Python library for working with settings of IL-2 FB Dedicated Server
Table of contents
This part of documentation describes server parameters. They are groupped by
sections like in server's confs.ini
This section defined mostly server's network parameters.
- serverName
Name of server, which will be displayed in a list of servers in LAN.
Type: string
Default: (empty value)
Example: serverName=Test server
- serverDescription
Description of server, which will be displayed in a list of servers in LAN.
Type: string
Default: (empty value)
Example: serverDescription=Server for testing new features
- serverChannels
Max number of users.
Type: integer
Min: 1
Max: 128
Default: 8
Example: serverChannels=64
- speed
Server's throughput in bytes/sec (need more details).
Common values Value Comment 3000 Modem 28800 5000 Modem 56000 25000 DSL cable Type: integer
Min: 300
Max: 1000000
Default: 5000
Example: speed=25000
- localHost
Address of network interface to listen for all incoming connections on.
Type: string
Default: (empty value, listen on all interfaces)
Example: localHost=
- localPort
UDP port number for client to connect to. Users enter this value when connecting to server.
Type: integer
Min: 1000
Max: 65000
Default: 21000
8000Example: serverChannels=21000
- socksHost
Proxy host (need more details).
Type: string
Default: (empty value)
Example: (no example)
- socksPort
Proxy port (need more details).
Type: integer
Default: 1080
Example: (no example)
- socksUser
Proxy user name (need more details).
Type: string
Default: (empty value)
Example: (no example)
- socksPwd
Password for proxy user (need more details).
Type: string
Default: (empty value)
Example: (no example)
- checkRuntime
Strictness of game version checks (need more details).
Allowed values Value Comment 0 No checks 1 Checks enabled 2 Strict checks enabled (may not work under wine
on Linux and Mac OS)Type: integer
Min: 0
Max: 2
Default: 0
Example: checkRuntime=2
- checkTimeSpeedDifferense
Max allowed difference in time between server and client (protection from SpeedHack-like cheats). This may especially happen when the connection quality is low and connectivity errors occur. This may also happen if the hardware malfunctions, such as overheating of the computer timer causing frequency changes.
Type: float
Min: 0.01
(1%)Default: 0.2
(20%)Example: checkTimeSpeedDifferense=0.2
- checkTimeSpeedInterval
Max allowed time period when time difference can exceed
value. Client will be disconnected from the server after this period.Type: integer
Min: 1
Max: 1000
Default: 17
Example: checkTimeSpeedInterval=17
- checkServerTimeSpeed
Enable protection from SpeedHack-like cheats at server side.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: checkServerTimeSpeed=1
- checkClientTimeSpeed
Enable protection from SpeedHack-like cheats at client side.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: checkClientTimeSpeed=0
- difficulty
Difficulty settings. Use difficulty editor to understand values.
Type: integer
Default: 193791
Example: difficulty=8796093022207
- SkinDownload
Allow users to see skins, which are not present on server (need more details).
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: SkinDownload=1
- allowCustomSounds
Allow to use custom sounds in
directories (need more details).Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: allowCustomSounds=1
- reflyDisabled
When enabled,
button will be disabled until next mission.Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: reflyDisabled=0
- reflyKIADelay
Initial penalty (delay in seconds) for refly after death.
Type: integer
Default: 0
Example: reflyKIADelay=60
- reflyKIADelayMultiplier
Number of seconds, which will be multiplied by number of users's deaths and added to initial penalty for refly after death. So, final penalty is following:
penalty = reflyKIADelay + reflyKIADelayMultiplier * NUMBER_OF_KIA_IN_MISSION
Type: float
Default: 0.0
Example: reflyKIADelayMultiplier=30.0
- maxAllowedKIA
Limit of deaths per mission.
Type: integer
Default: -1
(no limit)Example: maxAllowedKIA=20
- allowMorseAsText
When enabled, online clients are allowed to use Morse as text feature online.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: allowMorseAsText=1
- filterUserNames
When enabled, strips invalid characters from names. Valid characters are those, which have codes within ranges
(need more details).Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: filterUserNames=0
- disableNetStatStatistics
When enabled, all online statistics are disabled (not visible). Statistics are shown with
key by default.USER STAT
console command will not work either.Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: disableNetStatStatistics=0
- showPilotNumber
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's number.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotNumber=1
- showPilotPing
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's ping.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotPing=1
- showPilotName
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's name.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotName=1
- showPilotArmy
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's army.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotArmy=1
- showPilotACDesignation
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's aircraft designation.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotACDesignation=1
- showPilotACType
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's aircraft type.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotACType=1
- showPilotScore
When enabled, online stats shows pilot's score.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: showPilotScore=1
- showTeamScore
When enabled, online stats shows team score. This is combined score of all pilots in the team. It includes all scores even from pilots that have already quit playing the mission.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: showTeamScore=0
- cumulativeTeamScore
When enabled, the team score is not zeroed between missions.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: cumulativeTeamScore=0
This part describes options available for server's remote console.
