You can verify using this code if your OpenCV has OpenCL enabled using an implementation of the T-API and also compare the performance of both Mat and UMat. This code is part of a post on my blog about UMat.
Your OpenCV has to be built with the flag WITH_OPENCL
set as ON
This project was developed using Eclipse. Therefore, clone using git clone
or download and open it as a Project, configure the Linker and Compiler to match your OpenCV folder.
For compiling with G++ (Considering the OpenCV folders C:\opencv\install\include
and C:\opencv\install\x64\mingw\lib
git clone
cd UMatTest\src
g++ "-IC:\\opencv\\install\\include" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o "UMatTest.o" "UMatTest.cpp"
g++ "-LC:\\opencv\\install\\x64\\mingw\\lib" -o UMatTest.exe "UMatTest.o" -lopencv_core340 -lopencv_highgui340 -lopencv_imgcodecs340 -lopencv_imgproc340
Give a look at my results with an i5 3330/AMD Radeon 7970 on the post on my blog.