Libraries for creating TFTP servers and clients
TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol
We can start a tftp server, and then a tftp client could download/upload file from server.
The server has onRead
and onError
For example:
var server = await TFtpServer.bind("", port: 6699);
server.listen((socket) {
socket.listen(onRead: (file, onProcess) {
print("read file from server:$file");
onProcess(progressCallback: (count, total) {
print("read:${count / total}%");
return "$readAblePath/$file"; // server will read file from return value
}, onWrite: (file, doTransform) {
infoController.add("write file to server:$file");
return "$writeAblePath/$file"; // server will write file to return value
}, onError: (code, msg) {
We can create a tftp client to download/upload file to a tftp server.
- init
var client = await TFtpClient.bind("", port);
- Get
client.get(localFilePath, remoteFilePath,remoteHost, remotePort);
- Put
client.put(localFilePath, remoteFilePath,remoteHost, remotePort);
If you want to read/write file to EXTERNAL STORAGE
,you should
Add permissions in AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>