- IP
TCP port number to listen for connnections on.
Type: integer
Min: 0
Max: 65000
Default: 0
(disable console)Example: IP=20000
List of hostnames, which are allowed to connect to server's console.
By default only connections from
are allowed. IfNET.localHost
is not specified, then system'slocalhost
is used.Type: space-separated strings
Default: (empty value)
When enabled, console messages will be logged into a file.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: LOG=0
Name of file to log console messages into.
Type: string
Default: log.lst
Example: logs/console.log
When enabled, console log messages will be prefixed with time.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: LOGTIME=0
When enabled, existing console log file will be preserved.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: LOGKEEP=0
How much console records to keep in log file.
Type: integer
Min: 0
Max: 10000
Default: 128
Example: HISTORY=1024
How much console commands to keep in console's history.
Type: integer
Min: 0
Max: 10000
Default: 128
Example: HISTORYCMD=1024
This part describes options available for server's Device Link interface.
- host
Hostnames to listen for incoming requests on.
Type: string
Default: (empty value)
(listen on system'slocalhost
- port
UDP port number to listen for incoming requests on.
Type: integer
Min: 0
Max: 65000
Default: 0
(disable Device Link)Example: IP=10000
List of hostnames, which are allowed to connect to server's Device Link.
Type: space-separated strings
Default: (empty value)
This part describes options for different game conditions.
- eventlog
Name of file to log events into. This file is created only when a mission starts.
Type: string
Default: eventlog.lst
Example: logs/events.log
- eventlogkeep
When enabled, events from previous mission be preserved.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: eventlogkeep=1
- eventlogHouse
Log events about destroyed buildings and trees.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: eventlogHouse=0
- NoMissionInfoHud
When enabled, mission related messages like
Mission completed
are not shown at the center of the screen.Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: NoMissionInfoHud=0
- noKillInfoHud
When enabled, kill related messages like
Enemy/friendly xxx destroyed
are not shown at the right side of the screen.Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: noKillInfoHud=0
- lowInfoHud
Display HUD messages at the bottom of the screen, instead of center of the screen.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: lowInfoHud=0
- ShowMorseAsText
When enabled, all Morse code beeps are also shown as text on screen.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: ShowMorseAsText=0
- BlockMorseChat
This switch is related to undocumented "easter egg" feature in 4.10 patch. By typing a chat message online so that the message starts with
will cause the message to be sent as Morse code beeps instead of text. This switch can be used to disable this feature in case some players decide to start chatting in Morse and you don't want to hear the annoying beeping noises.Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: BlockMorseChat=0
- SmallMapWPLabels
When enabled, the map shows waypoint labels with small font instead of large.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: SmallMapWPLabels=1
- SkipParatrooperViews
When enabled, external camera views skip bailed out paratroopers.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 0
Example: SkipParatrooperViews=0
- TypeClouds
Use new clouds render from versions 4.x.
Type: boolean
(0 — false, 1 — true)Default: 1
Example: TypeClouds=1
Options for game chat.
- autoLogDetail
Amount of events users will see chat message.
Allowed values Value Comment 0 Minimum of events (e.g., user joined, user left, user is cheating). 1 More events, including kills, craches, captures and so on. 2 More events, including destruction of ground units. 3 All events, including different kinds of damages. Type: integer
Min: 0
Max: 3
Default: 3
Example: autoLogDetail=3
This section is about Cheating has been detected!
It contains options which allow to limit the amount of lag acceptable by the host before a player will be autokicked.
Settings to leanient will have no effect, while settings too strict will cause a lot of autokicking.
- nearMaxLagTime
Defines the max lag time allowed for an aircraft in an endangered position before it is considered warping (cheating). This is meant to address players who are lagging on purpose.
Type: float
Min: 0.1
Max: 30.0
Default: 2.0
Example: nearMaxLagTime=2
- farMaxLagTime
Defines the maximum delay (in seconds) between packets received from a given client. A time greater than this is considered a warp.
Type: float
Min: value of nearMaxLagTime
Max: 30.0
Default: 10.0
Example: farMaxLagTime=10
- cheaterWarningDelay
Defines the maximum amount of time the system will refrain from taking action against a player acting out of bounds. This can be used to avoid issuing multiple warnings for a single glitch.
Type: float
Min: 1.0
Max: 30.0
Defau 5F7E lt: 10.0
Example: cheaterWarningDelay=10
- cheaterWarningNum
Defines the max number of warnings issued before a player is autokicked by the host. A value of
prevents autokicking.Type: integer
Default: 3
Example: cheaterWarningNum=3