FEMA’s list of Skillsets (& associated Skills/Tasks) helps Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) qualify personnel. Common Skillsets suggest training & provide a standardized vocabulary to specify personnel skills between EOCs. This repository contains derivative products of the FEMA skillsets to aid in their effective use.
A handy way to view these is to use a spreadsheet to list all the skills and tasks in the left columns, and then list the positions in your EOC (whether ICS, Departmental, or ISM) across the top rows. We provide a sample spreadsheet already filled out, but you should edit the positions to reflect your EOC organization chart. (Maybe start with only a few key/top positions for the initial phase.)
Be aware of setting too high a bar for staff and volunteers, so the total number of skills/tasks required per position is shown across the bottom as a reality check. I also found it useful to distinguish between "required" and "suggested" training/skills.
Planned for the near future is a listing of all the current Skillsets, Skills, and Tasks in one place, easy to morph into whatever format you desire. We'll likely provide Excel, Google Sheets, and JSON versions to begin with.