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🗺️ Advanced DND note-taking webapp for both sides of the equation


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You need to have corepack enabled in your current node installation. Make sure you have node 21 installed and run the following in your terminal:

npm uninstall yarn -g
corepack enable
corepack install
yarn exec env # <-- This should output a path to the yarn binary rather than a list of environment variables - if it doesn't consult the yarn docs https://yarnpkg.com/corepack

Discord activity

To get tunnels set up for your discord activity, you need to do the following:

brew install cloudflared # install cloudflare tunnel service
cloudflared login # login to your cloudflare account - make sure to give it access to one of your domains here

cloudflared tunnel create discord-activity # create a tunnel named dndnotes
cloudflared tunnel route dns discord-activity dndatunnel.floffah.dev # replace domain with your own

cloudflare tunnel create dndnotes-web # create a tunnel named dndnotes-web
cloudflare tunnel route dns dndnotes-web dndnotestunnel.floffah.dev # replace domain with your own

yarn dev # start the dndnotes web dev server (where the api is hosted) and the discord-activity frontend dev server
yarn tunnel # start the cloudflare tunnels

Then link these domains to discord. In your developer dashboard, go to the "URL Mappings" tab and add the following mappings: (replace the domains with your own)

  • / - dndatunnel.floffah.dev
  • /dndnotes - dndnotestunnel.floffah.dev
  • /icons - api.iconify.design
  • /pubnub - ps.pndsn.com

Environment variables


  • DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET = discord oauth client secret
  • MONGODB_URI = mongodb connection string
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = base url for the web server, should be http://localhost:3000 in dev - in prod i have it set to https://dndnotes.floffah.dev
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID = discord oauth client id
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI = discord oauth redirect uri, set to http://localhost:3000/api/discord/redirect in dev


  • MONGODB_URI_TESTS = mongodb connection string for tests

Discord activity

  • DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET = discord oauth client secret
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_DISCORD_CLIENT_ID = discord oauth client id
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = should be set to https://<discord client id>.discordsays.com in all environments. discord proxies the prod deployment AND the development cloudflare tunnel
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_FORCE_PROXIED_ICONS = should always be true in all environments - forced iconify to use the iconify api through a discordsays.com proxied url mapping