GitHub repository for a PhD Thesis template using LaTex.
Read this article from GitHub Docs on how to create a repository from a template.
Click Use this template button and select Create a new repository.
Select with which account you want to create the repository and give it a name.
Check out any additional options you want to incorporate.
Click Create Repository and you are all set.
To build the pdf of the Thesis, execute the following:
latexmk -pdf -output-directory=build src/main.tex
Note: I use
for an automated compilation of this template pdf as it has cross-references(bibliography, table of contents). I do not test any other compilers. Please read more about choosing a compiler on this overleaf article. -
To get the pdf of a particular release version, go to the release and find it in the assets.
To build the new plots, modify the as you wish and execute the following:
python3 src/
Note: The images of the plots for this are already generated in this project repository and are in the plots/.
This is of course only one example way in which a user can generate plots for their LaTex Document. Feel free to play around and incorporate your prefered way.