pythonMail is an intermediate program written in Python that let's you send automated happy birthday wishes to your loved ones in due time.
Before running this program ensure that: Step 1 - You create a random email to test the program
Step 2 - In the "manage account" settings of the email, go to "Security" and actived the option "Allow insecure access from apps"
[?] The purpose of step 2 is to allow the smtp library to access the newly created account at the time the email is sent
Step 3 - The files;
- birthdays.csv: shhoul contain the emails and birthdays of your loved ones
- letters_template / letter_3.txt: a sample of the birthday wish to be sent through email to them
Step 4 - Follow the comments in the code for appropriate guidance,
- Hands-on the smtp library
- Reading and writing to files using the "open with()" method
- Data collection and manipulation using the Pandas Library