Terminus is Pantheon's Command Line Interface (CLI), providing at least equivalent functionality to the Pantheon's browser-based Dashboard and easier scripting.
If you would like to contribute, pull requests are welcome!
Our documentation is kept in the Terminus Manual, located here: https://pantheon.io/docs/terminus
Operating System | Version |
MacOS | 10.14+ |
Ubuntu | Latest LTS |
Windows + WSL + Ubuntu | TBD |
These packages are required to take full advantage of Terminus.
Composer 2 (Needed for the plugin manager component)
PHP (v7.4+)
Git (May be needed for the plugin manager component)
Drush (Useful to run incompatible-with-Terminus Drush commands)< 690B /p>
WP-CLI (Useful to run incompatible-with-Terminus WP-CLI commands)
Terminus is published as a package under pantheon-systems/external. To install it, you should run:
brew install pantheon-systems/external/terminus
*** TBD ***
Refer to the Terminus manual for other installation methods.