Linux CLI port of Capture2Text v4.6.2
sync from:
The OCR results from Capture2Text were generally better than standard Tesseract, so it seemed ideal to make this run on Linux. It turns out the console version can actually run without anything more than build changes.
Tesseract, Qt 5 (cannot be version 4), Leptonica
sudo apt-get install -y libtesseract-dev qtbase5-dev qt5-default libleptonica-dev libqt5texttospeech5-dev qtspeech5-speechd-plugin libspeechd-dev
sudo yum install -y tesseract-devel qt5-qtbase qt5-default leptonica-devel qt5-qtspeech-speechd
pip install conan
conan install .
then use qtcreator to build the project.
after build.
copy lib/*.dll
to the same folder as Capture2Text.exe file.
in the same Capture2Text.exe folder ,creat a folder called tessdata
and put the trained data into it.
QT_SELECT=5 qmake Capture2Text/ -d
wget ""
unzip -o "" -d "tessdata"
rm ""
QT_SELECT=5 qmake-qt5 Capture2Text/ -d
wget ""
unzip -o "" -d "tessdata"
rm ""
- can not capture screen on wayland.MaartenBaert/ssr#431
- Compile with Visual Studio on Windows ,should set runtime library to /MD but not /MDd
qmake Capture2Text/ -d CONFIG+=console