /opt/sublime_text
    • /Icon
    • /Packages (Just compiled files)
      • *.sublime-package

Packages Control

The plugins file you have to install with the Sublime package manager by going to https://packagecontrol.io/installation. Then you press CTRL+SHIFT+P and type Inst and you should see Install Package.

Install Package Control

First, Go to View > Show Console or CTRL+~(tilde) and enter the following:

import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = 'df21e130d211cfc94d9b0905775a7c0f' + '1e3d39e33b79698005270310898eea76'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( 'http://packagecontrol.io/' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
  • Next, restart and access your menu with CTRL + SHIFT + P.
  • Type "install" and you should see Package Control.

User Settings

You can copy my user settings if you like them. Anything prefixed with an _ underscore means its not being used, that's because you can't comment in JSON so it's there incase you want to use it.


All Hotkeys/Shortcuts are for in Linux/Windows. Apple commands will be different, I don't use Apple.

System Hotkeys

Method Key Combo
Overlay Command Palette (default) CTRL + SHIFT + P
Fuzzy File Search (default) CTRL + p
Show Workspaces (default) CTRL + ALT + P
View File Scope (default) CTRL + R
Go to Definition F12
Next Tab Forward (default) CTRL + TAB
Next Tab Backwards (default) CTRL + SHIFT + TAB
Toggle Sidebar (default) CTRL + (K + B) - Hold CTRL the entire time
Editor Layouts
Info A Column/Row is Considered a Group, a Group contains Tabs which are Files.
1 Edit Columns (default) alt+1
2 Edit Columns (default) alt+2
3 Edit Columns (default) alt+3
4 Edit Columns (default) alt+4
2 Edit Rows (default) alt+8
3 Edit Rows (default) alt+9
4x4 Grid (default) alt+4
Full Screen (default) F11
Distraction Free Mode (default) Shift + F11 (no sidebar)
Find Matching Bracket (default) CTRL + M
Find in File (default) CTRL + F
Find Next (default) F3
Find Previous (default) Shift + F3
Quick Find (default) Highlight Text CTRL + F3
Quick Find All (default) Highlight Text ALT + F3 - Highlights all Occurances
Replace in File (default) CTRL + H
Find or Replace in Folder (default) CTRL + SHIFT + F
Go to Line (default) CTRL + G
Delete Line CTRL + E
Duplicate Line CTRL + D
Move Line Up CTRL + SHIFT + UP
Move Line Down CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN
Moving By Words (default) CTRL + LEFT or RIGHT
Select Words (default) CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT or RIGHT
Remove Word (default) CTRL + DELETE
Fold Scope CTRL + [
Unfold Scope CTRL + ]
Fold Entire Scope CTRL + SHIFT + [
Unfold Entire Scope CTRL + SHIFT + ]
Single Selection (default) ESC (If Multi Select is On)
Expand Selection to Line (default) CTRL+L
Expand Selection to Brackets (default) CTRL+SHIFT+M
Multi Select from Highlight (default) CTRL + SHIFT + L (aka Split into Lines)
Indent (default) TAB or CTRL + ]
Unindent (default) SHIFT + TAB or CTRL + [
Select All (default) CTRL + A


These Hotkeys are for Extensions.

Method Key Combo
Markdown Preview ALT + M
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify CTRL + SHIFT + H (use a .jsbeautify globally or perproject)
AdvancedNewFile SUPER+ALT+N Create new file/folders from project rootn
Themr CTRL+F5 Dialog to quickly swap themes
Git CTRL+SHIFT+P Type git and run any Git command from current Git Folder.
Terminal CTRL+SHIFT+T Open terminal in current file/folder you have open (You can configure your terminal)
CSSComb CTRL+SHIFT+C Organize the names (Conflicts with ColorPicker Hotkey, remap one or the other)
ColorPicket CTRL+SHIFT+C Open a Color Picker! (Conflicts with ColorPicker Hotkey, remap one or the other)
bs3-subime-plugin type <bs3 in your editor for a dropdown
              | In  new file type `bs3-template:html5`<kbd>TAB</kbd> to create a boilerplates

Custom Snippets

Stole this off @seneca in #orlandodevs on Slack

{ "keys": ["leftSHIFT+super+i"], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": {"contents": "import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()"}}`
<script>document.write('<script src="http://' + (location.host || '${1:localhost}').split(':')[0] + ':${2:35729}/livereload.js?snipver=1">')</script>


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